Уточни, как я делаю Malloc и бесплатно - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 29 марта 2012

Я написал этот код, который компилируется в Solaris gcc

, он отлично работает и для небольших входных данных, и я получаю желаемый вывод.

Однако при больших входных данных я получаю ошибки сегментации,иногда в местах я делаю malloc, а иногда в местах я делаю бесплатно.Я не прошу вас отлаживать, не могли бы вы взглянуть и, возможно, сказать мне, если что-то по-королевски не так с тем, как я делаю malloc и освобождаю от предметов?Я верю, что код собирает кучу, но мне трудно понять где.Это для моего академического задания, и я не могу запустить инструменты, такие как valgrind, на машине университета.

Я новичок в C, поэтому код может быть намного лучше, я знаю. Мне все еще нужно доработать много вещей, таких как повторное использование переменных и т. Д., Чего я еще не сделал.

У нас есть ограничение на размер сообщения, поэтому я публикую только основную и две использованные структуры.

struct QueueElement
  char *path_Name;
  char fileType;
  int index;
  struct QueueElement* next;

struct Queue
  struct QueueElement* head;
  struct QueueElement* tail;

struct DirNameSlotNumberMapping
    char *AbsoluteDirPath;
    char *AbsoluteParentDirPath;
    char *DirName;
    int nSlotNumberOfDir;
    int nSlotNumberofDot;

struct Stage3ADisplay
    int nSlot;
    char *Item;
    char *Type;
    char *AbsoluteDirPath;
    char *AttributesMDHex;
    char *ContentsMDHex;
    int nIndex;
    unsigned char attributesMD[16]; 
    unsigned char contentsMD[16];

struct DirNameSlotNumberMapping **DirDataForIndex = NULL; //create structure.
struct Stage3ADisplay **Stage3ADisplayVar = NULL; //create structure.
int nDirectoriesCounter = 0;
int nStage3ARowsCounter = 0;

int main(void)
    char *pathName,*pathName2,*pathName3;
    int nMatchesFound = 0;
    char *oldPathName;
    char *newPathNameStore;
    struct Queue* bfsQueue = NULL;
    struct QueueElement* givenPath = NULL;
    enum skbool boolHelper1 = skfalse;
    int exit = 0;

    struct Stage3ADisplay **oldSnapshot = NULL; //create structure.
    struct Stage3ADisplay **newSnapshot = NULL;
    struct Stage3ADisplay **TableT1FromPDF = NULL;
    struct Stage3ADisplay **TableT2FromPDF = NULL;

    int nTableT1FromPDFCounter = 0;
    int nTableT2FromPDFCounter = 0;
    int nOldSnapshotCounter = 0;
    int nNewSnapshotCounter = 0;
    int *Table1ArrayChangeTracker = NULL;
    int *Table2ArrayChangeTracker = NULL;
    struct DirNameSlotNumberMapping **DirDataForOldIndex = NULL; //create structure.
    struct DirNameSlotNumberMapping **DirDataForNewIndex = NULL; //create structure.
    int nDirectoriesCounterOld = 0;
    int nDirectoriesCounterNew = 0;

    int nIterator1 = 0,nIterator2 = 0, nIterator3 = 0,nIterator4 = 0;
    int nIterator5 = 0,nIterator6 = 0,nIterator7 = 0;
    int nIterator8 = 0,nIterator9 = 0,nIterator10 = 0,nIterator11 = 0;
    int nIterator15 = 0, nIterator16 = 0, nIterator17 = 0;
        switch (menu()) 
            case 2:
                printf ( "Please enter the path under which the directory is present\n" );
                pathName = malloc(300*sizeof(char));
                printf ( "Please enter the name of the directory\n" );
                pathName2 = malloc(300*sizeof(char));
                pathName3 = malloc(strlen(pathName) + strlen(pathName2) + 1 + 1);
                printf ( "Please enter the filename of the earlier snap shot file\n" );
                oldPathName = malloc(300*sizeof(char));
                boolHelper1 = CheckMD5FileAndDirectoryNameSame(pathName3,oldPathName);
                if(boolHelper1 == skfalse)
                    printf("The snapshot file is not for this directory\n");
                    printf("Snapshot file and Directory Name Match\n");
                    //write code to generate snapshot for the directory given here.
                    bfsQueue = Queue_New();
                    givenPath = malloc(1*sizeof(*givenPath));
                    givenPath->path_Name = pathName3;
                    Queue_Add_Element(bfsQueue, givenPath);

