Проблема реализации класса - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 28 февраля 2011

У меня проблемы с реализацией моего класса под названием MyTime.В частности, когда речь идет о разделе методов.Если бы кто-то мог взглянуть на файлы .h и .cpp и указать мне правильное направление, это было бы очень полезно.


// MyTime.h

// insure that this header file is not included more than once 
#pragma once
#ifndef _MYTIME_H_
#define _MYTIME_H_

#include <iostream>
using std::ostream;
using std::istream;

class MyTime

      // 1 _ticks = 1/100 of a second
      // 0 _ticks = 00:00:00.00 i.e. 12:00am 
      // a time is stored as a number of ticks since midnight
      // for example 1234567 ticks would be 3:25:45.67am 
      long _ticks;

      // the following static fields might come in handy
      // 8,643,999 _ticks = 23:59:59.99 i.e. 11:59:59.99pm
      static const long _lastTickOfTheDay = 8639999;
      // 4,320,000 _ticks = 12:00:00.00 i.e 12pm i.e. noon
      static const long _noon = 4320000;
      // _ticks per second;
      static const long _ticksPerSecond  = 100;
      // _ticks per minute;
      static const long _ticksPerMinute = 6000;
      // _ticks per hour;
      static const long _ticksPerHour = 360000;
      // _ticks per day
      static const long _ticksPerDay = 8640000;


      // Default (explicit) 

      // Copy 
      MyTime(const MyTime & origMyTime);

      // Parameterized (various useful overloads) 
            // Hours, Minutes, Seconds, Miliseconds
      MyTime(int initHrs, int initMins, int initSecs, int initMilisecs);
            // Hours, Minutes, Seconds
      MyTime(int initHours, int initMinutes, int initSeconds);
            // Hours, Minutes
      MyTime(int initHours, int initMinutes);
            // Ticks
      MyTime(long initTicks);



      // Accessors and mutators for: 
      // hours, minutes, seconds, ticks
      int GetHours() const;
      void SetHours(int newHours);

      int GetMinutes() const;
      void SetMinutes(int newMinutes);

      int GetSeconds() const;
      void SetSeconds(int newSeconds);

      long GetTicks() const;
      void SetTicks(int newTicks);

      // SetTime (various useful overloads)
            // Hours, Minutes, Seconds, Miliseconds
      void SetTime(int newHrs, int newMins, int newSecs, int newMilisecs);
            // Hours, Minutes, Seconds
      void SetTime(int newHours, int newMinutes, int newSeconds);
            // Hours, Minutes
      void SetTime(int newHours, int newMinutes);
            // Ticks
      void SetTime(long newTicks);
            // MyTime
      void SetTime(const MyTime & aMyTime);

      // Now 
      // a static function that returns a MyTime object 
      //   initialized to the current time according to the system clock 
      static MyTime Now();

      // Add (various useful methods)
      // For adding amounts of time to this MyTime 
            // Hours
      void AddHours(int moreHours);
            // Minutes
      void AddMinutes(int moreMinutes);
            // Seconds
      void AddSeconds(long moreSeconds);
            // Ticks
      void AddTicks(long moreTicks);
            // MyTime
      void AddTime(const MyTime & aMyTime);

      // Compare 
      // Takes a MyTime argument 
      // Returns (zero) if the argument has the same time as this MyTime 
      // Returns (a positive int)  if the argument is before this MyTime 
      // Returns (a negative int)  if the argument is after this MyTime 
      int Compare(const MyTime & aMyTime) const;

      // Equals 
      // Takes a MyTime argument 
      // Returns (true) if the argument has the same time 
      //   as this MyTime, otherwise it returns (false). 
      bool Equals(const MyTime & aMyTime) const;

      // Subtract (various useful methods) 
      // For subtracting amounts of time to this MyTime       
            // Hours
      void SubtractHours(int lessHours);
            // Minutes
      void SubtractMinutes(int lessMinutes);
            // Seconds
      void SubtractSeconds(long lessSeconds);
            // Ticks
      void SubtractTicks(long lessTicks);
            // MyTime
      void MyTime::SubtractTime(const MyTime & aMyTime);


      // = (assignment - takes a MyTime) 
      MyTime operator= (const MyTime & aMyTime);

      // +, += (Addition - takes a MyTime) 
      MyTime operator+ (const MyTime & aMyTime) const;
      MyTime operator+= (const MyTime & aMyTime);

      // >, <, >=, <=, ==, != (boolean relational test operators) 
      bool operator> (const MyTime & aMyTime) const ;
      bool operator< (const MyTime & aMyTime) const ;
      bool operator>= (const MyTime & aMyTime) const ;
      bool operator<= (const MyTime & aMyTime) const ;
      bool operator== (const MyTime & aMyTime) const ;
      bool operator!= (const MyTime & aMyTime) const ;

      // <<, >> stream insertion and extraction
      friend ostream & operator<< (ostream & os, const MyTime & aMyTime);

      friend istream & operator>> (istream & is, MyTime & aMyTime);};

И MyTime.cppдо сих пор:

// MyTime.cpp
#include "MyTime.h"

/*  private:
      // 1 _ticks = 1/100 of a second
      // 0 _ticks = 00:00:00.00 i.e. 12:00am 
      // a time is stored as a number of ticks since midnight
      // for example 1234567 ticks would be 3:25:45.67am 
      long _ticks;

      // the following static fields might come in handy
      // 8,643,999 _ticks = 23:59:59.99 i.e. 11:59:59.99pm
      static const long _lastTickOfTheDay = 8639999;
      // 4,320,000 _ticks = 12:00:00.00 i.e 12pm i.e. noon
      static const long _noon = 4320000;
      // _ticks per second;
      static const long _ticksPerSecond  = 100;
      // _ticks per minute;
      static const long _ticksPerMinute = 6000;
      // _ticks per hour;
      static const long _ticksPerHour = 360000;
      // _ticks per day
      static const long _ticksPerDay = 8640000;


    // Default (explicit) 
        _ticks = 0;


    MyTime::MyTime(const MyTime & origMyTime)


    // Parameterized (various useful overloads) 
            // Hours, Minutes, Seconds, Miliseconds
    MyTime::MyTime(int initHrs, int initMins, int initSecs, int initMilisecs)


    // Hours, Minutes, Seconds
    Mytime::MyTime(int initHours, int initMinutes, int initSeconds)


    // Hours, Minutes
    MyTime::MyTime(int initHours, int initMinutes)


     // Ticks
    MyTime::MyTime(long initTicks)


        // dealocate dynamic storage

