Согласно документации по git, git pull
выполнит выборку текущей ветви и затем запустит git merge
, чтобы объединить изменения.После того, как коллега зафиксировал и отправил свои изменения на сервер, я отправился на их извлечение.
Сначала я зафиксировал изменения, которые у меня были:
git add src
git add war
Запуск git status
подтвердил, что мои изменениябыли организованы, чтобы быть совершенными.Затем я запустил:
git commit -m "Another commit to work on scrolling"
После этого я снял изменения:
git pull
Это показало мне несколько предупреждений:
remote: Counting objects: 31, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (16/16), done.
remote: Total 16 (delta 13), reused 3 (delta 0)
Unpacking objects: 100% (16/16), done.
From github.com:FullCreative/Loop
+ 3f00b3f...2e09a49 master -> master (forced update)
Warning: fetch updated the current branch head.
Warning: fast-forwarding your working tree from
Warning: commit 3f00b3f6cb6ed6beddb16baa92f1beaa82b6944c.
Already up-to-date.
Наконец, я нажал свойизменения - или, скорее, пытались их протолкнуть - на сервер:
git push
Теперь, почему это удалило все мои изменения?Даже файлы, которые мой коллега не изменил , были удалены из моего рабочего каталога.
Вывод на консоль:
Дляниже приведен журнал консоли от моего терминала.Здесь показаны команды, которые я выполнил, и вывод этих команд:
jem@jem-VPCF136FM:~$ cd git
jem@jem-VPCF136FM:~/git$ l
Loop/ Loop-1-18.tar.gz
jem@jem-VPCF136FM:~/git$ cd Loop
jem@jem-VPCF136FM:~/git/Loop$ l
Loop/ README readme.textile
jem@jem-VPCF136FM:~/git/Loop$ l
Loop/ README readme.textile
jem@jem-VPCF136FM:~/git/Loop$ cd Loop
jem@jem-VPCF136FM:~/git/Loop/Loop$ l
src/ war/
jem@jem-VPCF136FM:~/git/Loop/Loop$ git add src
jem@jem-VPCF136FM:~/git/Loop/Loop$ git status
# On branch master
# Changes to be committed:
# (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
# modified: src/com/fullcreative/loop/Globals.java
# modified: src/com/fullcreative/loop/LoopController.java
# modified: src/com/fullcreative/loop/LoopDao.java
# modified: src/com/fullcreative/loop/LoopDaoJdo.java
# modified: src/com/fullcreative/loop/LoopService.java
# new file: src/com/fullcreative/loop/TestLoopController.java
# Changes not staged for commit:
# (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
# (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
# modified: war/WEB-INF/LoopDispatcher-servlet.xml
# modified: war/WEB-INF/appengine-web.xml
# modified: war/WEB-INF/applicationContext-security.xml
# modified: war/WEB-INF/html/index.html
# modified: war/WEB-INF/web.xml
# modified: war/js/loop.js
# Untracked files:
# (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
# war/WEB-INF/admin/local-storage.html
jem@jem-VPCF136FM:~/git/Loop/Loop$ git add war
jem@jem-VPCF136FM:~/git/Loop/Loop$ git status
# On branch master
# Changes to be committed:
# (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
# modified: src/com/fullcreative/loop/Globals.java
# modified: src/com/fullcreative/loop/LoopController.java
# modified: src/com/fullcreative/loop/LoopDao.java
# modified: src/com/fullcreative/loop/LoopDaoJdo.java
# modified: src/com/fullcreative/loop/LoopService.java
# new file: src/com/fullcreative/loop/TestLoopController.java
# modified: war/WEB-INF/LoopDispatcher-servlet.xml
# new file: war/WEB-INF/admin/local-storage.html
# modified: war/WEB-INF/appengine-web.xml
# modified: war/WEB-INF/applicationContext-security.xml
# modified: war/WEB-INF/html/index.html
# modified: war/WEB-INF/web.xml
# modified: war/js/loop.js
jem@jem-VPCF136FM:~/git/Loop/Loop$ git commit -m "Another commit to work on scolling"
[master 3f00b3f] Another commit to work on scolling
13 files changed, 726 insertions(+), 218 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 Loop/src/com/fullcreative/loop/TestLoopController.java
create mode 100644 Loop/war/WEB-INF/admin/local-storage.html
jem@jem-VPCF136FM:~/git/Loop/Loop$ git pull
remote: Counting objects: 31, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (16/16), done.