                    //make bfsTraverse return the name of the log file created.
                    //this file name can be passed on as a parameter to the
                    //function that compares the given log file and the newly generated log file            
                    char * newPathName = bfsTraverse(bfsQueue);
                    newPathNameStore = strdup(newPathName);
                    bfsQueue = NULL;
                    pathName = NULL;
                    //get the data of the two files into two structures.
                    //we'll compare the two structures.                 
                    //reading data of old snapshot into structure 1
                    FILE* p = NULL; 
                    p = fopen(oldPathName, "r");
                    if (p != NULL )
                        fscanf(p, "%*[^\n]%*c"); //the first line is the directory name, ignore it.
                        char text[200];
                        while(fgets(text, sizeof text, p))
                            //found new item in the file
                            oldSnapshot = (struct Stage3ADisplay **)realloc(oldSnapshot, (nOldSnapshotCounter + 1) * sizeof(struct Stage3ADisplay *)); //add one record to the structure.
                            oldSnapshot[nOldSnapshotCounter] = (struct Stage3ADisplay *)malloc(sizeof(struct Stage3ADisplay)); //allocate memory for the new record added.   
                            oldSnapshot[nOldSnapshotCounter]->Item = malloc(500);
                            oldSnapshot[nOldSnapshotCounter]->Type = malloc(500);
                            oldSnapshot[nOldSnapshotCounter]->AttributesMDHex = malloc(500);
                            oldSnapshot[nOldSnapshotCounter]->ContentsMDHex = malloc(500);
                            char *tempoutput = RemoveExtraSpaces(text,' ');
                            char * output = Trim_Right( tempoutput,' ');
                            sscanf(output,"%d %s %s %d %s %s\n",&oldSnapshot[nOldSnapshotCounter]->nSlot, oldSnapshot[nOldSnapshotCounter]->Item,oldSnapshot[nOldSnapshotCounter]->Type,&oldSnapshot[nOldSnapshotCounter]->nIndex,oldSnapshot[nOldSnapshotCounter]->AttributesMDHex,oldSnapshot[nOldSnapshotCounter]->ContentsMDHex);
                            nOldSnapshotCounter = nOldSnapshotCounter + 1;
                    /*logic to reverse build DirDataForOldIndex */
                    int nPreviousDot = 0;
                    for(nIterator1 = 0; nIterator1 < nOldSnapshotCounter; nIterator1++)
                        if(strcmp(oldSnapshot[nIterator1]->Item,".") == 0)
                            nPreviousDot = oldSnapshot[nIterator1]->nSlot;
                            nPreviousDot = nPreviousDot - 1;                            
                        if(strcmp(oldSnapshot[nIterator1]->Item,".") != 0 && strcmp(oldSnapshot[nIterator1]->Item,"..") != 0 && strcmp(oldSnapshot[nIterator1]->Type,"d") ==0)
                            //found a directory, add it to the directory mapper structure.
                            DirDataForOldIndex = (struct DirNameSlotNumberMapping **)realloc(DirDataForOldIndex, (nDirectoriesCounterOld + 1) * sizeof(struct DirDataForIndex *)); //add one student to the structure.
                            DirDataForOldIndex[nDirectoriesCounterOld] = (struct DirNameSlotNumberMapping *)malloc(sizeof(struct DirNameSlotNumberMapping)); //allocate memory for the new student added.                     
                            if(oldSnapshot[nIterator1]->nIndex == 0)
                                DirDataForOldIndex[nDirectoriesCounterOld]->DirName = strdup(oldSnapshot[nIterator1]->Item);
                                DirDataForOldIndex[nDirectoriesCounterOld]->AbsoluteDirPath = strdup(pathName3);
                                DirDataForOldIndex[nDirectoriesCounterOld]->AbsoluteParentDirPath = "NOPARENT";
                                DirDataForOldIndex[nDirectoriesCounterOld]->nSlotNumberOfDir = oldSnapshot[nIterator1]->nSlot;
                                DirDataForOldIndex[nDirectoriesCounterOld]->nSlotNumberofDot = oldSnapshot[nIterator1]->nSlot + 1;
                                DirDataForOldIndex[nDirectoriesCounterOld]->DirName = strdup(oldSnapshot[nIterator1]->Item);
                                DirDataForOldIndex[nDirectoriesCounterOld]->nSlotNumberofDot = oldSnapshot[nIterator1]->nIndex;
                                DirDataForOldIndex[nDirectoriesCounterOld]->nSlotNumberOfDir = oldSnapshot[nIterator1]->nSlot;
                                //now build the absolute and the parent dir path names.
                                //using the previous dot variable,get the directory under which we are located.
                                //get the index number of the previous dot position.
                                int IndexVar = oldSnapshot[nPreviousDot]->nIndex;
                                IndexVar = IndexVar - 1;                                
                                //get that row's item and slot number, we'll match it
                                char *ItemName = oldSnapshot[IndexVar]->Item;
                                int nSlotNumber = oldSnapshot[IndexVar]->nSlot;
                                //now search in the DirDataForIndex
                                for(nIterator2 = 0; nIterator2 < nDirectoriesCounterOld; nIterator2++)
                                    if(strcmp(DirDataForOldIndex[nIterator2]->DirName,ItemName) == 0 && DirDataForOldIndex[nIterator2]->nSlotNumberOfDir == nSlotNumber)
                                        //that row's absolute path is the parent of this.
                                        DirDataForOldIndex[nDirectoriesCounterOld]->AbsoluteParentDirPath = strdup(DirDataForOldIndex[nIterator2]->AbsoluteDirPath);
                                        char* temp = malloc(strlen(DirDataForOldIndex[nDirectoriesCounterOld]->AbsoluteParentDirPath) + strlen(DirDataForOldIndex[nDirectoriesCounterOld]->DirName) + 1 + 1);
                                        DirDataForOldIndex[nDirectoriesCounterOld]->AbsoluteDirPath = strdup(temp);
                                        temp = NULL;
                            nDirectoriesCounterOld = nDirectoriesCounterOld + 1;                            
