Это способ сохранить окно, полное вкладок. Оригинальный обработчик пользовательского интерфейса был написан StefanK aka. Стефан Климе из Macscripter славы. Он учитывает окончания файлов вебархивов. Когда Safari сомневается, вы можете настроить, хотите ли вы перезаписать или проигнорировать уже записанные файлы. Он не сохраняет повторяющиеся вкладки, и вы можете установить свойство, чтобы решить, будет ли оно закрывать вкладку при сохранении.
Пожалуйста, посмотрите на MacScripter, прямая ссылка в скрипте, для любых обновлений.
Вы можете использовать wget, но я остановился на сценариях пользовательского интерфейса, так как wget имеет загружаемую информацию, которая уже есть в вашем браузере, и также полезен для программирования.
property tlvl : me
# Release 1.0.1
# © 2012 McUsr and put in Public Domain under GPL 1.0
# Please refer to this post: http://macscripter.net/post.php?tid=30892
property shallClose : false # set this to false if you don't want to close the windows, just saving them
property dontOverWriteSavedTabs : false # set this to true if you don't want to overwrite already saved tabs in the folder
script saveTabsInSafariWindowsToFolder
property parent : AppleScript
property scripttitle : "SafariSaveTabs"
on run
if downloadWindowInFront() then return 0 # activates Safari
local script_cache
set script_cache to my storage's scriptCache()
set saveFolder to POSIX path of (getHFSFolder({theMessage:"Choose or create folder to save Safari-tabs in.", hfsPath:DefaultLocation of script_cache as alias}))
if saveFolder = false then return 0 -- we were obviously mistaken, about what we wanted to do.
my storage's saveParenFolderInScriptCache(saveFolder, script_cache)
tell application "Safari"
tell its window 1
local tabc, oldidx
set tabc to count tabs of it
if not tlvl's shallClose then
set oldidx to index of current tab
tell tab tabc to do JavaScript "self.focus()"
end if
local saveCounter
set saveCounter to 1 -- regulates setting of save folder to only first time in Safari.
repeat while tabc > 0
local theUrl, theIdx, theProtocol, alreadyClosed
set {theUrl, theIdx, alreadyClosed} to {URL of its current tab, index of its current tab, false}
if my isntAduplicateTab(theIdx, it) then
set theProtocol to my urlprotocol(theUrl)
if theProtocol is in {"http", "https"} then
# save it
set saveCounter to my saveCurrentTab(saveFolder, saveCounter)
else if theProtocol is "file" then
# make an alias of it
my makeAliasForAFurl(saveFolder, theUrl)
end if
if tlvl's shallClose then
close current tab
set alreadyClosed to true
end if
end if
if not alreadyClosed and tlvl's shallClose then
close current tab of it
set tabc to tabc - 1
else if not tlvl's shallClose then
set tabc to tabc - 1
if tabc > 0 then tell tab tabc to do JavaScript "self.focus()"
end if
end repeat
# move forwards
if not tlvl's shallClose then
tell tab oldidx to do JavaScript "self.focus()"
end if
end tell
end tell
end run
to makeAliasForAFurl(destinationFolder, furl)
local ti, tids, thefilePath
set ti to "file://"
set {tids, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, ti}
set thefilePath to text item 2 of furl
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tids
set theFile to POSIX file thefilePath as alias
set theFolder to POSIX file destinationFolder
tell application "Finder"
make alias at theFolder to theFile
# I don't care if there was one there from before, as it could equally
# be a file with the same name.
end tell
end makeAliasForAFurl
to saveCurrentTab(destinationFolder, timeNumber)
tell application id "sfri" to activate
tell application "System Events"
set UI elements enabled to true
tell process "Safari"
keystroke "s" using {command down}
tell window 1
repeat until exists sheet 1
delay 0.2
end repeat
tell sheet 1
if timeNumber = 1 then -- We'll set the savepath upon first call
keystroke "g" using {command down, shift down}
repeat until exists sheet 1
delay 0.2
end repeat
tell sheet 1
set value of text field 1 to destinationFolder
click button 1
delay 0.1
end tell
end if
keystroke return
delay 0.2
if exists sheet 1 then -- We are being asked if we want to overwrite already saved tab
if dontOverWriteSavedTabs then
keystroke return # if it was already saved. We don't overwrite it
click button 3
keystroke tab
keystroke space # we are to overwrite
end if
set dummy to focused of sheet 1
on error
# click button 1 of panel of application "Safari"
keystroke return
delay 0.2
if exists sheet 1 then -- We are being asked if we want to overwrite already saved tab
if dontOverWriteSavedTabs then
keystroke return # if it was already saved. We don't overwrite it
click button 3
keystroke tab
keystroke space # we are to overwrite
end if
end if
end try
end if
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
set timeNumber to timeNumber + 1
return timeNumber
end saveCurrentTab
on downloadWindowInFront()
tell application "Safari"
set tabCount to count tabs of its window 1
if tabCount 0 then set colons to true
if (offset of "/" in aPath) > 0 then set slashes to true
if colons and slashes then
return null
else if colons then
set origDelims to ":"
else if slashes then
set origDelims to "/"
return null
end if
local tids
set {tids, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, origDelims}
if aPath = "/" then
-- we return root when we get root
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tids
return "/"
end if
local theParentFolder
if text -1 of aPath is in {":", "/"} then
set theParentFolder to text items 1 thru -2 of text 1 thru -2 of aPath
set theParentFolder to text items 1 thru -2 of aPath
end if
set theParentFolder to theParentFolder as text
if slashes and theParentFolder = "" then set theParentFolder to "/"
-- sets the root path if we got a folder one level below it
if colons and (":" is not in theParentFolder) then set theParentFolder to theParentFolder & ":"
-- we return volumename, if we are given volumename
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tids
return theParentFolder
end parentfolder
script storage
property cachespath : ((path to library folder from user domain as text) & "caches:" & "net.mcusr." & scripttitle)
on scriptCache()
local script_cache
set script_cache to load script alias (my cachespath)
on error
script newScriptCache
property DefaultLocation : (path to desktop folder as text)
# edit any of those with default values
end script
set script_cache to newScriptCache
end try
return script_cache
end scriptCache
to saveScriptCache(theCache)
store script theCache in my cachespath replacing yes
end saveScriptCache
to saveParenFolderInScriptCache(theFolderToSaveIn, script_cache)
local containingFolder
set containingFolder to (parentfolder of saveTabsInSafariWindowsToFolder for theFolderToSaveIn) & "/"
local theLoc
set theLoc to POSIX file containingFolder as alias
set DefaultLocation of script_cache to theLoc
my saveScriptCache(script_cache)
end saveParenFolderInScriptCache
end script
end script
tell saveTabsInSafariWindowsToFolder to run