remote: Total 16 (delta 13), reused 3 (delta 0)
Unpacking objects: 100% (16/16), done.
From github.com:FullCreative/Loop
+ 3f00b3f...2e09a49 master -> master (forced update)
Warning: fetch updated the current branch head.
Warning: fast-forwarding your working tree from
Warning: commit 3f00b3f6cb6ed6beddb16baa92f1beaa82b6944c.
Already up-to-date.
jem@jem-VPCF136FM:~/git/Loop/Loop$ git push
Everything up-to-date
jem@jem-VPCF136FM:~/git/Loop/Loop$ git status
# On branch master
nothing to commit (working directory clean)
jem@jem-VPCF136FM:~/git/Loop/Loop$ git history
git: 'history' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.
jem@jem-VPCF136FM:~/git/Loop/Loop$ git --help
usage: git [--version] [--exec-path[=<path>]] [--html-path]
[-p|--paginate|--no-pager] [--no-replace-objects]
[--bare] [--git-dir=<path>] [--work-tree=<path>]
[-c name=value] [--help]
<command> [<args>]
The most commonly used git commands are:
add Add file contents to the index
bisect Find by binary search the change that introduced a bug
branch List, create, or delete branches
checkout Checkout a branch or paths to the working tree
clone Clone a repository into a new directory
commit Record changes to the repository
diff Show changes between commits, commit and working tree, etc
fetch Download objects and refs from another repository
grep Print lines matching a pattern
init Create an empty git repository or reinitialize an existing one
log Show commit logs
merge Join two or more development histories together
mv Move or rename a file, a directory, or a symlink
pull Fetch from and merge with another repository or a local branch
push Update remote refs along with associated objects
rebase Forward-port local commits to the updated upstream head
reset Reset current HEAD to the specified state
rm Remove files from the working tree and from the index
show Show various types of objects
status Show the working tree status
tag Create, list, delete or verify a tag object signed with GPG
See 'git help <command>' for more information on a specific command.
jem@jem-VPCF136FM:~/git/Loop/Loop$ git log
commit 2e09a498829e2b12e4bbdff8f8c39c2ce47dacb7
Author: Josh Iwata < josh@fullcreative.com>
Date: Thu Mar 15 14:25:28 2012 -0700
Design revamp
commit 2927f853041dab06a48861498adc945d6969865a
Author: James Mortensen <james.mortensen@a-cti.com>
Date: Wed Mar 14 09:25:46 2012 -0700
Removed Alert.
commit 07deceb9cb3cda6b913b2bde96970682ecdbddb7
Author: James Mortensen <james.mortensen@a-cti.com>
Date: Wed Mar 14 09:04:12 2012 -0700
Added url pattern to the servlet to get rid of the error.
commit f2d48bb735e5c3f1d3cb88ad80483e5596aaa063
Author: James Mortensen <james.mortensen@a-cti.com>
Date: Tue Mar 13 15:44:28 2012 -0700
iJames took over again!
commit 88fb39c0b37b2dfc5a13e30f212cba525e33f531
Author: David Raffauf <david@fullcreative.com>
Date: Tue Mar 13 15:42:26 2012 -0700
I test update
commit 5b1af15d166fc766a1a892a13865d9c5be506a6f
Author: Josh Iwata < josh@fullcreative.com>
jem@jem-VPCF136FM:~/git/Loop/Loop$ git status
# On branch master
nothing to commit (working directory clean)
jem@jem-VPCF136FM:~/git/Loop/Loop$ git pull
Already up-to-date.