                    //reading data of new snapshot into structure 2
                    p = fopen(newPathName, "r");
                    if (p != NULL )
                        fscanf(p, "%*[^\n]%*c"); //the first line is the directory name, ignore it.
                        char text[200];
                        while(fgets(text, sizeof text, p))
                            //found new item in the file
                            newSnapshot = (struct Stage3ADisplay **)realloc(newSnapshot, (nNewSnapshotCounter + 1) * sizeof(struct Stage3ADisplay *)); //add one record to the structure.
                            newSnapshot[nNewSnapshotCounter] = (struct Stage3ADisplay *)malloc(sizeof(struct Stage3ADisplay)); //allocate memory for the new record added.   
                            newSnapshot[nNewSnapshotCounter]->Item = malloc(500);
                            newSnapshot[nNewSnapshotCounter]->Type = malloc(500);
                            newSnapshot[nNewSnapshotCounter]->AttributesMDHex = malloc(500);
                            newSnapshot[nNewSnapshotCounter]->ContentsMDHex = malloc(500);
                            char * output = Trim_Right(RemoveExtraSpaces(text,' '),' ');
                            sscanf(output,"%d %s %s %d %s %s\n",&newSnapshot[nNewSnapshotCounter]->nSlot, newSnapshot[nNewSnapshotCounter]->Item,newSnapshot[nNewSnapshotCounter]->Type,&newSnapshot[nNewSnapshotCounter]->nIndex,newSnapshot[nNewSnapshotCounter]->AttributesMDHex,newSnapshot[nNewSnapshotCounter]->ContentsMDHex);                           
                            nNewSnapshotCounter = nNewSnapshotCounter + 1;
                    /*logic to reverse build DirDataForNewIndex */
                    nPreviousDot = 0;
                    for(nIterator1 = 0; nIterator1 < nNewSnapshotCounter; nIterator1++)
                        if(strcmp(newSnapshot[nIterator1]->Item,".") == 0)
                            nPreviousDot = newSnapshot[nIterator1]->nSlot;
                            nPreviousDot = nPreviousDot - 1;                            
                        if(strcmp(newSnapshot[nIterator1]->Item,".") != 0 && strcmp(newSnapshot[nIterator1]->Item,"..") != 0 && strcmp(newSnapshot[nIterator1]->Type,"d") ==0)
                            //found a directory, add it to the directory mapper structure.
                            DirDataForNewIndex = (struct DirNameSlotNumberMapping **)realloc(DirDataForNewIndex, (nDirectoriesCounterNew + 1) * sizeof(struct DirDataForIndex *)); //add one student to the structure.
                            DirDataForNewIndex[nDirectoriesCounterNew] = (struct DirNameSlotNumberMapping *)malloc(sizeof(struct DirNameSlotNumberMapping)); //allocate memory for the new student added.                     
                            if(newSnapshot[nIterator1]->nIndex == 0)
                                DirDataForNewIndex[nDirectoriesCounterNew]->DirName = strdup(newSnapshot[nIterator1]->Item);
                                DirDataForNewIndex[nDirectoriesCounterNew]->AbsoluteDirPath = strdup(pathName3);
                                DirDataForNewIndex[nDirectoriesCounterNew]->AbsoluteParentDirPath = "NOPARENT";
                                DirDataForNewIndex[nDirectoriesCounterNew]->nSlotNumberOfDir = newSnapshot[nIterator1]->nSlot;
                                DirDataForNewIndex[nDirectoriesCounterNew]->nSlotNumberofDot = newSnapshot[nIterator1]->nSlot + 1;
                                DirDataForNewIndex[nDirectoriesCounterNew]->DirName = strdup(newSnapshot[nIterator1]->Item);
                                DirDataForNewIndex[nDirectoriesCounterNew]->nSlotNumberofDot = newSnapshot[nIterator1]->nIndex;
                                DirDataForNewIndex[nDirectoriesCounterNew]->nSlotNumberOfDir = newSnapshot[nIterator1]->nSlot;
                                //now build the absolute and the parent dir path names.
                                //using the previous dot variable,get the directory under which we are located.
                                //get the index number of the previous dot position.
                                int IndexVar = newSnapshot[nPreviousDot]->nIndex;
                                IndexVar = IndexVar - 1;                                
                                //get that row's item and slot number, we'll match it
                                char *ItemName = newSnapshot[IndexVar]->Item;
                                int nSlotNumber = newSnapshot[IndexVar]->nSlot;
                                //now search in the DirDataFornewIndex
                                for(nIterator2 = 0; nIterator2 < nDirectoriesCounterNew; nIterator2++)
                                    if(strcmp(DirDataForNewIndex[nIterator2]->DirName,ItemName) == 0 && DirDataForNewIndex[nIterator2]->nSlotNumberOfDir == nSlotNumber)
                                        //that row's absolute path is the parent of this.
                                        DirDataForNewIndex[nDirectoriesCounterNew]->AbsoluteParentDirPath = strdup(DirDataForNewIndex[nIterator2]->AbsoluteDirPath);
                                        char* temp = malloc(strlen(DirDataForNewIndex[nDirectoriesCounterNew]->AbsoluteParentDirPath) + strlen(DirDataForNewIndex[nDirectoriesCounterNew]->DirName) + 1 + 1);
                                        DirDataForNewIndex[nDirectoriesCounterNew]->AbsoluteDirPath = strdup(temp);
                                        temp = NULL;
                            nDirectoriesCounterNew = nDirectoriesCounterNew + 1;                            
                    //now we have reverse built DirDataForOldIndex and DirDataForNewIndex.
                    Table1ArrayChangeTracker = realloc(Table1ArrayChangeTracker,(nDirectoriesCounterOld + 1)*sizeof(int));
                    Table2ArrayChangeTracker = realloc(Table2ArrayChangeTracker,(nDirectoriesCounterNew + 1)*sizeof(int));
                    for(nIterator4 = 0; nIterator4 < nDirectoriesCounterOld; nIterator4++)
                        Table1ArrayChangeTracker[nIterator4] = -1; //initialize to -1
                    for(nIterator4 = 0; nIterator4 < nDirectoriesCounterNew; nIterator4++)
