ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕ: find_unused_functions.php <корневой_каталог>
ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. Это быстрый и грязный подход к проблеме. Этот сценарий выполняет только лексическую передачу файлов и не учитывает ситуации, когда разные модули определяют идентично названные функции или методы. Если вы используете IDE для разработки PHP, она может предложить более комплексное решение.
Требуется PHP 5
Для сохранения копии и вставки, прямой загрузки и любых новых версий доступно здесь .
#!/usr/bin/php -f
// ============================================================================
// find_unused_functions.php
// Find unused functions in a set of PHP files.
// version 1.3
// ============================================================================
// Copyright (c) 2011, Andrey Butov. All Rights Reserved.
// This script is provided as is, without warranty of any kind.
// http://www.andreybutov.com
// ============================================================================
// This may take a bit of memory...
ini_set('memory_limit', '2048M');
if ( !isset($argv[1]) )
$root_dir = $argv[1];
if ( !is_dir($root_dir) || !is_readable($root_dir) )
echo "ERROR: '$root_dir' is not a readable directory.\n";
$files = php_files($root_dir);
$tokenized = array();
if ( count($files) == 0 )
echo "No PHP files found.\n";
$defined_functions = array();
foreach ( $files as $file )
$tokens = tokenize($file);
if ( $tokens )
// We retain the tokenized versions of each file,
// because we'll be using the tokens later to search
// for function 'uses', and we don't want to
// re-tokenize the same files again.
$tokenized[$file] = $tokens;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count($tokens) ; ++$i )
$current_token = $tokens[$i];
$next_token = safe_arr($tokens, $i + 2, false);
if ( is_array($current_token) && $next_token && is_array($next_token) )
if ( safe_arr($current_token, 0) == T_FUNCTION )
// Find the 'function' token, then try to grab the
// token that is the name of the function being defined.
// For every defined function, retain the file and line
// location where that function is defined. Since different
// modules can define a functions with the same name,
// we retain multiple definition locations for each function name.
$function_name = safe_arr($next_token, 1, false);
$line = safe_arr($next_token, 2, false);
if ( $function_name && $line )
$function_name = trim($function_name);
if ( $function_name != "" )
$defined_functions[$function_name][] = array('file' => $file, 'line' => $line);
// We now have a collection of defined functions and
// their definition locations. Go through the tokens again,
// and find 'uses' of the function names.
foreach ( $tokenized as $file => $tokens )
foreach ( $tokens as $token )
if ( is_array($token) && safe_arr($token, 0) == T_STRING )
$function_name = safe_arr($token, 1, false);
$function_line = safe_arr($token, 2, false);;
if ( $function_name && $function_line )
$locations_of_defined_function = safe_arr($defined_functions, $function_name, false);
if ( $locations_of_defined_function )
$found_function_definition = false;
foreach ( $locations_of_defined_function as $location_of_defined_function )
$function_defined_in_file = $location_of_defined_function['file'];
$function_defined_on_line = $location_of_defined_function['line'];
if ( $function_defined_in_file == $file &&
$function_defined_on_line == $function_line )
$found_function_definition = true;
if ( !$found_function_definition )
// We found usage of the function name in a context
// that is not the definition of that function.
// Consider the function as 'used'.
// ============================================================================
function php_files($path)
// Get a listing of all the .php files contained within the $path
// directory and its subdirectories.
$matches = array();
$folders = array(rtrim($path, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR));
while( $folder = array_shift($folders) )
$matches = array_merge($matches, glob($folder.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."*.php", 0));
$moreFolders = glob($folder.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'*', GLOB_ONLYDIR);
$folders = array_merge($folders, $moreFolders);
return $matches;
// ============================================================================
function safe_arr($arr, $i, $default = "")
return isset($arr[$i]) ? $arr[$i] : $default;
// ============================================================================
function tokenize($file)
$file_contents = file_get_contents($file);
if ( !$file_contents )
return false;
$tokens = token_get_all($file_contents);
return ($tokens && count($tokens) > 0) ? $tokens : false;
// ============================================================================
function usage()
global $argv;
$file = (isset($argv[0])) ? basename($argv[0]) : "find_unused_functions.php";
die("USAGE: $file <root_directory>\n\n");
// ============================================================================
function print_report($unused_functions)
if ( count($unused_functions) == 0 )
echo "No unused functions found.\n";
$count = 0;
foreach ( $unused_functions as $function => $locations )
foreach ( $locations as $location )
echo "'$function' in {$location['file']} on line {$location['line']}\n";
echo "=======================================\n";
echo "Found $count unused function" . (($count == 1) ? '' : 's') . ".\n\n";
// ============================================================================
/* EOF */