Вот моя реализация. Я не знаю, лучший ли это, но у меня это сработало. В основном я беру значения из элементов управления; в случае со списком я нуждаюсь в значениях как TextBox
, так и DropDownList
. Затем я передаю эти значения следующей функции в моем коде:
'This method determines if the name selected already exists in the selection
' options and if so assigns the corresponding ID value to an object variable,
' if not it assigns the value of the `TextBox` to the variable.
Protected Function _ValidateValues(ByRef ddl As DropDownList, ByRef cb As TextBox) As Object
'Ensures the selected value is valid by checking against the entered value in the textbox
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(cb.Text) Then
If ddl.Items.Count > 0 Then
If StrComp(cb.Text, ddl.SelectedItem.ToString) = 0 Then
Return ddl.Items.Item(ddl.SelectedIndex).Value 'Returns the index of dropdown selected name
End If
End If
'This counts the capital letters in the entered value and if fewer than 2
' auto capitalizes the first letters. This also allows for project code
' names such as "DOORS" and people names such as "Allen McPherson" etc.
' Be careful though because if "allen McPherson" is entered, it will NOT
' be corrected, though it displays correctly.
Dim rg As New Regex("[A-Z]")
Dim mc As MatchCollection = rg.Matches(cb.Text)
If mc.Count < 2 Then
Return StrConv(cb.Text, VbStrConv.ProperCase)
Else : Return cb.Text
End If
End If
'Returns a SQL DB NULL object if an empty string is submitted
Return DBNull.Value
End Function
Тогда моя хранимая процедура обрабатывает значения примерно так ...
(Простите, если я забыл заменить некоторые значения. Я пытался поймать их все.)
@User nvarchar(50) = NULL,
@Role nvarchar(50) = NULL,
@RecordID int output -- Returned Value
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
-- Insert new record to Users table if the requested user doesn't exist
-- Needed to ensure that the foreign keys are relevant
IF @User = '' OR @User IS NULL BEGIN SET @User = NULL SET @RecordID = NULL END --Ensures that an empty string cannot be submitted, thereby causing an error.
declare @forename varchar(50), @surname varchar(50)
declare @uid table (ID int)
declare @users table (ID smallint, Name nvarchar(50))
insert into @users
select ID, Name from Users
--If the value can be converted into an int, we need go no further.
BEGIN TRY SET @RecordID = CONVERT(smallint, @User) END TRY
BEGIN TRY --Otherwise, attempt to parse the name
Set @User = LTRIM(RTRIM(@User)) --Trim the extra space at the beginning and end. This ensures the following "IF" test will evaluate properly.
IF NOT CHARINDEX(' ', @User) > LEN(@User) AND CHARINDEX(' ', @User) > 0 BEGIN -- Confirm First & Last Name exist
Set @forename = RTRIM(LEFT(@User, CHARINDEX(' ',@User,0)-1))
Set @surname = LTRIM(RIGHT(@User, LEN(@User) - CHARINDEX(' ',@User,0)))
Set @User = @forename + ' ' + @surname --Ensure that there is a valid First & Last name
IF LEN(@forename) > 1 AND LEN(@surname) > 1 BEGIN -- Confirm First & Last Name exist
--First ensure that the User doesn't already exist, and if
-- so use their ID, if not insert the new User.
IF NOT EXISTS (select Name from @users where Name like @User) BEGIN --Check if the user already exists
INSERT INTO Users (Name, Forename, Surname) OUTPUT INSERTED.ID INTO @uid Values (@User, -- If not, insert them
@forename, @surname) --Nicely manicured first, last, and full names
SET @RecordID = CONVERT(smallint, (select MAX(ID) from @uid)) END -- Now set the Role to the ID of the new user
ELSE BEGIN --Otherwise if the user already exists, set the Role to the ID of that user
SET @RecordID = (select ID from @users where Name like @User) END
IF NOT EXISTS (select * from rUsersInRoles where UserID = @RecordID) BEGIN
--Do some string manipulation to increase the chances of matching the role
SET @Role = REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(LTRIM(RTRIM(@Role)), ' ', '%'), '.', '%'), '@', '%') --Trims & replaces spaces & periods with wildcards
INSERT INTO rUsersInRoles (UserID, UserRoleID) VALUES
(@RecordID, (select top 1 ID from rUserRoles where Role like @Role)) END
Эта хранимая процедура также относится к случаю пользовательских ролей. Если требуется только более простой случай пользователей, просто удалите пункты, касающиеся проверки и вставки ролей пользователей. :)