                        Table2ArrayChangeTracker[nIterator4] = -1; //initialize to -1
                    //get blocks one by one from the nDirectoriesCounterOld
                    for(nIterator4 = 0; nIterator4 < nDirectoriesCounterOld; nIterator4++)
                        char *absoluteDirectoryPath = DirDataForOldIndex[nIterator4]->AbsoluteDirPath;
                        int dot = DirDataForOldIndex[nIterator4]->nSlotNumberofDot;
                        int nexthighestdot = 0;
                        if(nIterator4 == nDirectoriesCounterOld - 1)
                            nexthighestdot = nOldSnapshotCounter;
                            nexthighestdot = nexthighestdot - 1;
                            nexthighestdot = DirDataForOldIndex[nIterator4 + 1]->nSlotNumberofDot;
                            nexthighestdot = nexthighestdot - 1;
                            nexthighestdot = nexthighestdot - 1;
                        //now, we have a block from dot to nexthighestdot.
                        //for referenceing the oldSnapshot
                        dot = dot - 1;
                        for(nIterator7 = dot; nIterator7 <= nexthighestdot;nIterator7++)
                            TableT1FromPDF = (struct Stage3ADisplay **)realloc(TableT1FromPDF, (nTableT1FromPDFCounter + 1) * sizeof(struct Stage3ADisplay *)); //add one record to the structure.
                            TableT1FromPDF[nTableT1FromPDFCounter] = (struct Stage3ADisplay *)malloc(sizeof(struct Stage3ADisplay)); //allocate memory for the new record added.  
                            TableT1FromPDF[nTableT1FromPDFCounter]->nSlot = oldSnapshot[nIterator7]->nSlot;
                            TableT1FromPDF[nTableT1FromPDFCounter]->Item = malloc(strlen(oldSnapshot[nIterator7]->Item) + 1);
                            TableT1FromPDF[nTableT1FromPDFCounter]->Type = malloc(strlen(oldSnapshot[nIterator7]->Type) + 1);
                            TableT1FromPDF[nTableT1FromPDFCounter]->nIndex = oldSnapshot[nIterator7]->nIndex;
                            TableT1FromPDF[nTableT1FromPDFCounter]->AttributesMDHex = malloc(strlen(oldSnapshot[nIterator7]->AttributesMDHex) + 1);
                            TableT1FromPDF[nTableT1FromPDFCounter]->ContentsMDHex = malloc(strlen(oldSnapshot[nIterator7]->ContentsMDHex) + 1);
                            nTableT1FromPDFCounter = nTableT1FromPDFCounter + 1;                            
                        //now search for the same block in the newSnapshot
                        for(nIterator6 = 0; nIterator6 < nDirectoriesCounterNew; nIterator6++)
                            if(strcmp(absoluteDirectoryPath,DirDataForNewIndex[nIterator6]->AbsoluteDirPath) == 0)
                                //found the corresponding directory in the second block.
                                int dot2 = DirDataForNewIndex[nIterator6]->nSlotNumberofDot;    
                                int nexthighestdot2 = 0;
                                if(nIterator6 == nDirectoriesCounterNew - 1)
                                    nexthighestdot2 = nOldSnapshotCounter;
                                    nexthighestdot2 = nexthighestdot2 - 1;
                                    nexthighestdot2 = DirDataForNewIndex[nIterator6 + 1]->nSlotNumberofDot;
                                    nexthighestdot2 = nexthighestdot2 - 1;
                                    nexthighestdot2 = nexthighestdot2 - 1;
                                dot2 = dot2 - 1;
                                for(nIterator9 = dot2;nIterator9 <= nexthighestdot2; nIterator9++)
                                    TableT2FromPDF = (struct Stage3ADisplay **)realloc(TableT2FromPDF, (nTableT2FromPDFCounter + 1) * sizeof(struct Stage3ADisplay *)); //add one record to the structure.
                                    TableT2FromPDF[nTableT2FromPDFCounter] = (struct Stage3ADisplay *)malloc(sizeof(struct Stage3ADisplay)); //allocate memory for the new record added.   
                                    TableT2FromPDF[nTableT2FromPDFCounter]->nSlot = newSnapshot[nIterator9]->nSlot;
                                    TableT2FromPDF[nTableT2FromPDFCounter]->Item = malloc(strlen(newSnapshot[nIterator9]->Item) + 1);
                                    TableT2FromPDF[nTableT2FromPDFCounter]->Type = malloc(strlen(newSnapshot[nIterator9]->Type) + 1);
                                    TableT2FromPDF[nTableT2FromPDFCounter]->nIndex = newSnapshot[nIterator9]->nIndex;
                                    TableT2FromPDF[nTableT2FromPDFCounter]->AttributesMDHex = malloc(strlen(newSnapshot[nIterator9]->AttributesMDHex) + 1);
                                    TableT2FromPDF[nTableT2FromPDFCounter]->ContentsMDHex = malloc(strlen(newSnapshot[nIterator9]->ContentsMDHex) + 1);
                                    nTableT2FromPDFCounter = nTableT2FromPDFCounter + 1;                                
                        //now we have the matching blocks, start comparing
                        for(nIterator10 = 0; nIterator10 < nTableT1FromPDFCounter; nIterator10++)
                            for(nIterator11 = 0; nIterator11 < nTableT2FromPDFCounter; nIterator11++)
                                enum skbool bAttributesChanged = skfalse;
                                enum skbool bContentsChanged = skfalse;
                                if(strcmp(TableT1FromPDF[nIterator10]->Item,TableT2FromPDF[nIterator11]->Item) == 0)
                                    //matching element found in both arrays.
                                    //compare attribute digest and message digests.
                                    if(strcmp(TableT1FromPDF[nIterator10]->AttributesMDHex,TableT2FromPDF[nIterator11]->AttributesMDHex) == 0 && strcmp(TableT1FromPDF[nIterator10]->ContentsMDHex,TableT2FromPDF[nIterator11]->ContentsMDHex) == 0)
                                        Table1ArrayChangeTracker[TableT1FromPDF[nIterator10]->nSlot - 1] = 1;
                                        Table2ArrayChangeTracker[TableT2FromPDF[nIterator11]->nSlot - 1] = 1;
                                        Table1ArrayChangeTracker[TableT1FromPDF[nIterator10]->nSlot - 1] = 2;
                                        Table2ArrayChangeTracker[TableT2FromPDF[nIterator11]->nSlot - 1] = 2;       