jem@jem-VPCF136FM:~/git/Loop/Loop$ l
src/ war/
jem@jem-VPCF136FM:~/git/Loop/Loop$ cd src
jem@jem-VPCF136FM:~/git/Loop/Loop/src$ l
cacerts.bin com/ log4j.properties META-INF/
jem@jem-VPCF136FM:~/git/Loop/Loop/src$ cd com
jem@jem-VPCF136FM:~/git/Loop/Loop/src/com$ l
jem@jem-VPCF136FM:~/git/Loop/Loop/src/com$ cd fullcreative/loop/
jem@jem-VPCF136FM:~/git/Loop/Loop/src/com/fullcreative/loop$ l
AbstractBaseController.java Comment.java LoopController.java PusheableResponse.java
AccountController.java EmailService.java LoopDao.java samples/
Account.java EnvironmentService.java LoopDaoJdo.java security/
AccountService.java FormManagerController.java Loop.java Settings.java
AuthenticatorController.java Globals.java LoopService.java TagSubscription.java
AuthenticatorService.java GoogleCometChannelService.java LoopServlet.java UserDao.java
Cacheable.java HttpRequestHandler.java Memcached.java UserDaoJdo.java
Card.java InvitationDetailsDaoJdo.java OAuth2User.java User.java
CardManagerController.java InvitationDetails.java OAuth2UserService.java
CardTemplateService.java JSONPResponse.java PMF.java
jem@jem-VPCF136FM:~/git/Loop/Loop/src/com/fullcreative/loop$ cd /
jem@jem-VPCF136FM:/$ cd
jem@jem-VPCF136FM:~$ cd workspace
jem@jem-VPCF136FM:~/workspace$ l
ActiveResponseWebService/ ConversionChromeApp.pem GAE Spring Security/ LoopSVN/
Adaptiv3ChatDemo/ ConversionChromeExtension/ GAE Spring Security Demo/ Loop.tar.gz
Adaptiv3ChatDemo-2.zip ConversionSupportChromeApp/ gdata-samples-read-only/ ReverseProxyDemo/
Adaptiv3ChatDemo.zip ConversionSupportLive/ LexLegal/ rhino-for-webapps-demo/
AmazonC3Demo/ ConversionSupportLiveNew/ LexMatter/ SB4.0/
App-AnswerConnect/ ConversionSupportLiveNew2/ local_db.bin SB4.0_branch/
appengine-java-sdk- ConversionSupportLive.zip Loop/ sokolove_lawfirm/
appengine-java-sdk- Conversion Support- Mobile/ Loop2/ test/
appengine-java-sdk- ConversionSupportWebsite/ Loop-Oauth2-Demo/ Test/
appengine-java-sdk- ConverstionSupportMobileV1/ LoopRepo/ Thinclient-c3/
AppointmentSchedulingAppGAEJ/ ConverstionSupportMobileV2/ LoopRepo-1-12-2-.tar.gz Thinclient-c3.zip
ChatClientWebservices/ datastore-indexes-auto.xml LoopRepo1-12.tar.gz
ContactManagementSystemDataStore/ EchopassChatClient/ LoopRepo1-13.tar.gz
ConversionChromeApp0.1.1109.6.crx FullTextSearchService/ LoopRepo.tar.gz
jem@jem-VPCF136FM:~/workspace$ cd Loop
jem@jem-VPCF136FM:~/workspace/Loop$ l
Loop/ README readme.textile
jem@jem-VPCF136FM:~/workspace/Loop$ cd Loop
jem@jem-VPCF136FM:~/workspace/Loop/Loop$ l
src/ war/
jem@jem-VPCF136FM:~/workspace/Loop/Loop$ cd src
jem@jem-VPCF136FM:~/workspace/Loop/Loop/src$ l
cacerts.bin com/ log4j.properties META-INF/
jem@jem-VPCF136FM:~/workspace/Loop/Loop/src$ cd com
jem@jem-VPCF136FM:~/workspace/Loop/Loop/src/com$ l
jem@jem-VPCF136FM:~/workspace/Loop/Loop/src/com$ cd fullcreative/
jem@jem-VPCF136FM:~/workspace/Loop/Loop/src/com/fullcreative$ l
