Вот два разных метода. Каждый использует регулярное выражение, чтобы взломать числовой литерал; другой делает это старой школы:
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace ConsoleApplication11
class Program
static int Main( string[] argv )
double value1 = parseWithRegex( "+3.1415926E+09" ) ;
double value2 = parseWithBruteForce( "+3.1415926E+09" ) ;
return 0 ;
static Regex rxNumericValue = new Regex( @"
^ # start of line, followed by
\s* # zero or more leading whitespace characters, followed by
(?<sign>[+-])? # an optional sign (either '+' or '-'), followed by
(?<integer>[0-9]+) # a mandatory integer value (1 or more decimal digits), followed by
( # an optional fraction,
\. # consisting of a decimal point, followed by
(?<fraction>[0-9]*) # zero or more decimal digits
)? # The optional franction is followed by
( # an optional exponent,
[Ee] # consisting of the letter E, followed by
(?<expsign>[+-])? # an optional sign (either '+' or '-'), followed by
(?<exponent>[0-9]+) # 1 or more decimal digits
)? # The optional exponent is followed by
\s* # zero more more trailing whitespace characters
" ,
/// <summary>
/// Parse a numeric literal into a double with a regular expression
/// </summary>
/// <param name="s"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static double parseWithRegex( string s )
if ( s == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException("s") ;
Match match = rxNumericValue.Match( s ) ;
if ( !match.Success ) throw new FormatException() ;
string sign = match.Groups[ "sign" ].Value ;
string integerDigits = match.Groups[ "integer" ].Value ;
string fractionDigits = match.Groups[ "fraction" ].Value ;
string exponentSign = match.Groups[ "expsign" ].Value ;
string exponentDigits = match.Groups[ "exponent" ].Value ;
double accumulator = 0.0 ;
foreach ( char digit in integerDigits )
accumulator *= 10.0 ;
accumulator += (digit - '0') ; // assumes codepoints for 0-9 are contiguous
double factor = 1.0 ;
foreach ( char digit in fractionDigits )
factor *= 10.0 ;
accumulator += ((double)( digit - '0' )) / factor ;
if ( sign == "-" ) accumulator = - accumulator ;
int power = 0 ;
foreach ( char digit in exponentDigits )
power *= 10 ;
power += ( digit - '0') ;
if ( exponentSign == "-" ) power = - power ;
double exponent = Math.Pow( 10.0 , power ) ;
double value = accumulator *= exponent ;
return value ;
/// <summary>
/// Parse a numeric literal into a double the old-fashioned way
/// </summary>
/// <param name="s"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static double parseWithBruteForce( string s )
bool isNegative ;
double accumulator = 0.0 ;
int i = 0 ;
// skip lead-in whitespace
while ( i < s.Length && char.IsWhiteSpace(s[i]) )
++i ;
// parse the sign
if ( i >= s.Length ) throw new FormatException() ;
switch ( s[i] )
case '+' : isNegative = false ; ++i ; break ;
case '-' : isNegative = true ; ++i ; break ;
default : isNegative = false ; break ;
// parse the integer portion
if ( i >= s.Length ) throw new FormatException() ;
bool hasIntegerDigits = false ;
while ( i < s.Length && char.IsDigit(s[i]) )
hasIntegerDigits = true ;
accumulator *= 10.0 ;
accumulator += ( s[i] - '0') ;
++i ;
if ( !hasIntegerDigits ) throw new FormatException() ;
// set the sign
if ( isNegative ) accumulator = - accumulator ;
// from this point on, everything is optional
// parse the fraction, if there is one
if ( i < s.Length && s[i] == '.' )
{ // got a decimal point
++i ; //gobble the decimal point
double factor = 1.0 ;
while ( i < s.Length && char.IsDigit(s[i]) )
factor *= 10.0 ;
accumulator += ((double)( s[i] - '0' )) / factor ;
++i ;
// parse the exponent, if there is one
if ( i < s.Length && ( s[i] == 'E' || s[i] == 'e' ) )
{ // found an exponent
++i ; // gobble the 'E'
// parse the sign
if ( i >= s.Length ) throw new FormatException() ;
bool expNegative ;
switch ( s[i] )
case '+' : expNegative = false ; ++i ; break ;
case '-' : expNegative = true ; ++i ; break ;
default : expNegative = false ; break ;
bool hasExponentDigits = false ;
int power = 0 ;
while ( i < s.Length && char.IsDigit(s[i]) )
hasExponentDigits = true ;
power *= 10 ;
power += (s[i] - '0') ;
++i ;
if ( !hasExponentDigits ) throw new FormatException() ;
if ( expNegative ) power = - power ;
double exponent = Math.Pow(10.0,power) ;
accumulator *= exponent ;
// skip past any trailing whitespace
while ( i < s.Length && char.IsWhiteSpace(s[i]) )
++i ;
// if we're not at end-of-string, we have a syntax error
if ( i < s.Length ) throw new FormatException() ;
return accumulator ;