Каждый компонент может иметь имя, доступ к которому осуществляется через getName () и setName (), но вам придется написать собственную функцию поиска.
Вы также можете попробовать с HashMap. Я нахожу пример с этим.
Create a Map class variable. You'll need to import HashMap at the very least. I named mine componentMap for simplicity.
private HashMap componentMap;
Add all of your components to the frame as normal.
initialize() {
//add your components and be sure
//to name them.
//after adding all the components,
//call this method we're about to create.
Define the following two methods in your class. You'll need to import Component if you haven't already:
private void createComponentMap() {
componentMap = new HashMap<String,Component>();
Component[] components = yourForm.getContentPane().getComponents();
for (int i=0; i < components.length; i++) {
componentMap.put(components[i].getName(), components[i]);
public Component getComponentByName(String name) {
if (componentMap.containsKey(name)) {
return (Component) componentMap.get(name);
else return null;
Now you've got a HashMap that maps all the currently existing components in your frame/content pane/panel/etc to their respective names.
To now access these components, it is as simple as a call to getComponentByName(String name). If a component with that name exists, it will return that component. If not, it returns null. It is your responsibility to cast the component to the proper type. I suggest using instanceof to be sure.