GWT Mosaic Не удалось найти правило точного соответствия ... e - PullRequest
1 голос
/ 29 августа 2011

Я использую gwt-mosaic 0.4.0-rc4. У меня есть следующие ошибки после mvn gwt:compile:

[INFO] --- gwt-maven-plugin:2.3.0-1:compile (default) @ ... ---
[INFO] auto discovered modules [...]
[WARNING] Don't declare gwt-dev as a project dependency. This may introduce complex dependency conflicts
[INFO] Compiling module ...
[INFO]    Validating newly compiled units
[INFO]       [WARN] Warnings in 'jar:file:/home/seyz/.m2/repository/com/googlecode/gwtmosaic/gwt-mosaic/0.4.0-rc4/gwt-mosaic-0.4.0-rc4.jar!/org/gwt/mosaic/ui/client/impl/'
[INFO]          [WARN] Line 52: Referencing deprecated class ''
[INFO]          [WARN] Line 60: Referencing deprecated class ''
[INFO]    Scanning for additional dependencies: jar:file:/home/seyz/.m2/repository/com/googlecode/gwtmosaic/gwt-mosaic/0.4.0-rc4/gwt-mosaic-0.4.0-rc4.jar!/org/gwt/mosaic/core/client/
[INFO]       Computing all possible rebind results for 'org.gwt.mosaic.core.client.impl.DOMImpl'
[INFO]          Rebinding org.gwt.mosaic.core.client.impl.DOMImpl
[INFO]             Could not find an exact match rule. Using 'closest' rule <replace-with class='org.gwt.mosaic.core.client.impl.DOMImplIE8'/> based on fall back values. You may need to implement a specific binding in case the fall back behavior does not replace the missing binding
[INFO]          Rebinding org.gwt.mosaic.core.client.impl.DOMImpl
[INFO]             Could not find an exact match rule. Using 'closest' rule <replace-with class='org.gwt.mosaic.core.client.impl.DOMImplIE8'/> based on fall back values. You may need to implement a specific binding in case the fall back behavior does not replace the missing binding
[INFO]    Scanning for additional dependencies: jar:file:/home/seyz/.m2/repository/com/googlecode/gwtmosaic/gwt-mosaic/0.4.0-rc4/gwt-mosaic-0.4.0-rc4.jar!/org/gwt/mosaic/core/client/
[INFO]       Computing all possible rebind results for 'org.gwt.mosaic.core.client.impl.UserAgentImpl'
[INFO]          Rebinding org.gwt.mosaic.core.client.impl.UserAgentImpl
[INFO]             Could not find an exact match rule. Using 'closest' rule <replace-with class='org.gwt.mosaic.core.client.impl.UserAgentImplIE6'/> based on fall back values. You may need to implement a specific binding in case the fall back behavior does not replace the missing binding
[INFO]          Rebinding org.gwt.mosaic.core.client.impl.UserAgentImpl
[INFO]             Could not find an exact match rule. Using 'closest' rule <replace-with class='org.gwt.mosaic.core.client.impl.UserAgentImplIE6'/> based on fall back values. You may need to implement a specific binding in case the fall back behavior does not replace the missing binding
[INFO]    Scanning for additional dependencies: jar:file:/home/seyz/.m2/repository/com/googlecode/gwtmosaic/gwt-dnd/0.4.0-rc4/gwt-dnd-0.4.0-rc4.jar!/com/allen_sauer/gwt/dnd/client/util/
[INFO]       Computing all possible rebind results for 'com.allen_sauer.gwt.dnd.client.util.impl.DOMUtilImpl'
[INFO]          Rebinding com.allen_sauer.gwt.dnd.client.util.impl.DOMUtilImpl
[INFO]             Could not find an exact match rule. Using 'closest' rule <replace-with class='com.allen_sauer.gwt.dnd.client.util.impl.DOMUtilImplIE6'/> based on fall back values. You may need to implement a specific binding in case the fall back behavior does not replace the missing binding
[INFO]          Rebinding com.allen_sauer.gwt.dnd.client.util.impl.DOMUtilImpl
[INFO]             Could not find an exact match rule. Using 'closest' rule <replace-with class='com.allen_sauer.gwt.dnd.client.util.impl.DOMUtilImplIE6'/> based on fall back values. You may need to implement a specific binding in case the fall back behavior does not replace the missing binding
[INFO]    Scanning for additional dependencies: jar:file:/home/seyz/.m2/repository/com/googlecode/gwtmosaic/gwt-mosaic/0.4.0-rc4/gwt-mosaic-0.4.0-rc4.jar!/org/gwt/mosaic/ui/client/
[INFO]       Computing all possible rebind results for 'org.gwt.mosaic.ui.client.impl.GlassPanelImpl'
[INFO]          Rebinding org.gwt.mosaic.ui.client.impl.GlassPanelImpl
[INFO]             Could not find an exact match rule. Using 'closest' rule <replace-with class='org.gwt.mosaic.ui.client.impl.GlassPanelImplIE6'/> based on fall back values. You may need to implement a specific binding in case the fall back behavior does not replace the missing binding
[INFO]          Rebinding org.gwt.mosaic.ui.client.impl.GlassPanelImpl
[INFO]             Could not find an exact match rule. Using 'closest' rule <replace-with class='org.gwt.mosaic.ui.client.impl.GlassPanelImplIE6'/> based on fall back values. You may need to implement a specific binding in case the fall back behavior does not replace the missing binding
[INFO]    Compiling 12 permutations

Знаете ли вы, что означают эти ошибки?

1 Ответ

2 голосов
/ 29 августа 2011

Это все предупреждения, а не ошибки.Первый, напечатанный дважды, указывает лишь на то, что на класс, на который ссылаются, в последней версии gwt устарел и может не существовать в будущих версиях, поэтому библиотека должна прекратить его использование.указать, что поддержка IE9 была добавлена, и что ваша библиотека не поддерживает IE9.Таким образом, компилятор строит сборку IE9 с использованием другой версии кода IE.

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