Конечно, это возможно. Хотя это довольно сложно.
Примерно, шаги:
- Чтение и анализ INI-файла с использованием ini.el .
- Объединение различных конфигураций хостов с конфигурацией клиентов, поскольку последняя применяется глобально.
- Преобразование каждого хоста в подходящий формат для
- Население
- Использование
M-x sql-connect
(что автоматически завершается!)
Следующий код также включает парсер .pgpass, на всякий случай. Вы заметите, что реализация проще.
;;; .pgpass parser
(defun read-file (file)
"Returns file as list of lines."
(insert-file-contents file)
(split-string (buffer-string) "\n" t)))
(defun pgpass-to-sql-connection (config)
"Returns a suitable list for sql-connection-alist from a pgpass file."
(append sql-connection-alist
(let ((server (lambda (host port db user _pass)
(concat db ":" user ":" port ":" host)
(list 'sql-product ''postgres)
(list 'sql-server host)
(list 'sql-user user)
(list 'sql-port (string-to-number port))
(list 'sql-database db))))
(pgpass-line (lambda (line)
(apply server (split-string line ":" t)))))
(mapcar pgpass-line config))))
;;; .my.cnf parser
;;; Copied verbatim from https://github.com/daniel-ness/ini.el/blob/master/ini.el
(defun ini-decode (ini_text)
;; text -> alist
(if (not (stringp ini_text))
(error "Must be a string"))
(let ((lines (split-string ini_text "\n"))
(dolist (l lines)
;; skip comments
(unless (or (string-match "^;" l)
(string-match "^[ \t]$" l))
;; catch sections
(if (string-match "^\\[\\(.*\\)\\]$" l)
(if section
;; add as sub-list
(setq alist (cons `(,section . ,section-list) alist))
(setq alist section-list))
(setq section (match-string 1 l))
(setq section-list nil)))
;; catch properties
(if (string-match "^\\([^\s\t]+\\)[\s\t]*=[\s\t]*\\(.+\\)$" l)
(let ((property (match-string 1 l))
(value (match-string 2 l)))
(setq section-list (cons `(,property . ,value) section-list)))))))
(if section
;; add as sub-list
(setq alist (cons `(,section . ,section-list) alist))
(setq alist section-list))
(defun read-ini (file)
"Returns ini file as alist."
(insert-file-contents file)
(ini-decode (buffer-string))))
(defun filter-alist (wanted-members alist)
"Returns a copy of given alist, with only fields from wanted-members."
(let ((result nil)
(add-if-member (lambda (elt)
(when (member (car elt) wanted-members)
(add-to-list 'result elt t)))))
(mapc add-if-member alist)
(defun merge-alist (original override)
"Returns a union of original and override alist. On key conflict, the latter wins."
(let ((result (copy-alist override))
(add (lambda (elt)
(setq result (add-to-list
'result elt t
(lambda (left right) (equal (car left) (car right))))))))
(mapc add original)
(defun map-alist-keys (f alist)
"Maps on alist's keys and returns new alist with new keys."
(lambda (elt) (list (funcall f (car elt)) (cdr elt)))
(defun map-alist-values (f alist)
"Maps on alist's values and returns new alist with new values."
(lambda (elt) (list (car elt) (funcall f (cdr elt))))
(defun parse-mycnf-hosts (file-path)
"Returns list of hosts with clients' section applied to all hosts."
(let ((hosts nil)
(global nil)
(fields '("user" "host" "database" "password" "port"))
(section-parse (lambda(section)
(if (equal (car section) "client")
(setq global (filter-alist fields (cdr section)))
(let ((host (car section))
(config (filter-alist fields (cdr section))))
(when config (add-to-list 'hosts (cons host config) t))))))
(merge-host-with-global (lambda (host)
(cons (car host) (merge-alist global (cdr host))))))
(mapc section-parse (read-ini file-path))
(mapcar merge-host-with-global hosts)))
(defun mycnf-to-sql-connection (config)
(let ((key-to-sql-connection
(lambda (key)
(cond ((equal key "host") 'sql-server)
((equal key "user") 'sql-user)
((equal key "port") 'sql-port)
((equal key "database") 'sql-database)
((equal key "password") 'sql-password)
(t (error (format "Unknown key %s" key)))))))
(apply-partially 'map-alist-keys key-to-sql-connection)
;;; Actually populating sql-connection-alist
(setq sql-connection-alist
(mycnf-to-sql-connection (parse-mycnf-hosts "~/.my.cnf"))
(pgpass-to-sql-connection (read-file "~/.pgpass"))
Со следующим .my.cnf
Выполнение выражения (mycnf-to-sql-connection (parse-mycnf-hosts "~/.my.cnf"))
дает мне (довольно печатный от руки):
(("host2" ((sql-server "db.host2.com")
(sql-user "notme")
(sql-database "db2")))
("host1" ((sql-server "db.host1.com")
(sql-database "db1")
(sql-user "me"))))
Наконец, вместо M-x sql-mysql
, используйте M-x sql-connect
, и вы сможете подключиться, используя псевдоним, с автозаполнением.