Я думаю, вы найдете, что XMLGenerator из xml.sax.saxutils ближе всего к тому, что вы хотите.
import time
from xml.sax.saxutils import XMLGenerator
from xml.sax.xmlreader import AttributesNSImpl
class xml_logger:
def __init__(self, output, encoding):
Set up a logger object, which takes SAX events and outputs
an XML log file
logger = XMLGenerator(output, encoding)
attrs = AttributesNSImpl({}, {})
logger.startElementNS((None, u'log'), u'log', attrs)
self._logger = logger
self._output = output
self._encoding = encoding
def write_entry(self, level, msg):
Write a log entry to the logger
level - the level of the entry
msg - the text of the entry. Must be a Unicode object
#Note: in a real application, I would use ISO 8601 for the date
#asctime used here for simplicity
now = time.asctime(time.localtime())
attr_vals = {
(None, u'date'): now,
(None, u'level'): LOG_LEVELS[level],
attr_qnames = {
(None, u'date'): u'date',
(None, u'level'): u'level',
attrs = AttributesNSImpl(attr_vals, attr_qnames)
self._logger.startElementNS((None, u'entry'), u'entry', attrs)
self._logger.endElementNS((None, u'entry'), u'entry')
def close(self):
Clean up the logger object
self._logger.endElementNS((None, u'log'), u'log')
if __name__ == "__main__":
#Test it out
import sys
xl = xml_logger(sys.stdout, 'utf-8')
xl.write_entry(2, u"Vanilla log entry")
Возможно, вы захотите взглянуть на остальную часть статьи, которую я получил от http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2003/03/12/py-xml.html.