С VS2017 на Windows 10 вы можете увидеть внутреннюю по callstack:
ntdll.dll!NtCreateFile() Unknown
KernelBase.dll!CreateFileInternal() Unknown
KernelBase.dll!CreateFileW() Unknown
ucrtbased.dll!create_file(const wchar_t * const path, _SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES * const security_attributes, const `anonymous-namespace'::file_options options) Line 234 C++
ucrtbased.dll!_wsopen_nolock(int * punlock_flag, int * pfh, const wchar_t * path, int oflag, int shflag, int pmode, int secure) Line 702 C++
ucrtbased.dll!_sopen_nolock(int * punlock_flag, int * pfh, const char * path, int oflag, int shflag, int pmode, int secure) Line 852 C++
ucrtbased.dll!__crt_char_traits<char>::tsopen_nolock<int * __ptr64,int * __ptr64,char const * __ptr64 const & __ptr64,int const & __ptr64,int,int const & __ptr64,int>(int * && <args_0>, int * && <args_1>, const char * const & <args_2>, const int & <args_3>, int && <args_4>, const int & <args_5>, int && <args_6>) Line 109 C++
ucrtbased.dll!common_sopen_dispatch<char>(const char * const path, const int oflag, const int shflag, const int pmode, int * const pfh, const int secure) Line 172 C++
ucrtbased.dll!_sopen_dispatch(const char * path, int oflag, int shflag, int pmode, int * pfh, int secure) Line 204 C++
ucrtbased.dll!_sopen_s(int * pfh, const char * path, int oflag, int shflag, int pmode) Line 895 C++
ucrtbased.dll!__crt_char_traits<char>::tsopen_s<int * __ptr64,char const * __ptr64 const & __ptr64,int const & __ptr64,int const & __ptr64,int>(int * && <args_0>, const char * const & <args_1>, const int & <args_2>, const int & <args_3>, int && <args_4>) Line 109 C++
ucrtbased.dll!common_openfile<char>(const char * const file_name, const char * const mode, const int share_flag, const __crt_stdio_stream stream) Line 38 C++
ucrtbased.dll!_openfile(const char * file_name, const char * mode, int share_flag, _iobuf * public_stream) Line 67 C++
ucrtbased.dll!__crt_char_traits<char>::open_file<char const * __ptr64 const & __ptr64,char const * __ptr64 const & __ptr64,int const & __ptr64,_iobuf * __ptr64>(const char * const & <args_0>, const char * const & <args_1>, const int & <args_2>, _iobuf * && <args_3>) Line 109 C++
ucrtbased.dll!common_fsopen<char>(const char * const file_name, const char * const mode, const int share_flag) Line 54 C++
ucrtbased.dll!fopen(const char * file, const char * mode) Line 104 C++
Большинство кодов:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Source\10.0.17763.0\ucrt\stdio\fopen.cpp
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Source\10.0.17763.0\ucrt\stdio\openfile.cpp
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Source\10.0.17763.0\ucrt\lowio\open.cpp
В _wsopen_nolock в open.cpp есть:
// Allocate the CRT file handle. Note that if a handle is allocated, it is
// locked when it is returned by the allocation function. It is our caller's
// responsibility to unlock the file handle (we do not unlock it before
// returning).
*pfh = _alloc_osfhnd();
Наконец, он вызывает Windows API CreateFileW, который вызывает скрытый API «NtCreateFile», код сборки которого:
00007FFFD81A0120 mov r10,rcx
00007FFFD81A0123 mov eax,55h
00007FFFD81A0128 test byte ptr[7FFE0308h],1
00007FFFD81A0130 jne NtCreateFile+15h(07FFFD81A0135h)
00007FFFD81A0132 syscall
00007FFFD81A0134 ret
00007FFFD81A0135 int 2Eh
00007FFFD81A0137 ret
00007FFFD81A0138 nop dword ptr[rax + rax]
Итак, наконец, он выполняет инструкцию syscall, которая входит в код ядра.