Я унаследовал программу, которая использует Windows Desktop Search (WDS) на удаленном сервере для поиска в индексированных PDFss. Первоначальный кодировщик выполнил большую часть кода с использованием программирования в стиле VB 6, поэтому, когда он обратился к Windows Desktop Search, он использовал объекты ADO Recordset.
К сожалению, примеры кода от Microsoft не работают для меня, так как я продолжаю получать сообщение об ошибке «IErrorInfo.GetDescription завершился неудачно с E_FAIL (0x80004005)»
Вот код, который я пытаюсь использовать, и запрос, который я отправляю:
SELECT "System.ItemPathDisplay"
FROM "server"."SystemIndex"
WHERE CONTAINS(*,'"widget*" AND "foo*"',1033)
AND ("SCOPE" = 'file://server/networkshare')
AND Contains(System.ItemType,'"txt"')
ORDER BY System.ItemPathDisplay ASC
// Thie uses SearchAPI interop assembly
CSearchManager manager = new CSearchManager();
// the SystemIndex catalog is the default catalog that windows uses
CSearchCatalogManager catalogManager = manager.GetCatalog("SystemIndex");
// get the ISearchQueryHelper which will help us to translate AQS --> SQL necessary to query the indexer
CSearchQueryHelper queryHelper = catalogManager.GetQueryHelper();
queryHelper.QueryWhereRestrictions = string.Format("AND (\"SCOPE\" = 'file://{0}/{1}')", "server", "networkshare");
// set the number of results we want
if (maxRows > 0)
queryHelper.QueryMaxResults = maxRows;
// set the columns we want
queryHelper.QuerySelectColumns = "System.ItemPathDisplay";
if (sortCol != "System.ItemPathDisplay")
// unless a sort column is specified in which case we will add that column too
queryHelper.QuerySelectColumns = "System.ItemPathDisplay," + sortCol;
// if we have a file pattern
if (filePattern.Length > 0)
// then we add file pattern restriction, mapping cmd line style wildcards to SQL style wildcards
string pattern = filePattern;
pattern = pattern.Replace("*","%");
pattern = pattern.Replace("?", "_");
if (pattern.Contains("%") || pattern.Contains("_"))
queryHelper.QueryWhereRestrictions += " AND System.FileName LIKE '" + pattern + "' ";
// if there are no wildcards we can use a contains which is much faster as it uses the index
queryHelper.QueryWhereRestrictions += " AND Contains(System.FileName, '" + pattern + "') ";
// if we have file extensions
if (exts != null)
// then we add a constraint against the System.ItemType column in the form of
// Contains(System.ItemType, '.txt OR .doc OR .ppt')
queryHelper.QueryWhereRestrictions += " AND Contains(System.ItemType,'";
bool fFirst = true;
foreach (string ext in exts)
if (!fFirst)
queryHelper.QueryWhereRestrictions += " OR ";
queryHelper.QueryWhereRestrictions += "\""+ext+"\"";
fFirst = false;
queryHelper.QueryWhereRestrictions += "') ";
// and we always have a sort column and direction, either the default or the one specified in the parameters
// so append an ORDER BY statement for it
queryHelper.QuerySorting = sortCol + " " + sortDirection;
// Generate SQL from our parameters, converting the userQuery from AQS->WHERE clause
string sqlQuery = queryHelper.GenerateSQLFromUserQuery(userQuery);
sqlQuery = sqlQuery.Replace("FROM \"SystemIndex\"", string.Format("FROM \"{0}\".\"SystemIndex\"", "server"));
// if they asked to show the sqlQuery
if (fShowQuery)
// then output it to the console
// --- Perform the query ---
// create an OleDbConnection object which connects to the indexer provider with the windows application
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(queryHelper.ConnectionString);
// open it
// now create an OleDB command object with the query we built above and the connection we just opened.
OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand(sqlQuery, conn);
// execute the command, which returns the results as an OleDbDataReader.
OleDbDataReader WDSResults = command.ExecuteReader();
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