Даты в этом сценарии asp начинаются в понедельник, а не в воскресенье в апреле и июле - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 30 марта 2012

Я осмотрелся и не могу найти ничего относительно того, почему начальные дни неверны в этом сценарии (не написано мной, и я не осел)

по существу, в этом году апрель и июльМы собирались начать в воскресенье, однако, они прыгают в понедельник.Я пытался редактировать дело за февраль до 29 дней, но это до сих пор не исправлено.

        Dim cDay,Days,i,j,query,rsDate,bFound,LinkStart,LinkEnd,onState,m,qAdd,tdEvent
        Class Calendar

        Private cShowDate
        Private cValue
        Private cBorder
        Private cMonth
        Private cYear
        Private arrMonths(12)
        Private cFonts
        Private cFontSize
        Private cShowNav
        Private cShowForm

        Private Sub  Class_Initialize()
           cBorder = True
        '    arrMonths(1) = "January"
        '    arrMonths(2) = "February"
        '    arrMonths(3) = "March"
        '    arrMonths(4) = "April"
        '    arrMonths(5) = "May"
        '    arrMonths(6) = "June"
        '    arrMonths(7) = "July"
        '    arrMonths(8) = "August"
        '    arrMonths(9) = "September"
        '    arrMonths(10) = "October"
        '    arrMonths(11) = "November"
        '    arrMonths(12) = "December"
           arrMonths(1) = "Jan"
           arrMonths(2) = "Feb"
           arrMonths(3) = "Mar"
           arrMonths(4) = "Apr"
           arrMonths(5) = "May"
           arrMonths(6) = "Jun"
           arrMonths(7) = "Jul"
           arrMonths(8) = "Aug"
           arrMonths(9) = "Sep"
           arrMonths(10) = "Oct"
           arrMonths(11) = "Nov"
           arrMonths(12) = "Dec"

           cValue = Now
           cMonth = Month(Now)
           cYear = Year(Now)
           cFonts = "Verdana"
           cFontSize = 2
           cShowNav = False
           cShowForm = False
           cShowDate = False
        End Sub

        Private Sub Class_Terminate()

        End Sub

        Public Property Let Border(byRef uBorder)
           cBorder = uBorder
        End Property

        Public Property Get Border()
           Border = cBorder
        End Property

        Public Property Get Value()
           Value = cValue
        End Property

        Public Property Let Value(byRef uValue)
           cValue = uValue
           cMonth = Month(uValue)
           cYear = Year(uValue)
        End Property

        Public Property Let CalMonth(byRef uMonth)
           cMonth = uMonth
        End Property

        Public Property Get CalMonth()
           CalMonth = cMonth
        End Property

        Public Property Let CalYear(byRef uYear)
           cYear = uYear
        End Property

        Public Property Get CalYear()
           CalYear = cYear
        End Property

        Public Property Let Fonts(byRef uFonts)
           cFonts = uFonts
        End Property

        Public Property Get Fonts()
           Fonts = cFonts
        End Property

        Public Property Let FontSize(byRef uFontSize)
           cFontSize = uFontSize
        End Property

        Public Property Get FontSize()
           FontSize = cFontSize
        End Property

        Public Property Let ShowNav(byRef uShowNav)
           cShowNav = uShowNav
        End Property

        Public Property Get ShowNav()
           ShowNav = cShowNav
        End Property

        Public Property Let ShowForm(byRef uShowForm)
           cShowForm = uShowForm
        End Property

        Public Property Get ShowForm()
           ShowForm = cShowForm
        End Property

        Public Property Let ShowDate(byRef uShowDate)
           cShowDate = uShowDate
        End Property

        Public Sub Display
           If cShowNav or cShowForm Then

               Select Case request("CalAction")

               Case "back"
                   cYear = request("currYear")
                   If request("currMonth") < 1 Then
                       cMonth = 12
                       cYear = request("currYear") - 1
               cMonth = request("currMonth")
                   End If
       Case "forward"

           cYear = request("currYear")
           If request("currMonth") > 12 Then
               cMonth = 1
               cYear = request("currYear") + 1
               cMonth = request("currMonth")
           End If
       Case "goto"

           cMonth = request("currMonth")
           If request("currYear") <> "" Then
               cYear = Int(request("currYear"))
           End IF

               End Select
           End If

           cDay = Weekday(arrMonths(cMonth) & "/" & 1 & "/" & cYear)

           Dim sEventIDQuery

           sEventIDQuery = ""

           If request.querystring("eid") <> "" Then
        sEventIDQuery = "&amp;curreid=" & CInt(request.querystring("eid"))
    End If 
    If request.querystring("curreid") <> "" Then
        sEventIDQuery = "&amp;curreid=" & CInt(request.querystring("curreid"))
    End If

           Days = DaysInMonth()
           <div class="calendar" id="cal">
           <table cellspacing="0">
             <tr class="calNav">

