Я обычно использую теги #hash в URL и хэш-опрос для достижения этой цели.
Вот пример:
<a href="#showdiv">Click here to show div!</a>
var start_hash = window.location.hash;
var recent_hash = "";
process_hash(start_hash); // Start the initial hash check
setInterval(poll_hash, 100); // Initialize our hash polling interval
function poll_hash() {
if (window.location.hash==recent_hash) { return; } // No change in URL hash
recent_hash = window.location.hash; // Set to check next time.
process_hash(recent_hash); // Changed hash, lets process
// process_hash
function process_hash(current_hash) {
// Check for defaults, then set to #home.
if(!current_hash || current_hash == '') { current_hash="#home"; }
// Strip the # for the hash
var hash_id = link_div.match(/[^#]+/g);
// conditions for multiple hash tags can go here.
if(hash_id == "#showdiv") {