Я новичок в использовании Proguard, поэтому я, вероятно, совершаю ошибку новичка. У меня есть приложение, которое после запуска сборки релиза (которая использует Proguard для запутывания), довольно быстро падает. Я полагаю, что сузил это до того факта, что кажется, что это запутывает мои справочные библиотеки. В моем случае мои справочные библиотеки используются для определения классов сообщений, которые я использую для связи с другим устройством с помощью Google Protobuffers. Я строю, используя муравейник.
Мой конфиг proguard:
-optimizationpasses 5
-optimizations !code/simplification/arithmetic,!field/*,!class/merging/*
-keep public class * extends android.app.Activity
-keep public class * extends android.app.Application
-keep public class * extends android.app.Service
-keep public class * extends android.content.BroadcastReceiver
-keep public class * extends android.content.ContentProvider
-keep public class * extends android.app.backup.BackupAgentHelper
-keep public class * extends android.preference.Preference
-keep public class com.android.vending.licensing.ILicensingService
-keepclasseswithmembernames class *
native <methods>;
-keepclasseswithmembernames class *
public <init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet);
-keepclasseswithmembernames class *
public <init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int);
-keepclassmembers enum *
public static **[] values();
public static ** valueOf(java.lang.String);
-keep class * implements android.os.Parcelable
public static final android.os.Parcelable$Creator *;
В моем файле ant build.xml я определил следующее:
<target name="-obfuscate" unless="do.not.compile">
<if condition="${proguard.enabled}">
<property name="obfuscate.absolute.dir" location="${out.absolute.dir}/proguard" />
<property name="preobfuscate.jar.file" value="${obfuscate.absolute.dir}/original.jar" />
<property name="obfuscated.jar.file" value="${obfuscate.absolute.dir}/obfuscated.jar" />
<!-- input for dex will be proguard's output -->
<property name="out.dex.input.absolute.dir" value="${obfuscated.jar.file}" />
<!-- Add Proguard Tasks -->
<property name="proguard.jar" location="${android.tools.dir}/proguard/lib/proguard.jar" />
<taskdef name="proguard" classname="proguard.ant.ProGuardTask" classpath="${proguard.jar}" />
<!-- Set the android classpath Path object into a single property. It'll be
all the jar files separated by a platform path-separator.
<property name="android.libraryjars" refid="android.target.classpath"/>
<!-- Build a path object with all the jar files that must be obfuscated.
This include the project compiled source code and any 3rd party jar
<path id="project.jars.ref">
<pathelement location="${preobfuscate.jar.file}" />
<path refid="jar.libs.ref" />
<!-- Set the project jar files Path object into a single property. It'll be
all the jar files separated by a platform path-separator.
<property name="project.jars" refid="project.jars.ref" />
<mkdir dir="${obfuscate.absolute.dir}" />
<delete file="${preobfuscate.jar.file}" />
<delete file="${obfuscated.jar.file}" />
<jar basedir="${out.classes.dir}" destfile="${preobfuscate.jar.file}" />
-injars ${project.jars}
-outjars ${obfuscated.jar.file}
-libraryjars ${android.libraryjars}
-dump ${obfuscate.absolute.dir}/dump.txt
-printseeds ${obfuscate.absolute.dir}/seeds.txt
-printusage ${obfuscate.absolute.dir}/usage.txt
-printmapping ${obfuscate.absolute.dir}/mapping.txt
<!-- Converts this project's .class files into .dex files -->
<target name="-dex" depends="compile, -post-compile, -obfuscate"
<if condition="${manifest.hasCode}">
<dex-helper />
<echo>hasCode = false. Skipping...</echo>
<!-- Puts the project's resources into the output package file
This actually can create multiple resource package in case
Some custom apk with specific configuration have been
declared in default.properties.
<target name="-package-resources">
<echo>Packaging resources</echo>
<aapt executable="${aapt}"
<res path="${resource.absolute.dir}" />
<!-- <nocompress /> forces no compression on any files in assets or res/raw -->
<!-- <nocompress extension="xml" /> forces no compression on specific file extensions in assets and res/raw -->
<!-- Packages the application and sign it with a debug key. -->
<target name="-package-debug-sign" depends="-dex, -package-resources">
output.filepath="${out.debug.unaligned.file}" />
<!-- Packages the application without signing it. -->
<target name="-package-release" depends="-dex, -package-resources">
<target name="-set-release-mode">
<!-- release mode is only valid if the manifest does not explicitly
set debuggable to true. default is false.
We actually store build.packaging.debug, not build.release -->
<xpath input="AndroidManifest.xml" expression="/manifest/application/@android:debuggable"
output="build.packaging.debug" default="false"/>
<!-- Enable proguard -->
<property name="proguard.enabled" value="true"/>
<property name="proguard.config" value="proguard.cfg"/>
<!-- signing mode: release -->
<property name="build.signing.debug" value="false" />
<if condition="${build.packaging.debug}">
<echo>**** Android Manifest has debuggable=true ****</echo>
<echo>**** Doing DEBUG packaging with RELEASE keys ****</echo>
<!-- property only set in release mode.
Useful for if/unless attributes in target node
when using Ant before 1.8 -->
<property name="build.mode.release" value="true"/>
<target name="release"
depends="-set-release-mode, -release-obfuscation-check, -package-release, -release-prompt-for-password, -release-nosign"
description="Builds the application. The generated apk file must be signed before
it is published.">
<!-- Signs the APK -->
<echo>Signing final apk...</echo>
verbose="${verbose}" />
<!-- Zip aligns the APK -->
<zipalign-helper in.package="${out.unaligned.file}"
out.package="${out.release.file}" />
<echo>Release Package: ${out.release.file}</echo>
Буду признателен за любые идеи. Я скопировал большую часть своей конфигурации сборки и proguard из онлайн-шаблонов, я подозреваю, что на самом деле я использую Proguard для обфускации файлов библиотеки или у меня что-то не настроено.
Я вижу следующий вывод в моем окне cmd в конце сборки:
[proguard] Writing output...
[proguard] Preparing output jar [C:\Workspace\UI\MyApp\build\proguard\obfuscated.jar]
[proguard] Copying resources from program jar [C:\Workspace\UI\MyApp\build\proguard\original.jar]
[proguard] Copying resources from program jar [C:\Workspace\UI\MyApp\libs\libmessaging.jar]
[proguard] Warning: can't write resource [META-INF/MANIFEST.MF] (Duplicate zip entry [libmessaging.jar:META-INF/MANIFEST.MF])
[proguard] Copying resources from program jar [C:\Workspace\UI\MyApp\libs\protobuf-2.3.0.jar]
[proguard] Warning: can't write resource [META-INF/MANIFEST.MF] (Duplicate zip entry [protobuf-2.3.0.jar:META-INF/MANIFEST.MF])
[proguard] Printing classes to [C:\Workspace\Riptide1_1_ptr_74\WPG_HAWKSBILL\UI\MyApp\build\proguard\dump.txt]...