           <%If cShowNav Then%>

    <td class="navL">
        <a href="<%= Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") %>?file=                <%=gsCurrPage%>&amp;CalAction=back&amp;currMonth=<%=cMonth - 1%>&amp;currYear=<%=cYear%><%=sEventIDQuery%>#cal"><img src="img/cal_icon_previous.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="previous" /></a>
    <td colspan="5" class="monthName"><p><%=MonthName(cMonth) & " " & cYear%></p></td>
    <td class="navR">
        <a href="<%= Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") %>?file=                <%=gsCurrPage%>&amp;CalAction=forward&amp;currMonth=<%=cMonth + 1%>&amp;currYear=<%=cYear%><%=sEventIDQuery%>#cal"><img src="img/cal_icon_next.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="next" /></a>

       <td colspan="7"align="center" bgcolor="#666666"><font color="#FFFFFF" size=        <%=cFontSize%> face="<%=cFonts%>"><b><%=arrMonths(cMonth) & " " & cYear%></b></font></td>

           <%End If%>

               <tr class="daysHead">
       <td class="first">M</td>
     <tr class="days">
       <%i = 1
       For j = 1 to cDay - 2%>
           <td width="30" height="30" class="blank"></td>
           <%If i > 7 Then
               response.write("</tr><tr class='days'>")
               i = 0
           End If
           i = i + 1
       For j = 1 to Days%>
                query = "SELECT iEventID,vEventTitle,dStartDateTime FROM tblEvents WHERE DAY(dStartDateTime)='" & CInt(Left(j,2)) & "' AND MONTH(dStartDateTime) = '" & CInt(Left(cMonth,2)) & "' AND YEAR(dStartDateTime) = '" & CInt(Left(cYear,4)) & "' AND bPublished = 'true' AND bActive = 'true' AND iSiteID=12"
                Set rsDate = goConn.execute(query)

                Dim selDay,selMonth,selYear,selDate,hereDate,nowDate

                selDay = Day(CDate(sSelDate))
                selMonth = Month(CDate(sSelDate))
                selYear = Year(CDate(sSelDate))

                selDate = selDay & "/" & selMonth & "/" & selYear
                hereDate = j & "/" & cMonth & "/" & cYear
                nowDate = Day(Now()) & "/" & Month(Now()) & "/" & Year(Now())

                If rsDate.eof Then
                    bFound = False
                    tdEvent = ""
                    LinkStart = ""
                    LinkEnd = ""
                    If hereDate = nowDate Then
                        tdEvent = "today"
                    End If 
                    bFound = True
                    If CInt(request.querystring("eid")) = rsDate(0) Or selDate = hereDate  Then
                        onState = "on"
                        tdEvent = "eventOn"
                        onState = ""
                        If hereDate = nowDate Then
                            tdEvent = "eventToday"
                            tdEvent = "event"
                        End If 
                    End If      
                    LinkStart = "<a href='" & Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") & "?file=" & gsCurrPage & "&amp;ed=" & Left(rsDate("dStartDateTime"),10) & sEventIDQuery & "#cal' class='"& onState &"'>"
                    LinkEnd = "</a>"
                End If 
           <td class="<%=tdEvent%>" width="30" height="30"><%=LinkStart%><%=j%><%=LinkEnd%></td>
           <%If i > 6 And j <= Days - 1 Then
               response.write("</tr><tr class='days'>")
               i = 0
           End If
           i = i + 1
       If i > 1 Then
           For m = i to 7%>
               <td width="30" height="30" class="blank"></td>
       End IF%>
           <%If cBorder Then%>
           <%End If
           If cShowForm Then BottomForm
        End Sub

        Private Sub BottomForm%>
           <table border="0" cellspacing=1 cellpadding=1 width=200>
           <form method="GET" action="<%= Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") %>">
           <td align="right" width="25%"><font color="#000000" size=<%=cFontSize%> face="        <%=cFonts%>"><b>Month</b></font></td>
           <td><select name="currMonth">
           <%For i = 1 to 12%>
           <option value=<%=i%><%If i = Int(cMonth) Then response.write " Selected"%>>        <%=arrMonths(i)%></option>
           <td align="right" width="25%"><font color="#000000" size=<%=cFontSize%> face="<%=cFonts%>"><b>Year</b></font></td>
           <td><input type="text" name="currYear" maxlength=4 size=4  value="<%=cYear%>"></td>
           <tr><td colspan=4 align="right"><input type="submit" value="GO"></td></tr>
           <input type="hidden" name="calAction" value="goto">
        <%End Sub

        Private Function DaysInMonth()
           Select Case cMonth
               Case 1,3,5,7,8,10,12
                   DaysInMonth = 31
               Case 4,6,9,11
                   DaysInMonth = 30
               Case 2
                   If cYear Mod 4 Then
                       DaysInMonth = 28  
                       DaysInMonth = 29
                   End If
           Case Else
               Exit Function
           End Select
        End Function

        End Class
