Есть ли что-то, что я забыл сделать здесь, чтобы немного ускорить процесс?Я пытаюсь реализовать алгоритм, описанный в книге под названием «Настройка спектрального тембра».Также --- если все остальное терпит неудачу, есть ли способ для меня просто написать эту часть кода на C, а затем вызвать ее из python?
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np
# DTYPE = np.float
ctypedef np.float_t DTYPE_t
np.seterr(divide='raise', over='raise', under='ignore', invalid='raise')
I define a timbre as the following 2d numpy array:
[[f0, a0], [f1, a1], [f2, a2]...] where f describes the frequency
of the given partial and a is its amplitude from 0 to 1. Phase is ignored.
#Test Timbre
# cdef np.ndarray[DTYPE_t,ndim=2] t1 = np.array( [[440,1],[880,.5],[(440*3),.333]])
# Calculates the inherent dissonance of one timbres of the above form
# using the diss2Partials function
cdef DTYPE_t diss1Timbre(np.ndarray[DTYPE_t,ndim=2] t):
cdef DTYPE_t runningDiss1
runningDiss1 = 0.0
cdef unsigned int len = np.shape(t)[0]
cdef unsigned int i
cdef unsigned int j
for i from 0 <= i < len:
for j from i+1 <= j < len:
runningDiss1 += diss2Partials(t[i], t[j])
return runningDiss1
# Calculates the dissonance between two timbres of the above form
cdef DTYPE_t diss2Timbres(np.ndarray[DTYPE_t,ndim=2] t1, np.ndarray[DTYPE_t,ndim=2] t2):
cdef DTYPE_t runningDiss2
runningDiss2 = 0.0
cdef unsigned int len1 = np.shape(t1)[0]
cdef unsigned int len2 = np.shape(t2)[0]
runningDiss2 += diss1Timbre(t1)
runningDiss2 += diss1Timbre(t2)
cdef unsigned int i1
cdef unsigned int i2
for i1 from 0 <= i1 < len1:
for i2 from 0 <= i2 < len2:
runningDiss2 += diss2Partials(t1[i1], t2[i2])
return runningDiss2
cdef inline DTYPE_t float_min(DTYPE_t a, DTYPE_t b): return a if a <= b else b
# Calculates the dissonance of two partials of the form [f,a]
cdef DTYPE_t diss2Partials(np.ndarray[DTYPE_t,ndim=1] p1, np.ndarray[DTYPE_t,ndim=1] p2):
cdef DTYPE_t f1 = p1[0]
cdef DTYPE_t f2 = p2[0]
cdef DTYPE_t a1 = abs(p1[1])
cdef DTYPE_t a2 = abs(p2[1])
# In order to insure that f2 > f1:
if (f2 < f1):
(f1,f2,a1,a2) = (f2,f1,a2,a1)
# Constants of the dissonance curves
cdef DTYPE_t _xStar
_xStar = 0.24
cdef DTYPE_t _s1
_s1 = 0.021
cdef DTYPE_t _s2
_s2 = 19
cdef DTYPE_t _b1
_b1 = 3.5
cdef DTYPE_t _b2
_b2 = 5.75
cdef DTYPE_t a = float_min(a1,a2)
cdef DTYPE_t s = _xStar/(_s1*f1 + _s2)
return (a * (np.exp(-_b1*s*(f2-f1)) - np.exp(-_b2*s*(f2-f1)) ) )
cpdef dissTimbreScale(np.ndarray[DTYPE_t,ndim=2] t,np.ndarray[DTYPE_t,ndim=1] s):
cdef DTYPE_t currDiss
currDiss = 0.0;
cdef unsigned int i
for i from 0 <= i < s.size:
currDiss += diss2Timbres(t, transpose(t,s[i]))
return currDiss
cdef np.ndarray[DTYPE_t,ndim=2] transpose(np.ndarray[DTYPE_t,ndim=2] t, DTYPE_t ratio):
return np.dot(t, np.array([[ratio,0],[0,1]]))
Ссылка на код: Cython Code