Вот решение для монстров, которое также учитывает государственные праздники:
// WorkingDays
// Count the number of working days between a start and an end date.
// startDate - first date in the interval
// endDate - last date in the interval
// countStartAndEnd - if true 1 feb to 2 feb will count as 2 days
// if false 1 feb to 2 feb will count as 1 day
// given both of them are working days
Function (dateVar startDate, dateVar endDate, optional booleanVar countStartAndEnd := False)
local NumberVar Weeks;
local NumberVar Days;
local NumberVar Hol;
// 5 days for every week (whole or partial)
Weeks := (Truncate (endDate - dayofWeek(endDate) + 1 - (startDate - dayofWeek (startDate) + 1)) /7 ) * 5;
// Number of days in partial weeks (can be positive or negative)
Days := DayOfWeek(endDate) - DayOfWeek(startDate) + 1 +
(if DayOfWeek(startDate) = crSunday then -1 else 0) +
(if DayOfWeek(endDate) = crSaturday then -1 else 0);
// Count number of public holidays in the period
local NumberVar iYear;
local NumberVar i;
for iYear := Year(startDate) to Year(endDate) do (
Local DateVar Array Holidays := getHolidays(iYear);
for i := 1 to uBound(Holidays) do (
local NumberVar hMonth := Month(Holidays[i]);
local NumberVar hDay := Day(Holidays[i]);
local DateVar hDate := cDate(iYear, hMonth, hDay);
if DayOfWeek(hDate) in crMonday to crFriday and
hDate in startDate to endDate then Hol := Hol+1;
// Return number of working days
Weeks + Days - Hol - toNumber(not countStartAndEnd);
Код выше изменен из решения, найденного в KenHamady .
Следующая функциявызывается предыдущей функцией и возвращает все праздничные дни:
// getHolidays
// Returns an array with all public holidays for a given year
// These are Swedish holidays. Modify as needed.
Function (Numbervar yyyy)
Datevar Array holidays;
local Datevar holiday;
local Datevar easterSunday := getEasterSunday(yyyy);
// New Years Day
// 1 jan
holiday:=Date(yyyy, 1, 1);
Redim Preserve holidays[Ubound(holidays)+1];
// Epiphany
// 6 jan
holiday:=Date(yyyy, 1, 6);
Redim Preserve holidays[Ubound(holidays)+1];
// Good Friday
// 2 days before easter sunday
holiday:=cDate(DateAdd("d", -2, easterSunday));
Redim Preserve holidays[Ubound(holidays)+1];
// Holy Saturday
// 1 day before easter sunday
holiday:=cDate(DateAdd("d", -1, easterSunday));
Redim Preserve holidays[Ubound(holidays)+1];
// Easter Sunday
// The first Sunday following the first ecclesiastical full moon that occurs on or after the day of the vernal equinox
holiday:=cDate(DateAdd("d", -2, easterSunday));
Redim Preserve holidays[Ubound(holidays)+1];
// Easter Monday
// 1 day after easter sunday
holiday:=cDate(DateAdd("d", 1, easterSunday));
Redim Preserve holidays[Ubound(holidays)+1];
// Labour day
// 1 may
holiday:=Date(yyyy, 5, 1);
Redim Preserve holidays[Ubound(holidays)+1];
// Ascension
// 39 days after easter sunday
holiday:=cDate(DateAdd("d", 39, easterSunday));
Redim Preserve holidays[Ubound(holidays)+1];
// National day
// 6 june
holiday:=Date(yyyy, 6, 6);
Redim Preserve holidays[Ubound(holidays)+1];
// Midsummer's eve
// The friday in the interval 19 june - 25 june
holiday:=cDate(DateAdd("d", 1-dayOfWeek(Date(yyyy, 6, 25), crFriday), Date(yyyy, 6, 25)));
Redim Preserve holidays[Ubound(holidays)+1];
// All saints' day
// The saturday in the interval 31 october - 6 november
holiday:=cDate(DateAdd("d", 1-dayOfWeek(Date(yyyy, 11, 6), crSaturday), Date(yyyy, 11, 6)));
Redim Preserve holidays[Ubound(holidays)+1];
// Christmas eve
// 24 december
holiday:=Date(yyyy, 12, 24);
Redim Preserve holidays[Ubound(holidays)+1];
// Chritmas day
// 25 december
holiday:=Date(yyyy, 12, 25);
Redim Preserve holidays[Ubound(holidays)+1];
// St. Stephen's Day
// 26 december
holiday:=Date(yyyy, 12, 26);
Redim Preserve holidays[Ubound(holidays)+1];
// New year's eve
// 31 december
holiday:=Date(yyyy, 12, 31);
Redim Preserve holidays[Ubound(holidays)+1];
Код выше на основе пользовательской функции в этом сообщении от craig .
Функция праздника должна быть в состоянии получить дату пасхального воскресенья для данного года:
// getEasterSunday
// Returnes a dateVar of the easter sunday for a given year
// Based upon formula from http://aa.usno.navy.mil/faq/docs/easter.php
Function (numberVar yyyy)
local numberVar c := int(yyyy / 100);
local numberVar n := yyyy - 19 * int(yyyy / 19);
local numberVar k := int((c-17)/25);
local numberVar i := c - int(c/4) - int((c-k)/3) + 19*n + 15;
i := i - 30 * int(i/30);
i := i - int(i/28) * ( 1 - int(i/28) * int(29/(i+1)) * int((21-n)/11));
local numberVar j := yyyy + int(yyyy/4) + i + 2 - c + int(c/4);
j := j - 7 * int(j/7);
local numberVar l := i - j;
local numberVar m := 3 + int((l+40)/44);
local numberVar d := l + 28 - 31 * int(m/4);
cDate(yyyy, m , d);
Формула расчета пасхального воскресенья из Военно-морская обсерватория США .