Вот моя функция для сравнения полей. Становится немного волосатым, когда имеешь дело с внешними ключами, но в целом это не так уж плохо:
def get_changes_between_objects(object1, object2, excludes=[]):
Finds the changes between the common fields on two objects
:param object1: The first object
:param object2: The second object
:param excludes: A list of field names to exclude
changes = {}
# For every field in the model
for field in object1._meta.fields:
# Don't process excluded fields or automatically updating fields
if not field.name in excludes and not isinstance(field, fields.AutoField):
# If the field isn't a related field (i.e. a foreign key)..
if not isinstance(field, fields.related.RelatedField):
old_val = field.value_from_object(object1)
new_val = field.value_from_object(object2)
# If the old value doesn't equal the new value, and they're
# not both equivalent to null (i.e. None and "")
if old_val != new_val and not(not old_val and not new_val):
changes[field.verbose_name] = (old_val, new_val)
# If the field is a related field..
elif isinstance(field, fields.related.RelatedField):
if field.value_from_object(object1) != field.value_from_object(object2):
old_pk = field.value_from_object(object1)
old_val = field.related.parent_model.objects.get(pk=old_pk)
except field.related.parent_model.DoesNotExist:
old_val = None
new_pk = field.value_from_object(object2)
new_val = field.related.parent_model.objects.get(pk=new_pk)
except field.related.parent_model.DoesNotExist:
new_val = None
changes[field.verbose_name] = (old_val, new_val)
return changes
>>> item = Item.objects.get(pk=1)
>>> item_old = Item.objects.get(pk=1)
>>> print item.my_attribute
>>> item.my_attribute = 'bar'
>>> get_changes_between_objects(item, item_old)
{'My Attribute': ('bar', 'foo')}