Я расширил класс, который нашел здесь: Воспроизведение MP3 с использованием MCI http://www.codeproject.com и облегчил его использование с несколькими звуками, которые остаются управляемыми.
Это в значительной степени говорит само за себя, но, возможно, кто-то когда-нибудь найдет этот поток, с помощью этого фрагмента кода какое-то время безопаснее, или, может быть, есть некоторые важные вещи, которые можно улучшить:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.IO;
namespace someNameHere
public class MP3Player
private string Pcommand, FName,alias;
private bool Opened, Playing, Paused, Loop,
MutedAll, MutedLeft, MutedRight;
private int rVolume, lVolume, aVolume,
tVolume, bVolume, VolBalance;
private ulong Lng;
private long Err;
private static int counter = 0;
public static List<MP3Player> currentlyActive = new List<MP3Player>();
public static List<MP3Player> lastFiveActive = new List<MP3Player>();
private static extern long mciSendString(string strCommand,
StringBuilder strReturn, int iReturnLength,
IntPtr hwndCallback);
public MP3Player()
Opened = false;
Pcommand = "";
FName = "";
Playing = false;
Paused = false;
Loop = false;
MutedAll = MutedLeft = MutedRight = false;
rVolume = lVolume = aVolume =
tVolume = bVolume = 1000;
Lng = 0;
VolBalance = 0;
Err = 0;
alias = "alias" + counter.ToString();
currentlyActive = cleanUpActive();
private List<MP3Player> cleanUpActive()
List<MP3Player> cachedList = new List<MP3Player>(currentlyActive);
cachedList = (from c in cachedList where c.AudioLength == c.CurrentPosition select c).ToList();
foreach (MP3Player eachSound in cachedList)
return (from c in currentlyActive where c.AudioLength != c.CurrentPosition select c).ToList();
public static void playRandomFromFolder(string relpath, bool checkIfInLast)
string currentdir = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
string[] Files = Directory.GetFiles(currentdir + relpath);
Random randNum = new Random();
List<string> list_paths = (from c in lastFiveActive select c.FileName).ToList();
string randomFile = "";
int i = 0;
while (true)
int zufall = randNum.Next(0, Files.Length);
if (!list_paths.Contains(Files[zufall]) || i > 10)
randomFile = Files[zufall];
MP3Player playIt = new MP3Player();
catch (Exception err)
// MessageBox.Show(err.Message);
#region AllActiveFunctions
public static void stopAllActive()
List<MP3Player> cachedList = new List<MP3Player>(currentlyActive);
foreach (MP3Player eachSound in cachedList)
public static void pauseAllActive()
foreach (MP3Player eachSound in currentlyActive)
public static void playAllActive()
List<MP3Player> cachedList = new List<MP3Player>(currentlyActive);
foreach (MP3Player eachSound in cachedList)
public static void setVolumeAllActive(int i)
List<MP3Player> cachedList = new List<MP3Player>(currentlyActive);
foreach (MP3Player eachSound in cachedList)
eachSound.VolumeAll = i;
public static void setVolumeLeft(int i)
List<MP3Player> cachedList = new List<MP3Player>(currentlyActive);
foreach (MP3Player eachSound in cachedList)
eachSound.VolumeLeft = i;
public static void setVolumeRight(int i)
List<MP3Player> cachedList = new List<MP3Player>(currentlyActive);
foreach (MP3Player eachSound in cachedList)
eachSound.VolumeRight = i;
public static void setVolumeTreble(int i)
List<MP3Player> cachedList = new List<MP3Player>(currentlyActive);
foreach (MP3Player eachSound in cachedList)
eachSound.VolumeTreble = i;
public static void setVolumeBass(int i)
List<MP3Player> cachedList = new List<MP3Player>(currentlyActive);
foreach (MP3Player eachSound in cachedList)
eachSound.VolumeBass = i;
public static void setBalance(int i)
List<MP3Player> cachedList = new List<MP3Player>(currentlyActive);
foreach (MP3Player eachSound in cachedList)
eachSound.Balance = i;
public static void stopLast()
List<MP3Player> cachedList = new List<MP3Player>(currentlyActive);
#region Volume
public bool MuteAll
return MutedAll;
MutedAll = value;
if (MutedAll)
Pcommand = "setaudio " + alias + " off";
if ((Err = mciSendString(Pcommand, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero)) != 0)
OnError(new ErrorEventArgs(Err));
Pcommand = "setaudio " + alias + " on";
if ((Err = mciSendString(Pcommand, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero)) != 0)
OnError(new ErrorEventArgs(Err));
public bool MuteLeft
return MutedLeft;
MutedLeft = value;
if (MutedLeft)
Pcommand = "setaudio " + alias + " left off";
if ((Err = mciSendString(Pcommand, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero)) != 0)
OnError(new ErrorEventArgs(Err));
Pcommand = "setaudio " + alias + " left on";
