взято из ajaxed
'here comes some global helpers...
public function sayDate(dat, mode, relativNotation)
if not isDate(dat) then
sayDate = "unknown"
exit function
end if
if relativNotation then
diff = dateDiff("s", dat, now())
if diff <= 10 and diff >= 0 then
sayDate = "Just now" : exit function
elseif diff < 60 and diff >= 0 then
sayDate = diff & " seconds ago" : exit function
elseif diff = 60 and diff >= 0 then
sayDate = diff & " minute ago" : exit function
elseif diff <= 1800 and diff >= 0 then
sayDate = int(diff / 60) & " minutes ago" : exit function
elseif diff < 86400 and diff >= 0 then
sayDate = plural(int(diff / 60 / 60), "hour", empty) & " ago"
if datevalue(dat) = date() then
sayDate = "Today"
elseif dateValue(dat) = dateAdd("d", 1, date()) then
sayDate = "Tomorrow"
elseif dateValue(dat) = dateAdd("d", -1, date()) then
sayDate = "Yesterday"
end if
end if
end if
if relativNotation and lCase(mode) = "datetime" and isEmpty(sayDate) then
diff = dateDiff("d", dat, now())
sayDate = plural(diff, "day", empty) & " ago"
exit function
end if
if isEmpty(sayDate) then
sayDate = day(dat) & ". " & monthname(month(dat), true)
if year(dat) <> year(now()) then sayDate = sayDate & " " & year(dat)
end if
if lCase(mode) <> "datetime" then exit function
if uBound(split(dat, " ")) <= 0 then exit function
'sayDate = sayDate & ", " & str.padLeft(hour(dat), 2, "0") & ":" & str.padLeft(minute(dat), 2, "0")
end function
public function plural(val, singularform, pluralform)
plural = singularform
if val <> 1 then plural = pluralform
if isEmpty(plural) then plural = singularform & "s"
plural = val & " " & plural
end function