У меня много проблем с этим приложением. Я был на этом весь день и не могу понять это. У меня есть приложение Java для класса. Проблема, с которой я столкнулся, заключается в попытке присвоить JRadioButtons
переменным в массиве, а затем передать их в формулу. Если бы кто-то мог помочь, я был бы очень признателен.
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.border.*;
import javax.swing.JRadioButton;
public class MortgageCalculatorGUI8 extends JFrame {
JPanel panel1 = new JPanel();
double Principal;
double [] Interest = {5.35, 5.5, 5.75};
double temp_Interest;
int [] Length = {7, 15, 30};
int temp_Length;
boolean ok = false;
public MortgageCalculatorGUI8(){
getContentPane ().setLayout (null);
setSize (400,400);
panel1.setLayout (null);
panel1.setBounds (0, 0, 2000, 800);
add (panel1);
JLabel mortgageLabel = new JLabel("Mortgage Amount $", JLabel.LEFT);
mortgageLabel.setBounds (15, 15, 150, 30);
panel1.add (mortgageLabel);
final JTextField mortgageText = new JTextField(10);
mortgageText.setBounds (130, 15, 150, 30);
panel1.add (mortgageText);
JLabel termLabel = new JLabel("Mortgage Term (Years)", JLabel.LEFT);
termLabel.setBounds (340, 40, 150, 30);
panel1.add (termLabel);
JTextField termText = new JTextField(3);
termText.setBounds (340, 70, 150, 30);
panel1.add (termText);
JLabel intRateLabel = new JLabel("Interest Rate (%)", JLabel.LEFT);
intRateLabel.setBounds (340, 94, 150, 30);
panel1.add (intRateLabel);
JTextField intRateText = new JTextField(5);
intRateText.setBounds (340, 120, 150, 30);
panel1.add (intRateText);
JLabel mPaymentLabel = new JLabel("Monthly Payment $", JLabel.LEFT);
mPaymentLabel.setBounds (550, 40, 150, 30);
panel1.add (mPaymentLabel);
JTextField mPaymentText = new JTextField(10);
mPaymentText.setBounds (550, 70, 150, 30);
panel1.add (mPaymentText);
// JLabel paymentLabel = new JLabel ("Payment #");
// JLabel balLabel = new JLabel (" Balance");
// JLabel ytdPrincLabel = new JLabel (" Principal");
// JLabel ytdIntLabel = new JLabel (" Interest");
JTextArea textArea = new JTextArea(10, 31);
textArea.setBounds (550, 100, 150, 30);
panel1.add (textArea);
JScrollPane scroll = new JScrollPane(textArea, JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS,JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS);
scroll.setBounds (450, 200, 300, 150);
panel1.add (scroll);
public void rbuttons(){
JLabel tYears = new JLabel("Years of Loan Amount");
tYears.setBounds (30, 35, 150, 30);
panel1.add (tYears);
JRadioButton b7Yr = new JRadioButton("7 Years",false);
b7Yr.setBounds (30, 58, 150, 30);
panel1.add (b7Yr);
JRadioButton b15Yr = new JRadioButton("15 Years",false);
b15Yr.setBounds (30, 80, 150, 30);
panel1.add (b15Yr);
JRadioButton b30Yr = new JRadioButton("30 Years",false);
b30Yr.setBounds (30, 101, 150, 30);
panel1.add (b30Yr);
JLabel tInterest = new JLabel("Interest Rate Of the Loan");
tInterest.setBounds (175, 35, 150, 30);
JRadioButton b535Int = new JRadioButton("5.35% Interest",false);
b535Int.setBounds (178, 58, 150, 30);
panel1.add (b535Int);
JRadioButton b55Int = new JRadioButton("5.5% Interest",false);
b55Int.setBounds (178, 80, 150, 30);
panel1.add (b55Int);
JRadioButton b575Int = new JRadioButton("5.75% Interest",false);
b575Int.setBounds (178, 101, 150, 30);
panel1.add (b575Int);
JButton calculateButton = new JButton("CALCULATE");
calculateButton.setBounds (30, 400, 120, 30);
panel1.add (calculateButton);
calculateButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
if(e.getSource () == b7Yr){
b7Yr = Length[0];
if(e.getSource () == b15Yr){
b15Yr = Length[1];
if(e.getSource () == b30Yr){
b30Yr = Length[2];
if(e.getSource () == b535Int){
b535Int = Interest[0];
if(e.getSource () == b55Int){
b55Int = Interest[1];
if(e.getSource () == b575Int){
b575Int = Interest[2];
double Principal;
// double [] Interest;
// int [] Length;
double M_Interest = Interest /(12*100);
double Months = Length * 12;
Principal = Double.parseDouble (mortgageText.getText());
double M_Payment = Principal * ( M_Interest / (1 - (Math.pow((1 + M_Interest), - Months))));
NumberFormat Money = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();
JButton clearButton = new JButton("CLEAR");
clearButton.setBounds (160, 400, 120, 30);
panel1.add (clearButton);
clearButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
mortgageText.setText (null);
b7Yr.setSelected (false);
b15Yr.setSelected (false);
b30Yr.setSelected (false);
b535Int.setSelected (false);
b55Int.setSelected (false);
b575Int.setSelected (false);
JButton exitButton = new JButton("EXIT");
exitButton.setBounds (290, 400, 120, 30);
panel1.add (exitButton);
exitButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
public static void main(String[] args) {
MortgageCalculatorGUI8 frame = new MortgageCalculatorGUI8();
frame.setBounds (400, 200, 800, 800);
frame.setTitle ("Mortgage Calculator 1.0.4");
frame.setDefaultCloseOperation (EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
frame.setVisible (true);