                        //after comparing clear temporary tables.
                        int nIterator99;
                        for(nIterator99 = 0; nIterator99 < nTableT1FromPDFCounter; nIterator99++)
                            (TableT1FromPDF[nIterator99]->Item) = NULL;
                            TableT1FromPDF[nIterator99]->Type = NULL;
                            TableT1FromPDF[nIterator99]->AttributesMDHex = NULL;
                            TableT1FromPDF[nIterator99]->ContentsMDHex = NULL;
                            TableT1FromPDF[nIterator99] = NULL;
                        for(nIterator99 = 0; nIterator99 < nTableT2FromPDFCounter; nIterator99++)
                            TableT2FromPDF[nIterator99]->Item = NULL;
                            TableT2FromPDF[nIterator99]->Type = NULL;
                            TableT2FromPDF[nIterator99]->AttributesMDHex = NULL;
                            TableT2FromPDF[nIterator99]->ContentsMDHex = NULL;
                            TableT2FromPDF[nIterator99] = NULL;
                        nTableT1FromPDFCounter = 0;
                        nTableT2FromPDFCounter = 0;
                        TableT1FromPDF = NULL;
                        TableT2FromPDF = NULL;                      

                printf("Total matches found is %d\n",nMatchesFound);
                nMatchesFound = 0;

