Чтобы добавить к принятому ответу gdoran, я обнаружил, что действие не заполняется, если используется пользовательский атрибут маршрута.У меня работает следующее:
public static void SetUpReferrerRouteVariables(HttpRequestBase httpRequestBase, ref string previousAreaName, ref string previousControllerName, ref string previousActionName)
// No referrer found, perhaps page accessed directly, just return.
if (httpRequestBase.UrlReferrer == null) return;
// Split the url to url + QueryString.
var fullUrl = httpRequestBase.UrlReferrer.ToString();
var questionMarkIndex = fullUrl.IndexOf('?');
string queryString = null;
var url = fullUrl;
if (questionMarkIndex != -1) // There is a QueryString
url = fullUrl.Substring(0, questionMarkIndex);
queryString = fullUrl.Substring(questionMarkIndex + 1);
// Arrange.
var request = new HttpRequest(null, url, queryString);
var response = new HttpResponse(new StringWriter());
var httpContext = new HttpContext(request, response);
var routeData = RouteTable.Routes.GetRouteData(new HttpContextWrapper(httpContext));
if (routeData == null) throw new AuthenticationRedirectToReferrerDataNotFoundException();
// Extract the data.
var previousValues = routeData.Values;
previousAreaName = previousValues["area"] == null ? string.Empty : previousValues["area"].ToString();
previousControllerName = previousValues["controller"] == null ? string.Empty : previousValues["controller"].ToString();
previousActionName = previousValues["action"] == null ? string.Empty : previousValues["action"].ToString();
if (previousActionName != string.Empty) return;
var routeDataAsListFromMsDirectRouteMatches = (List<RouteData>)previousValues["MS_DirectRouteMatches"];
var routeValueDictionaryFromMsDirectRouteMatches = routeDataAsListFromMsDirectRouteMatches.FirstOrDefault();
if (routeValueDictionaryFromMsDirectRouteMatches == null) return;
previousActionName = routeValueDictionaryFromMsDirectRouteMatches.Values["action"].ToString();
if (previousActionName == "") previousActionName = "Index";