Использование этой Log-Entry
Function Main {
Log -File "D:\Apps\Logs\$Env:computername.log"
$tcp = (get-childitem c:\windows\system32\drivers\tcpip.sys).Versioninfo.ProductVersionRaw
$dfs = (get-childitem C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\dfsvc.exe).Versioninfo.ProductVersionRaw
Log "TCPIP.sys Version on $computer is:" $tcp
Log "DFSVC.exe Version on $computer is:" $dfs
If (get-wmiobject win32_share | where-object {$_.Name -eq "REMINST"}) {Log "The REMINST share exists on $computer"}
Else {Log "The REMINST share DOES NOT exist on $computer - Please create as per standards"}
"KB2450944", "KB3150513", "KB3176935" | ForEach {
$hotfix = Get-HotFix -Id $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
If ($hotfix) {Log -Color Green Hotfix $_ is installed}
Else {Log -Color Red Hotfix $_ " is NOT installed - Please ensure you install this hotfix"}
Вывод экрана:
Файл журнала (при D:\Apps\Logs\<computername>.log
2017-05-31 Write-Log (version: 01.00.02, PowerShell version: 5.1.14393.1198)
19:19:29.00 C:\Users\User\PowerShell\Write-Log\Check.ps1
19:19:29.47 TCPIP.sys Version on is: {Major: 10, Minor: 0, Build: 14393, Revision: 1066, MajorRevision: 0, MinorRevision: 1066}
19:19:29.50 DFSVC.exe Version on is: {Major: 2, Minor: 0, Build: 50727, Revision: 8745, MajorRevision: 0, MinorRevision: 8745}
19:19:29.60 The REMINST share DOES NOT exist on - Please create as per standards
Error at 25,13: Cannot find the requested hotfix on the 'localhost' computer. Verify the input and run the command again.
19:19:33.41 Hotfix KB2450944 is NOT installed - Please ensure you install this hotfix
19:19:37.03 Hotfix KB3150513 is installed
19:19:40.77 Hotfix KB3176935 is installed
19:19:40.77 End