                nOldSnapshotCounter = 0;
                nNewSnapshotCounter = 0;
                nDirectoriesCounterOld = 0;
                nDirectoriesCounterNew = 0;             
                Table1ArrayChangeTracker = NULL;
                Table2ArrayChangeTracker = NULL;    
                oldSnapshot = NULL;
                newSnapshot = NULL;
                DirDataForOldIndex = NULL;
                DirDataForNewIndex = NULL;
                pathName3 = NULL;
                oldPathName = NULL;
                if(newPathNameStore != NULL)
                    printf("Snapshot file with name %s created\n",newPathNameStore);
                    newPathNameStore = NULL;

                int nIterator66;
                for(nIterator66 = 0; nIterator66 < nDirectoriesCounter; nIterator66++)
                    DirDataForIndex[nIterator66] = NULL;
                for(nIterator66 = 0; nIterator66 < nStage3ARowsCounter; nIterator66++)
                    Stage3ADisplayVar[nIterator66]= NULL;

                nDirectoriesCounter = 0;
                nStage3ARowsCounter = 0;
                DirDataForIndex = NULL;
                Stage3ADisplayVar = NULL;
            case 3:
                printf ( "Exiting!\n" );
                exit = 1;
    }while(exit == 0);
    return 0;

Ответы [ 3 ]

0 голосов
/ 29 марта 2012

Есть несколько мест malloc (#). Вы всегда должны использовать # * sizeof (тип) в зависимости от типа, который вы планируете ввести. Затем всегда проверяйте, чтобы убедиться, что вы не добавляете в расположение более # типа.

Не имеет отношения, но это полезно для удобства чтения структур типов. Обычно что-то вроде:

    typedef struct dataStructure_t { 
        int a; 
        int b;
    } dataStructure;
0 голосов
/ 30 марта 2012

Если у вас есть dbx, доступный на вашем компьютере, он должен быстро найти, где ваш код повреждает его память с помощью функции rtc (проверка времени выполнения). Если нет, вы можете использовать libumem и / или whatchmalloc , чтобы сделать то же самое.

0 голосов
/ 29 марта 2012

Я бы порекомендовал проверить статус после malloc и до free, как в

char *temp = malloc(10);

if(temp == NULL) {
    //Malloc failed handle it 


РЕДАКТИРОВАТЬ: Это не нужно, как указала клятва free(NULL); не работает

if(temp != NULL) {
    temp = NULL;