Вдохновленный Дэвидом Карлсоном answer Я создал этот служебный класс для рефлексивного вызова методов в объектах Scala.Класс позволяет также вызывать методы Scala, которые ожидают параметры.
Я помещаю это здесь в надежде, что это кому-нибудь пригодится и получит обратную связь о том, как улучшить код.
package your.stuff.utils;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
// I use SLF4J (http://www.slf4j.org/) for logging. Feel free to change this
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
/** Utilities for Scala/Java integration */
public class ScalaUtil {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ScalaUtil.class);
* Calls the parameterless {@code method} on a Scala {@code object}.
* <p>
* Returns an object of type {@code ReturnType} if the call succeeded, null
* otherwise.
* @param object
* the fully qualified path to the object such as
* "eu.test.MyScalaObj$". Mind the dollar sign at the end
* @param method
* the name of the method inside {@code object} we want to call
* @param <ReturnType>
* type of the return value of the {@code method}
* @return the return value of the Scala {@code object}'s {@code method} or
* null if the {@code method} couldn't be called
public static <ReturnType> ReturnType callObj(final String object,
final String method) {
final Object noParams[] = {};
return callObj(object, method, noParams);
* Calls a {@code method} on a Scala {@code object} with the given method
* {@code arguments}.
* <p>
* Returns an object of type {@code ReturnType} if the call succeeded, null
* otherwise.
* @param object
* the fully qualified path to the object such as
* "eu.test.MyScalaObj$". Mind the dollar sign at the end
* @param method
* the name of the method inside {@code object} we want to call
* @param arguments
* the arguments that {@code method} expects
* @param <ReturnType>
* type of the return value of the {@code method}
* @return the return value of the Scala {@code object}'s {@code method} or
* null if the {@code method} couldn't be called
public static <ReturnType> ReturnType callObj(final String object,
final String method, final Object... arguments) {
ReturnType result = null;
Class<?> objClass = null;
try {
final Class<?>[] methArgTypes = getTypes(arguments);
objClass = Class.forName(object);
final Method meth = objClass
.getDeclaredMethod(method, methArgTypes);
final Field field = objClass.getField("MODULE$");
final Object instance = field.get(null);
result = (ReturnType) meth.invoke(instance, arguments);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException | SecurityException
| NoSuchFieldException | IllegalAccessException
| IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException e) {
LOG.warn("Could not call method {} on {} with arguments {}",
method, object, arguments, e);
} catch (final NoSuchMethodException e) {
if (objClass != null) {
LOG.info("Declared methods: {}",
(Object[]) objClass.getDeclaredMethods());
LOG.warn("Could not call method {} on {} with arguments {}",
method, object, arguments, e);
return result;
* Returns the runtime types of some {@code objects}.
* @param objects
* the objects in whose types we are interested in
* @return an array of the runtime types of the {@code objects}
private static Class<?>[] getTypes(final Object... objects) {
final Class<?>[] types = new Class<?>[objects.length];
for (int i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {
final Object o = objects[i];
final Class<?> type = o.getClass();
types[i] = type;
return types;
/** This utility class is not meant to be instantiated */
private ScalaUtil() {
Чтобы вызвать метод Scala с параметрами, вам необходимо добавить библиотеку Scala в путь сборки вашего Java-проекта.
Предполагая, что это объект Scala, который выхотите позвонить:
package eu.tests.scala
object ScalaObject {
// You'll have to use Java's boolean when Java calls this
def sayHello(param: java.lang.Boolean): String = "param: " + param
def sayHello: String = "no param"
def sayHello(param: String): String = "param: " + param
Вот как вы используете ScalaUtil для вышеуказанного объекта Scala:
String scalaPackage = "eu.tests.scala";
String scalaObject = "ScalaObject";
String method = "sayHello";
String fullScalaObjName = scalaPackage + "." + scalaObject + "$";
String result1 = ScalaUtil.callObj(fullScalaObjName, method);
String result2 = ScalaUtil.callObj(fullScalaObjName, method, true);
String result3 = ScalaUtil.callObj(fullScalaObjName, method, "abc");