Я получаю сообщение об ошибке при попытке скомпилировать мою программу, у меня возникают проблемы с поисковой частью кода.Не уверен, что я делаю неправильно.
Вот ошибка, которую я получаю при компиляции:
week3.cs (97,17): ошибка CS1501: нет перегрузки дляметод 'searchAccounts' принимает 1 аргумент week3.cs (27,21): (расположение символа, связанного с предыдущей ошибкой)
Вот весь мой код:
using System;
class Accounts
// private class members
const int arrayLength = 5;
private int [] Account = new int[arrayLength]; //create arrays
private double [] AcctBalance = new double[arrayLength];
private string [] LastName = new string[arrayLength];
// fill all three parallel arrays with input
public void fillAccounts(int[] Account, double[] AcctBalance, string[] accountNameArray)
int arrayLength = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < Account.Length; i++)
Console.Write("Enter integer account number ");
Account[arrayLength] = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
Console.Write("Enter account balance ");
AcctBalance[arrayLength] = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());
Console.Write("Enter account holder last name ");
} //end for
} //end fillAccounts method
public void searchAccounts(int[] Account, double[] AccountBalance, string[] LastName)
int accountNum = 0;
bool isValid = false;
int x = 0;
Console.Write("Please enter the account number you wish to search for ");
accountNum = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
while (x < Account.Length && accountNum != Account[x])
if(x != Account.Length)
isValid = true;
Console.WriteLine("Account number " + Account[x] + " has a balance of " + AcctBalance[x]
+ " and the account holder is " + LastName[x]);
Console.WriteLine("No such account as {0}", accountNum);
public void averageAccounts(int[] Account, double[] AcctBalance)
// compute and display average of all 5 bal as currency use length.
int balanceCount = 0;
double balance = AcctBalance[balanceCount];
double balanceSum = 0;
double averageBalance = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < Account.Length; i++)
balanceSum = balanceSum + balanceCount;
averageBalance = (balanceSum/balanceCount);
} //end averageAccounts method
} //end public class accounts
class account_assignment //wrapper class for main
static void Main()
int[] Account;
double[] AcctBalance;
string[] LastName;
char entry;
char a, A;
char b, B;
char x, X;
//instantiate one new Accounts object
Accounts accounts = new Accounts();
//call class methods to fill accounts Array
accounts.fillAccounts(Account, AcctBalance, LastName);
//menu detailing entnries to select search (a or A) average (b or B) exit (x or X)
Console.WriteLine("enter an a or A to search account numbers");
Console.WriteLine("enter a b or B to average the accounts");
Console.WriteLine("enter an x or X to exit program");
entry = Convert.ToChar(Console.ReadLine());
if (entry == 'a' || entry == 'A')
if (entry == 'b' || entry == 'B')
accounts.averageAccounts(Account, AcctBalance);
if (entry == 'x' || entry == 'X')
Console.WriteLine("The program will now close");
//internal documentation
} //end main
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