jem@jem-VPCF136FM:~/workspace/Loop/Loop/src/com/fullcreative$ cd loop
jem@jem-VPCF136FM:~/workspace/Loop/Loop/src/com/fullcreative/loop$ l
AccountController.java Card.java LoopController.java Memcached.java UserDao.java
Account.java Comment.java LoopDao.java OAuth2User.java UserDaoJdo.java
AccountService.java EnvironmentService.java LoopDaoJdo.java OAuth2UserService.java User.java
AuthenticatorController.java HttpRequestHandler.java Loop.java PMF.java
AuthenticatorService.java InvitationDetailsDaoJdo.java LoopService.java samples/
Cacheable.java InvitationDetails.java LoopServlet.java security/
jem@jem-VPCF136FM:~/workspace/Loop/Loop/src/com/fullcreative/loop$ cd ../../../../
jem@jem-VPCF136FM:~/workspace/Loop/Loop$ cd ../../..
jem@jem-VPCF136FM:~$ cd git
jem@jem-VPCF136FM:~/git$ l
Loop/ Loop-1-18.tar.gz
jem@jem-VPCF136FM:~/git$ cd Loop
jem@jem-VPCF136FM:~/git/Loop$ l
Loop/ README readme.textile
jem@jem-VPCF136FM:~/git/Loop$ cd Loop
jem@jem-VPCF136FM:~/git/Loop/Loop$ l
src/ war/
Я могу получить доступ к своим коммитам, проверивиз хеша:
git checkout 3f00b3f6cb6ed6beddb16baa92f1beaa82b6944c
Так почему же они не включены в мой push-запрос к серверу?
Результаты git reflog
3f00b3f HEAD@{0}: checkout: moving from master to 3f00b3f6cb6ed6beddb16baa92f1beaa82b6944c
2e09a49 HEAD@{1}: checkout: moving from 3f00b3f6cb6ed6beddb16baa92f1beaa82b6944c to master
3f00b3f HEAD@{2}: checkout: moving from master to 3f00b3f6cb6ed6beddb16baa92f1beaa82b6944c
2e09a49 HEAD@{3}: pull : forced-update
3f00b3f HEAD@{4}: commit: Another commit to work on scolling
2927f85 HEAD@{5}: commit: Removed Alert.
07deceb HEAD@{6}: commit: Added url pattern to the servlet to get rid of the error.
f2d48bb HEAD@{7}: commit: iJames took over again!
88fb39c HEAD@{8}: pull : fast-forward
a22893e HEAD@{9}: commit: Committing a very important change to intro.css. Not!
ac19755 HEAD@{10}: pull : fast-forward
d2a401d HEAD@{11}: commit: This is a test
85a6328 HEAD@{12}: commit: Modified gitignore yet again.
251f557 HEAD@{13}: commit: Committing the classpath. Hope it works.
4e7a428 HEAD@{14}: checkout: moving from local_master to master
97aa2d7 HEAD@{15}: checkout: moving from master to local_master
4e7a428 HEAD@{16}: commit: Added Admin panel for making system changes. Modified the title and description so they go into edit
38dc2fa HEAD@{17}: commit: Added notifications and real time comet.
bc2f950 HEAD@{18}: commit: Real time updates and chrome notifications.
bc2f950 HEAD@{19}: commit: Adding TagSubscription class.
5e696f4 HEAD@{20}: commit: Bulk delete, fixed delete bug, tagging features and subscriptions. Added more server-side caching. Ad
7b41cc2 HEAD@{21}: commit: adding dropdown plugin files
d9e3716 HEAD@{22}: commit: Added filter list to top, made dynamic, and deployed to 2-20.
e256d21 HEAD@{23}: commit: Cleaned up the HTML code.
d9e3716 HEAD@{24}: commit: Third time is a charm.