if ((Err = mciSendString(Pcommand, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero)) != 0)
OnError(new ErrorEventArgs(Err));
public bool MuteRight
return MutedRight;
MutedRight = value;
if (MutedRight)
Pcommand = "setaudio " + alias + " right off";
if ((Err = mciSendString(Pcommand, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero)) != 0)
OnError(new ErrorEventArgs(Err));
Pcommand = "setaudio " + alias + " right on";
if ((Err = mciSendString(Pcommand, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero)) != 0)
OnError(new ErrorEventArgs(Err));
public int VolumeAll
return aVolume;
if (Opened && (value >= 0 && value <= 1000))
aVolume = value;
Pcommand = String.Format("setaudio " + alias + "" +
" volume to {0}", aVolume);
if ((Err = mciSendString(Pcommand, null, 0,
IntPtr.Zero)) != 0)
OnError(new ErrorEventArgs(Err));
public int VolumeLeft
return lVolume;
if (Opened && (value >= 0 && value <= 1000))
lVolume = value;
Pcommand = String.Format("setaudio " + alias + "" +
" left volume to {0}", lVolume);
if ((Err = mciSendString(Pcommand, null, 0,
IntPtr.Zero)) != 0)
OnError(new ErrorEventArgs(Err));
public int VolumeRight
return rVolume;
if (Opened && (value >= 0 && value <= 1000))
rVolume = value;
Pcommand = String.Format("setaudio" +
" " + alias + " right volume to {0}", rVolume);
if ((Err = mciSendString(Pcommand, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero)) != 0)
OnError(new ErrorEventArgs(Err));
public int VolumeTreble
return tVolume;
if (Opened && (value >= 0 && value <= 1000))
tVolume = value;
Pcommand = String.Format("setaudio " + alias + "" +
" treble to {0}", tVolume);
if ((Err = mciSendString(Pcommand, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero)) != 0)
OnError(new ErrorEventArgs(Err));
public int VolumeBass
return bVolume;
if (Opened && (value >= 0 && value <= 1000))
bVolume = value;
Pcommand = String.Format("setaudio " + alias + " bass to {0}",
if ((Err = mciSendString(Pcommand, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero)) != 0)
OnError(new ErrorEventArgs(Err));
public int Balance
return VolBalance;
if (Opened && (value >= -1000 && value <= 1000))
VolBalance = value;
if (value < 0)
Pcommand = "setaudio " + alias + " left volume to 1000";
if ((Err = mciSendString(Pcommand, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero)) != 0)
OnError(new ErrorEventArgs(Err));
Pcommand = String.Format("setaudio " + alias + " right" +
" volume to {0}", 1000 + value);
if ((Err = mciSendString(Pcommand, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero)) != 0)
OnError(new ErrorEventArgs(Err));
Pcommand = "setaudio " + alias + " right volume to 1000";
if ((Err = mciSendString(Pcommand, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero)) != 0)
OnError(new ErrorEventArgs(Err));
Pcommand = String.Format("setaudio " + alias + "" +
" left volume to {0}", 1000 - value);
if ((Err = mciSendString(Pcommand, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero)) != 0)
OnError(new ErrorEventArgs(Err));
#region Main Functions
public string FileName
return FName;
public bool Looping
return Loop;
Loop = value;
public void Seek(ulong Millisecs)
if (Opened && Millisecs <= Lng)
if (Playing)
if (Paused)
Pcommand = String.Format("seek " + alias + " to {0}", Millisecs);
if ((Err = mciSendString(Pcommand, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero)) != 0)
OnError(new ErrorEventArgs(Err));
Pcommand = String.Format("seek " + alias + " to {0}", Millisecs);
if ((Err = mciSendString(Pcommand, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero)) != 0)
OnError(new ErrorEventArgs(Err));
Pcommand = "play " + alias + "";
if ((Err = mciSendString(Pcommand, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero)) != 0)
OnError(new ErrorEventArgs(Err));
private void CalculateLength()
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(128);
mciSendString("status " + alias + " length", str, 128, IntPtr.Zero);
Lng = Convert.ToUInt64(str.ToString());
public ulong AudioLength
if (Opened) return Lng;
else return 0;
public void Close()
if (Opened)
Pcommand = "close " + alias + "";
if ((Err = mciSendString(Pcommand, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero)) != 0)
OnError(new ErrorEventArgs(Err));
Opened = false;
Playing = false;
Paused = false;
OnCloseFile(new CloseFileEventArgs());
public void Open(string sFileName)
if (!Opened)
Pcommand = "open \"" + sFileName +
"\" type mpegvideo alias " + alias + "";
if ((Err = mciSendString(Pcommand, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero)) != 0)
OnError(new ErrorEventArgs(Err));
FName = sFileName;
Opened = true;
Playing = false;
Paused = false;
