Как мне получить этот код PHP для вывода HTML, чтобы ввести номер игрока и сгенерировать турнир?
class RoundRobin
var $MaxTeams;
var $MaxCombinations;
var $tourn;
var $mList;
var $cList;
var $cUsed;
function RoundRobin($max)
function ShowSchedule($players,$totalChecks)
echo $players.' players'."\n";
for ($r=1; $r <= $players/2; $r++) echo 'Game'.$r;
echo "\n";
echo" +-";
for ($r=1; $r <= ($players/2)*6-2; $r++) echo '-';
echo "\n";
$index = 1;
for ($r=1; $r <= $players-1; $r++)
echo 'Week '.$r. '|';
for ($m=1; $m <= $players/2; $m++)
echo $this->tourn[$index]['one'].'&'. $this->tourn[$index]['two'];
echo "\n";
echo "\n".$totalChecks,' combinations tried'. "\n\n";
function array_copy(&$dest,$source)
if(count($source)>count($dest)) {echo 'fatal'; exit;}
function ClearArrays()
for ($i=0; $i <= $this->MaxCombinations; $i++)
if($i<=$this->MaxTeams/2)$this->mList[$i] = 0;
function Scheldule($players)
while ($players <= $this->MaxTeams)
$combinations = $players/2 * ($players-1);
$totalChecks = 0;
/* set up list of all combinations */
for ($a=1; $a<$players; $a++)
for ($b=$a+1; $b<=$players; $b++)
$this->cList[$m]['one'] = $a;
$this->cList[$m]['two'] = $b;
while ($roundCount <= $players-1)
$matchCount = 1;
$round_set = 0;
for ($i=0; $i<=$this->MaxTeams/2; $i++) $this->mList[$i] = 0;
$startC = $roundCount;
while ($matchCount <= $players/2)
$c = $combinations + 1;
while ($c > $combinations)
$c = $startC;
/* find an unused pair that would be legitimate */
while (
($c <= $combinations)
( //
($round_set & (1 << $this->cList[$c]['one'])) ||
($round_set & (1 << $this->cList[$c]['two'])) ||
) $c++;
if ($c > $combinations)
do {
$this->mList[$matchCount] = 0;
$round_set &= ~(1 << $this->cList[$this->mList[$matchCount]]['one']);
$round_set &= ~(1 << $this->cList[$this->mList[$matchCount]]['two']);
$this->cUsed[$this->mList[$matchCount]] = false;
$this->tourn[$index]['one'] = 0;
$this->tourn[$index]['two'] = 0;
while ($this->cList[$this->mList[$matchCount]]['one'] != $this->cList[$this->mList[$matchCount]+1]['one']);
$startC = $this->mList[$matchCount]+1;
if (($totalChecks % 1000) == 0) printf("%d\033A\n", $totalChecks );
$this->cUsed[$c] = true;
$this->mList[$matchCount] = $c;
$startC = 1;
$round_set |= (1 << $this->cList[$c]['one']);
$round_set |= (1 << $this->cList[$c]['two']);
/* yahoo!, scheduled all the rounds */
printf(" " );
/* try and make a schedule using two more teams */
$players += 2;