Я пытаюсь настроить систему Click to Chat для своей компании.Требуется форма, которая собирает некоторую информацию от пользователя.Когда вы отправляете форму, она должна открывать новое окно, используя скрипт в файле .js.
Я попытался добавить некоторую проверку, которая привела к появлению функции onclick и onsubmit.Когда форма подставляется без проверки на месте, она открывает новое окно с помощью функции BG.startChatWithIssueForm(this.form, true);
.Но, по какой-то причине, когда я включаю onsubmit для проверки, onclick игнорирует его полностью.
Я пытался вложить функцию BG.startChatWithIssueForm(this.form, true);
в разные места в функции formValidator()
, но это все равно приводит к запросу загрузки файла вместо открытия нового окна.
Не уверен, что я делаю не так.Я исследовал это в течение нескольких недель, и, похоже, ничего не могу придумать.Javascript определенно не моя сильная сторона, поэтому любая помощь будет принята с благодарностью.
См. Код ниже:
function Bomgar() {
var _host = "";
var _protoRe = /^(http|https):\/\//;
/* private */
function _createURL(params, forPopup) {
var qStr = "";
for (var k in params) {
qStr += "&"+encodeURIComponent(k)+"="+encodeURIComponent(params[k]);
qStr = "popup="+(forPopup ? "1" : "0") + "&c2cjs=1" + qStr;
return _host+"api/start_session.ns?"+qStr;
function _openWindow(params) {
return window.open(_createURL(params, true), 'clickToChat', 'toolbar=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,location=no,scrollbars=no');
function _redirectWindow(params) {
window.location.href = _createURL(params, false);
function _startChat(params, doFull) {
var w = _openWindow(params);
if (w && !w.closed) { return; }
else if (doFull) { _redirectWindow(params); return; }
function _startChatWithSurveyValues(surveyValues, fallbackToFullWindow) {
surveyValues.issue_menu = '1';
_startChat(surveyValues, fallbackToFullWindow);
/* public */
// Set the public site hostname that click to chat should be started on.
this.setSite = function(siteHostname) {
if (!_protoRe.test(siteHostname)) { siteHostname = "http://"+siteHostname; }
if (siteHostname[siteHostname.length-1] != '/') { siteHostname += '/'; }
_host = siteHostname;
// Start a click to chat session using a session key, optionally falling back to a full browser window redirect if the popup window fails to open due to popup blockers.
this.startChatWithSessionKey = function(sessionKey, fallbackToFullWindow) {
var p = {short_key: sessionKey};
_startChat(p, fallbackToFullWindow);
// Start a click to chat session using a session key and external key, optionally falling back to a full browser window redirect if the popup window fails to open due to popup blockers.
this.startChatWithSessionKeyAndExternalKey = function(sessionKey, externalKey, fallbackToFullWindow) {
var p = {short_key: sessionKey, external_key: externalKey};
_startChat(p, fallbackToFullWindow);
// Start a click to chat session using just an issue id and no other front end survey fields.
this.startChatWithIssueId = function(issueId, fallbackToFullWindow) {
_startChatWithSurveyValues({id: issueId}, fallbackToFullWindow);
// Start a click to chat session by passing the entire front end survey form element.
// This will submit all non-button input element values on the form.
// Any unexpected survey field names will be ignored.
this.startChatWithIssueForm = function(formElement, fallbackToFullWindow) {
var params = {};
for (var i = 0; i < formElement.elements.length; i++) {
var e = formElement.elements[i];
if (e.name && e.value && e.type && e.type != 'button' && e.type != 'submit') {
params[e.name] = e.value;
formElement = undefined;
params.issue_menu = '1';
_startChat(params, fallbackToFullWindow);
return false;
// Start a session with a representative id and name.
this.startChatWithRepIdName = function(repId, repName, fallbackToFullWindow) {
var p = {id: repId, name: repName};
_startChat(p, fallbackToFullWindow);
return this;
var BG = Bomgar();
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://***.******.com/api/clicktochat.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
<script type='text/javascript'>
function formValidator(){
// Make quick references to our fields
var issueid = document.getElementById('issueid');
var username = document.getElementById('username');
var userid = document.getElementById('userid');
var issuedesc = document.getElementById('issuedesc');
// Check each input in the order that it appears in the form
if(madeSelection(issueid, "Please choose an issue"))
if(notEmpty(username, "Please enter your name"))
if(isAlphanumeric(username, "Numbers and Letters Only for name"))
if(notEmpty(userid, "Please enter your user ID"))
if(isAlphanumeric(userid, "Numbers and Letters Only for user ID"))
if(notEmpty(issuedesc, "Please type a description of your problem"))
//check to make sure user selected their issue
function madeSelection(elem, helperMsg){
if(elem.selectedIndex == 0 ){
elem.focus(); // set the focus to this input
return false;
return true;
//check to make sure user entered something in the particular field
function notEmpty(elem, helperMsg){
if(elem.value.length == 0){
return false;
return true;
//check to make sure user only entered numeric characters
function isNumeric(elem, helperMsg){
var numericExpression = /^[0-9]+$/;
return true;
return false;
//check to make sure user only entered alpha characters
function isAlphabet(elem, helperMsg){
var alphaExp = /^[a-zA-Z]+$/;
return true;
return false;
//check to make sure user entered only alpha or numeric characters
function isAlphanumeric(elem, helperMsg){
var alphaExp = /^[0-9a-zA-Z]+$/;
return true;
return false;
<script type="text/javascript">
* Disable "Enter" key in Form script- By Nurul Fadilah(nurul@REMOVETHISvolmedia.com)
* This notice must stay intact for use
* Visit http://www.dynamicdrive.com/ for full source code
function handleEnter (field, event) {
var keyCode = event.keyCode ? event.keyCode : event.which ? event.which : event.charCode;
if (keyCode == 13) {
var i;
for (i = 0; i < field.form.elements.length; i++)
if (field == field.form.elements[i])
i = (i + 1) % field.form.elements.length;
return false;
return true;
<form action="https://***.******.com/api/start_session.ns" onsubmit="return formValidator();" method="get">
What issue are you having?
<select onkeypress="return handleEnter(this, event)" id="issueid" name="id">
<option value="">Choose</option>
<option value="1">I need help getting started</option>
<option value="2">I am receiving an error</option>
<br />
Your First and Last Name: <input onkeypress="return handleEnter(this, event)" type="text" id="username" name="customer_name" /><br />
Your User ID (ABC1234): <input onkeypress="return handleEnter(this, event)" type="text" id="userid" name="customer_id" /><br />
Describe Your Issue: <textarea onkeypress="return handleEnter(this, event)" id="issuedesc" name="customer_desc"></textarea><br />
<input onkeypress="return handleEnter(this, event)" type="hidden" name="issue_menu" value="1" />
<input onkeypress="return handleEnter(this, event)" type="submit" value="Submit" onclick="BG.startChatWithIssueForm(this.form, true); return false;" />
<input onkeypress="return handleEnter(this, event)" type="button" name="reset_form" value="Clear" onclick="this.form.reset();">