Pcommand = "set " + alias + " time format milliseconds";
if ((Err = mciSendString(Pcommand, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero)) != 0)
OnError(new ErrorEventArgs(Err));
Pcommand = "set " + alias + " seek exactly on";
if ((Err = mciSendString(Pcommand, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero)) != 0)
OnError(new ErrorEventArgs(Err));
OnOpenFile(new OpenFileEventArgs(sFileName));
private void stackLastFive(MP3Player latest)
if (lastFiveActive.Count() > 5)
lastFiveActive = lastFiveActive.Take(4).ToList();
public void Play()
if (Opened)
if (!Playing)
Playing = true;
Pcommand = "play " + alias + "";
if (Loop) Pcommand += " REPEAT";
if ((Err = mciSendString(Pcommand, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero)) != 0)
OnError(new ErrorEventArgs(Err));
OnPlayFile(new PlayFileEventArgs());
if (!Paused)
Pcommand = "seek " + alias + " to start";
if ((Err = mciSendString(Pcommand, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero)) != 0)
OnError(new ErrorEventArgs(Err));
Pcommand = "play " + alias + "";
if ((Err = mciSendString(Pcommand, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero)) != 0)
OnError(new ErrorEventArgs(Err));
OnPlayFile(new PlayFileEventArgs());
Paused = false;
Pcommand = "play " + alias + "";
if ((Err = mciSendString(Pcommand, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero)) != 0)
OnError(new ErrorEventArgs(Err));
OnPlayFile(new PlayFileEventArgs());
public void Pause()
if (Opened)
if (!Paused)
Paused = true;
Pcommand = "pause " + alias + "";
if ((Err = mciSendString(Pcommand, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero)) != 0)
OnError(new ErrorEventArgs(Err));
OnPauseFile(new PauseFileEventArgs());
Paused = false;
Pcommand = "play " + alias + "";
if ((Err = mciSendString(Pcommand, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero)) != 0)
OnError(new ErrorEventArgs(Err));
OnPlayFile(new PlayFileEventArgs());
public void Stop()
if (Opened && Playing)
Playing = false;
Paused = false;
Pcommand = "seek " + alias + " to start";
if ((Err = mciSendString(Pcommand, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero)) != 0)
OnError(new ErrorEventArgs(Err));
Pcommand = "stop " + alias + "";
if ((Err = mciSendString(Pcommand, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero)) != 0)
OnError(new ErrorEventArgs(Err));
OnStopFile(new StopFileEventArgs());
public ulong CurrentPosition
if (Opened && Playing)
StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(128);
Pcommand = "status " + alias + " position";
if ((Err = mciSendString(Pcommand, s, 128, IntPtr.Zero)) != 0)
OnError(new ErrorEventArgs(Err));
return Convert.ToUInt64(s.ToString());
else return 0;
#region Event Handling
public delegate void OpenFileEventHandler(Object sender,
OpenFileEventArgs oea);
public delegate void PlayFileEventHandler(Object sender,
PlayFileEventArgs pea);
public delegate void PauseFileEventHandler(Object sender,
PauseFileEventArgs paea);
public delegate void StopFileEventHandler(Object sender,
StopFileEventArgs sea);
public delegate void CloseFileEventHandler(Object sender,
CloseFileEventArgs cea);
public delegate void ErrorEventHandler(Object sender,
ErrorEventArgs eea);
public event OpenFileEventHandler OpenFile;
public event PlayFileEventHandler PlayFile;
public event PauseFileEventHandler PauseFile;
public event StopFileEventHandler StopFile;
public event CloseFileEventHandler CloseFile;
public event ErrorEventHandler Error;
protected virtual void OnOpenFile(OpenFileEventArgs oea)
if (OpenFile != null) OpenFile(this, oea);
protected virtual void OnPlayFile(PlayFileEventArgs pea)
if (PlayFile != null) PlayFile(this, pea);
protected virtual void OnPauseFile(PauseFileEventArgs paea)
if (PauseFile != null) PauseFile(this, paea);
protected virtual void OnStopFile(StopFileEventArgs sea)
if (StopFile != null) StopFile(this, sea);
protected virtual void OnCloseFile(CloseFileEventArgs cea)
if (CloseFile != null) CloseFile(this, cea);
if (currentlyActive.Contains(this))
protected virtual void OnError(ErrorEventArgs eea)
if (Error != null) Error(this, eea);
public class OpenFileEventArgs : EventArgs
public OpenFileEventArgs(string filename)
this.FileName = filename;
public readonly string FileName;
public class PlayFileEventArgs : EventArgs
public PlayFileEventArgs()
public class PauseFileEventArgs : EventArgs
public PauseFileEventArgs()
public class StopFileEventArgs : EventArgs
public StopFileEventArgs()
public class CloseFileEventArgs : EventArgs
public CloseFileEventArgs()
public class ErrorEventArgs : EventArgs
public ErrorEventArgs(long Err)
this.ErrNum = Err;
public readonly long ErrNum;