Общая цель этого сценария: отправить сотрудникам и добавить набор избранного (веб-папки) на каждый ноутбук.До сих пор я написал (поставил и адаптировал) скрипт для добавления всех папок в избранное, но они добавляются в конец списка избранного.
Я ищу способ сортировки списка избранных по дате или, что еще лучше, чтобы вставить папку в верхнюю часть списка, чтобы она не изменяла порядок избранного текущего пользователя.* Это то, что я имею до сих пор, ссылки не будут работать, так как они находятся в нашей внутренней сети
'Create Network Folder*******************************************
Option Explicit
MsgBox("Click OK to begin installing all of the Web Folders under My Network Places.")
Sub CreateNetworkFolder(siteURL, siteName)
Dim iRes, jRes, MT, TT
Dim SH, newPath
Dim objFso, f, fs, g
Dim bString
Dim ltrIndex
Dim nameLength, urlLength, urlCutoff
Dim aFile
Dim filesys
'ForWriting (2) is the attribute to be set when writing to a file.
Const ForWriting = 2
nameLength = Len(siteName)
urlLength = Len(siteURL)
'44 seems to be the length where we have to change a 00 to a 01.
urlCutoff = 44
Set objFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set SH = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
'Create the folder under Favorites that will hold the target.lnk file
newPath = SH.SpecialFolders("Favorites") & "\" & "BCKM" & "\"
'Creating the housing folder for BCKM
Set filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If filesys.FolderExists(newPath) Then
'msgbox "File esists"
'msgbox "file does not exist"
End If
'Create the webfolder for each section
newPath = SH.SpecialFolders("Favorites") & "\" & "BCKM" & "\" & siteName
'We ceate a Desktop.ini file
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
aFile = newPath & "\Desktop.ini"
Set f = fs.OpenTextFile( aFile, ForWriting, True )
'Write the data lines that will make this a folder shortcut.
f.WriteLine "[.ShellClassInfo]"
f.WriteLine "CLSID2={0AFACED1-E828-11D1-9187-B532F1E9575D}"
f.WriteLine "Flags=2"
f.WriteLine "ConfirmFileOp=0"
'We make Desktop.ini a system-hidden file by assigning it attribute of 6
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set g = fs.GetFile(newPath & "\Desktop.ini")
g.Attributes = 6
'We make the folder read-only by assigning it 1.
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set g = fs.GetFolder(newPath)
g.Attributes = 1
'This is where we construct the target.lnk file byte by byte. Most of
'the lines are shown in 16 byte chunks,
'mostly because that is the way I saw it in the Debug utility I was
'using to inspect shortcut files.
'Line 1, 16 bytes
bString = Chr(&H4C) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H01) & Chr(&H14) & Chr(&H02) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&HC0) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00)
'Line 2, 16 bytes
bString = bString & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H46) & Chr(&H81) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00)
'Line 3, 16 bytes
bString = bString & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00)
'Line 4., 16 bytes. 13th byte is significant.
bString = bString & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H01) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00)
'Line 5. 13th byte is significant.
bString = bString & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00)
'When I was analyzing the next byte of shortcuts I created, I found
'that it is set to various values,
'and I have no idea what they are referring to. In desperation I tried
'substituting some values.
'00 caused a crash of Explorer. FF seeems to work fine for all.
'If anyone can get back to me on what this byte is or why FF works,
'please contact me.
bString = bString & Chr(&HFF)
'This byte is 00 if the URL is 44 characters or less, 01 if greater.
If urlLength > urlCutoff Then
bString = bString & Chr(&H01)
bString = bString & Chr(&H00)
End If
bString = bString & Chr(&H14) & Chr(&H00)
'Line 6, 16 bytes
bString = bString & Chr(&H1F) & Chr(&H50) & Chr(&HE0) & Chr(&H4F) & Chr(&HD0) & Chr(&H20) & Chr(&HEA) & Chr(&H3A) & Chr(&H69) & Chr(&H10) & Chr(&HA2) & Chr(&HD8) & Chr(&H08) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H2B) & Chr(&H30)
'Line 7, 16 bytes
bString = bString & Chr(&H30) & Chr(&H9D) & Chr(&H14) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H2E) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&HDF) & Chr(&HEA) & Chr(&HBD) & Chr(&H65) & Chr(&HC2) & Chr(&HD0) & Chr(&H11) & Chr(&HBC) & Chr(&HED)
'Line 8, 16 bytes
bString = bString & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&HA0) & Chr(&HC9) & Chr(&H0A) & Chr(&HB5) & Chr(&H0F) & Chr(&HA4)
'This byte is 00 if the URL is 44 characters or less, 01 if greater.
If urlLength > urlCutoff Then
bString = bString & Chr(&H01)
bString = bString & Chr(&H00)
End If
bString = bString & Chr(&H4C) & Chr(&H50) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H01) & Chr(&H42) & Chr(&H57) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00)
'Line 9, 16 bytes
bString = bString & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H10) & Chr(&H00)
'Line 10, 2 bytes
bString = bString & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00)
'The next byte represents the length of the site name.
bString = bString & Chr(nameLength)
'Take the site name, and write each letter, preceeded by a "00"
For ltrIndex = 1 to nameLength
bString = bString & Chr(&H00) & Mid(siteName, ltrIndex, 1)
'Middle line, separates the Folder Name from the URL. 3 bytes.
bString = bString & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00)
'The next byte represents the length of the site URL.
bString = bString & Chr(urlLength)
'Take the site URL, and write each letter, preceeded by a "00"
For ltrIndex = 1 to urlLength
bString = bString & Chr(&H00) & Mid(siteURL, ltrIndex, 1)
'Last line, 13 bytes
bString = bString & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00) & Chr(&H00)
'Let's create the target.lnk file.
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
aFile = newPath & "\target.lnk"
'aFile = newPath & "\vb.sss"
Set f = fs.OpenTextFile(aFile, ForWriting, True)
f.Write bString
End Sub
'This is where you specify the folders to add
CreateNetworkFolder "http://collaboration.au.xxx.com/dav/1.11.685732/", "Clients"
CreateNetworkFolder "http://collaboration.au.xxx.com/dav/1.11.685930/", "Workspaces"
CreateNetworkFolder "http://collaboration.au.xxx.com/dav/1.11.685941/", "Practice Management"
CreateNetworkFolder "http://collaboration.au.xxx.com/dav/1.11.685945/", "Tips"
CreateNetworkFolder "http://collaboration.au.xxx.com/dav/1.21.8015/", "Discussion Board"
MsgBox("All Web Folders Added Succesfully. Please check Favorites to Confirm. Press OK")