Вот что автор использует в своем примере: (из highline-1.5.0 / examples)
#!/usr/local/bin/ruby -w
# asking_for_arrays.rb
# Created by James Edward Gray II on 2005-07-05.
# Copyright 2005 Gray Productions. All rights reserved.
require "rubygems"
require "highline/import"
require "pp"
grades = ask( "Enter test scores (or a blank line to quit):",
lambda { |ans| ans =~ /^-?\d+$/ ? Integer(ans) : ans} ) do |q|
q.gather = ""
pp grades
Общая документация по HighLine::Question#gather
(из highline-1.5.0 / lib / highline / question.rb)
# When set, the user will be prompted for multiple answers which will
# be collected into an Array or Hash and returned as the final answer.
# You can set _gather_ to an Integer to have an Array of exactly that
# many answers collected, or a String/Regexp to match an end input which
# will not be returned in the Array.
# Optionally _gather_ can be set to a Hash. In this case, the question
# will be asked once for each key and the answers will be returned in a
# Hash, mapped by key. The <tt>@key</tt> variable is set before each
# question is evaluated, so you can use it in your question.
attr_accessor :gather
Похоже, это ваши основные параметры в библиотеке. Что-нибудь еще, ты должен сделать сам.