3e0863f HEAD@{25}: commit: Here is the 2nd commit for tag-it.
13e70c8 HEAD@{26}: commit: Added the tag-it tags to the application and connected to the database.
0893615 HEAD@{27}: commit: Deployed 2-7 and made default version.
0073e04 HEAD@{28}: commit: Deployed to 2-7 and made the default version. Finalized mobile form, although the error class shadow
0073e04 HEAD@{29}: commit: test
4351a93 HEAD@{30}: commit: Added notifications for comments and cleaned up mobile form.
5674cfb HEAD@{31}: commit: Added Developer API call to switch users for @loopround.com users.
a22808f HEAD@{32}: commit: updating
8fa1a39 HEAD@{33}: commit: updating the repository
8fa1a39 HEAD@{34}: commit: Deployed to http://0-9-2012-1-27.loopaback.appspot.com/
4786be1 HEAD@{35}: commit: Updating the inbox counts on each loop on page load. Also changed the style of the inbox count on the
33bf8d5 HEAD@{36}: commit: Adding elastic JS library.
095d8e6 HEAD@{37}: commit: Hooked up inbox counts and colors on the loops.
d3275ef HEAD@{38}: commit: committing.
a66024c HEAD@{39}: commit: Put in place email notifications for sharing. Put in place more logging statements to catch errors. F
a66024c HEAD@{40}: commit: Fixed sharing settings and cleaned up some of the code. Fixed the invitation system and also added so
e87ca75 HEAD@{41}: commit: Fixed sharing settings and cleaned up some of the code. Fixed the invitation system and also added so
e87ca75 HEAD@{42}: commit: Got rid of login form and also integrated Loop feedback form.
b2d7da9 HEAD@{43}: commit: Eliminated the login page and also integrated the Feedback Loop Form.
b2d7da9 HEAD@{44}: commit: Added the Loop Form.
e7ea0eb HEAD@{45}: commit: Added the Loop Form to the Loop Application and connected it to the services.
e7ea0eb HEAD@{46}: commit: Trying to get all the files for the settings page in the repo.
97aa2d7 HEAD@{47}: commit: test
36d4841 HEAD@{48}: commit: Got the settings page in place so users can be added and removed.
cf83cbd HEAD@{49}: commit: Committing this file because I want it to accept changes, not have the repository just simply force m
e7ccb2d HEAD@{50}: commit: Merged Josh's changes, I hope!
90ee5a5 HEAD@{51}: commit: Merged Josh's changes. Why I have to do this manually, I don't know?
3fc14b4 HEAD@{52}: commit: Service giving ability to send email to a user.
2ce4a6c HEAD@{53}: commit: Worked on the UI for adding a user to a Loop. Also fixed the display so it shows all active users ass
21caa9b HEAD@{54}: commit: Updated the application-manifest.xml file with the new LoopRound name and latest version info.
4330694 HEAD@{55}: commit: Deployed to http://0-9-2012-1-12-1715.loopaback.appspot.com/# and made the default version. Added in
adde3cd HEAD@{56}: commit: Can now add new loops from the Loop screen. To rename the loop or access it's settings page; currentl
6902710 HEAD@{57}: commit: Settings page is functional to edit the loop name.
6980c79 HEAD@{58}: merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:FullCreative/Loop.git: Fast-forward
e364173 HEAD@{59}: commit: Added Josh's CSS to style.css. 2nd attempt.
0e464f1 HEAD@{60}:
.git / файл конфигурации
repositoryformatversion = 0
filemode = true
logallrefupdates = true
autocrlf = false
[remote "origin"]
url = git@github.com:FullCreative/Loop.git
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
push = refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[branch "master"]
remote = origin
merge = refs/heads/master