Из хранилища Kohana 2. *: Строка 113 системы / библиотеки / Session.php . Session::instance
позволяет передавать ID.
* Singleton instance of Session.
* ##### Example
* // This is the idiomatic and preferred method of starting a session
* $session = Session::instance();
* @param string Force a specific session_id
public static function instance($session_id = NULL)
if (Session::$instance == NULL)
// Create a new instance
new Session($session_id);
elseif( ! is_null($session_id) AND $session_id != session_id() )
throw new Kohana_Exception('A session (SID: :session:) is already open, cannot open the specified session (SID: :new_session:).', array(':session:' => session_id(), ':new_session:' => $session_id));
return Session::$instance;