У меня есть два изображения, которые движутся в случайном направлении. Теперь, если эти изображения будут сталкиваться друг с другом, я хочу, чтобы они исчезли, и это моя проблема с обнаружением столкновений. Может ли кто-нибудь помочь мне с этой проблемой?
Вот код:
public class HumanBeing extends Sprite implements ImageObserver
private java.awt.Image humanImage;
private final World world;
private double x;
private double y;
private double speed;
private double direction = 1;
private java.util.List<Sprite> objects = new ArrayList<Sprite>();
private double angle;
public HumanBeing(World world, double x, double y, double speed)
this.world =world;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.speed = convertToMeterPerSecond(speed);
URL iU = this.getClass().getResource("human.jpg");
ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(iU);
humanImage = icon.getImage();
public Image getImage()
return humanImage;
public void move(long dt)
double dt_s = dt / 1e9;
double dx_m = speed * dt_s * Math.sin(angle);
double dy_m = speed * dt_s * Math.cos(angle);
final double right_wall = world.x1_world;
final double up_wall = world.y1_world;
final double down_wall = 0.0;
final double left_wall = 0.0;
x += dx_m;
y += dy_m;
if (x >= right_wall)
if (y > up_wall)
if (x <= left_wall)
if (y < down_wall)
public void setRandomDirection()
HumanBeing humanbeing = this;
humanbeing.setAngle(Math.PI * 2 * Math.random());
public void render(Graphics2D g2d)
AffineTransform t = g2d.getTransform();
final double humanHeight = 1.6;// meter
final double humanWidth = 1.8; //meter
final double foot_position_y = humanHeight;
final double foot_position_x = humanWidth / 2;
int xx = world.convertToPixelX(x - foot_position_x); // to find the upper-left corner
int yy = world.convertToPixelY(y + foot_position_y); // to find the upper-left corner
g2d.translate(xx, yy);
// ratio for actual Image size
double x_expected_pixels = humanHeight * board.meter;
double y_expected_pixels = humanWidth * board.meter;
double w = ((ToolkitImage) humanImage).getWidth();
double h = ((ToolkitImage) humanImage).getHeight();
double x_s = x_expected_pixels / w;
double y_s = y_expected_pixels / h;
g2d.scale(x_s, y_s);
g2d.drawImage(getImage(), 0, 0, this); // upper left corner
public void moveAt(double distance_x, double distance_y)
this.x = distance_x;
this.y = distance_y;
public boolean imageUpdate(Image img, int infoflags, int x, int y, int width, int height)
return false;
public void setAngle(double angle)
this.angle = angle;
это мой класс HumanBeing
public class Chicken extends Sprite implements ImageObserver
private java.awt.Image chickenImage;
private final World world;
private double x;
private double y;
private double speed;
private double angle;
public Chicken(World world, double x, double y, double speed)
this.world = world;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.speed = convertToMeterPerSecond(speed);
URL iU = this.getClass().getResource("chicken.gif");
ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(iU);
chickenImage = icon.getImage();
public Image getImage()
return chickenImage;
public void move(long dt)
double dt_s = dt / 1e9;
double dx_m = speed * dt_s * Math.sin(angle);
double dy_m = speed * dt_s * Math.cos(angle);
final double right_wall = world.x1_world;
final double up_wall = world.y1_world;
final double down_wall = 0.0;
final double left_wall = 0.0;
x += dx_m;
y += dy_m;
if (x >= right_wall)
x = right_wall;
if (y > up_wall)
y = up_wall;
if (x <= left_wall)
x = left_wall;
if (y < down_wall)
y = down_wall;
public void setRandomDirection()
Chicken chicken = this;
chicken.setAngle(Math.PI * 2 * Math.random());
public void render(Graphics2D g2d)
AffineTransform t = g2d.getTransform();
double height = 0.3; //meter
double width = 0.3; //meter
double chicken_footy = height;
double chicken_footx = width/2;
int xx = world.convertToPixelX(x - chicken_footx);
int yy = world.convertToPixelY(y + chicken_footy);
g2d.translate(xx, yy);
double x_expected_pixels = width * board.meter;
double y_expected_pixels = height * board.meter;
double x_s = x_expected_pixels / ((ToolkitImage) chickenImage).getWidth();
double y_s = y_expected_pixels / ((ToolkitImage) chickenImage).getHeight();
g2d.scale(x_s, y_s);
g2d.drawImage(getImage(), 0, 0, this);
public void moveAt(double distance_x, double distance_y)
this.x = (int) distance_x;
this.y = (int) distance_y;
public boolean imageUpdate(Image img, int infoflags, int x, int y, int width, int height)
return true;
public void setAngle(double angle)
this.angle = angle;
это мой куриный класс