мы также можем записывать большие файлы побайтово с определенной разметкой и заполнять различия в Excel
import java.awt.image.SampleModel;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.Closeable;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCell;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRow;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook;
public class FlatFileComparator {
* Get the three flat files.
* One for Layout, Second for Expected File Third for Actual file
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
String fileName = "recordLayout.txt";
String actualFileName = "Actual.txt";
String expectedFileName = "Expected.txt";
List<String> recordLayout = null;
FlatFileComparator fb = new FlatFileComparator();
recordLayout = fb.getFileLayout(fileName);
fb.compareExpectedActual(actualFileName, expectedFileName, recordLayout);
// Get the Record Names of the Layout and put it in the List with the Field
// Name, Start Index and End Index
public List<String> getFileLayout(String layoutFileName) throws Exception {
List<String> fileLayoutList = new ArrayList<String>();
File layoutFile = new File(layoutFileName);
FileInputStream layoutFileInputStream = new FileInputStream(layoutFile);
BufferedReader layoutBuffReader = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(layoutFileInputStream));
String currentLine;
try {
while ((currentLine = layoutBuffReader.readLine()) != null) {
if ((currentLine.trim().equals(""))) {
throw new Exception(
"There should not be any empty lines in the middle of the Layout File");
String fieldName = currentLine.substring(0,
String startIndex = currentLine.substring(
currentLine.indexOf(":") + 2, currentLine.indexOf(","));
String endIndex = currentLine.substring(
currentLine.indexOf(",") + 1,
// System.out.println(fieldName);
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
throw new Exception(
"You have not provided the Layout File for processing. Please provide it and try again");
return fileLayoutList;
// Get the Actual and Expected File and compare according to the position
public void compareExpectedActual(String actualFileName,
String expectedFileName, List<String> fileLayoutList)
throws Exception {
File actualFile = new File(actualFileName);
File expectedFile = new File(expectedFileName);
FileInputStream actualFileInputStream = new FileInputStream(actualFile);
BufferedReader actBuffReader = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(actualFileInputStream));
FileInputStream expectedFileInputStream = new FileInputStream(
BufferedReader expBuffReader = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(expectedFileInputStream));
HSSFWorkbook excelWorkbook = new HSSFWorkbook();
HSSFSheet excelSheet = excelWorkbook.createSheet("File Comparator");
HSSFRow headerExcelRow = excelSheet.createRow(1);
HSSFRow currExcelRow = null;
HSSFCell headerExcelCell = null;
HSSFCell currExcelCell = null;
headerExcelCell = headerExcelRow.createCell(1);
headerExcelCell.setCellValue("Field Name");
for (int fieldName = 2, listNum = 0; listNum < fileLayoutList.size(); fieldName++) {
currExcelRow = excelSheet.createRow(fieldName);
currExcelCell = currExcelRow.createCell(1);
// System.out.println(listNum);
listNum += 3;
int excelNum = 2;
for (String actualFileCurrLine, expectedFileCurrLine; (actualFileCurrLine = actBuffReader
.readLine()) != null
&& (expectedFileCurrLine = expBuffReader.readLine()) != null; excelNum += 4) {
char[] actualArray = actualFileCurrLine.toCharArray();
char[] expectedArray = expectedFileCurrLine.toCharArray();
for (int i = 0, excelRow = 2; i < fileLayoutList.size(); i += 3, excelRow++) {
boolean resultOfCompare = false;
String expectedString = "";
String actualString = "";
for (int j = Integer.parseInt(fileLayoutList.get(i + 1)); j <= Integer
.parseInt(fileLayoutList.get(i + 2)); j++) {
expectedString += expectedArray[j - 1];
// System.out.println("Array Index"+j);
System.out.println(fileLayoutList.get(i + 1));
System.out.println(fileLayoutList.get(i + 2));
actualString += actualArray[j - 1];
if (expectedString.equals(actualString))
resultOfCompare = true;
System.out.println(expectedString + "-" + actualString);
System.out.println("Row Number" + excelRow);
headerExcelCell = headerExcelRow.createCell(excelNum);
headerExcelCell = headerExcelRow.createCell(excelNum + 1);
headerExcelCell = headerExcelRow.createCell(excelNum + 2);
System.out.println("Cell Value" + "[" + excelRow + ","
+ excelNum + "]=" + actualString);
currExcelRow = excelSheet.getRow(excelRow);
currExcelCell = currExcelRow.createCell(excelNum);
System.out.println("Cell Value" + "[" + excelRow + ","
+ (excelNum + 1) + "]=" + actualString);
currExcelCell = currExcelRow.createCell(excelNum + 1);
System.out.println("Cell Value" + "[" + excelRow + ","
+ (excelNum + 2) + "]=" + resultOfCompare);
currExcelCell = currExcelRow.createCell(excelNum + 2);
FileOutputStream s = new FileOutputStream("FlatfileComparator.xls");