Я кодирую контрольный список на Android, следуя примеру из учебника.ListActivity состоит из списка (R.layout.PCheckList), где у каждой строки есть флажок, а текстовое представление заблокировано внутри горизонтального макета (R.layout.lchecklist).Есть строка кода, которую я совершенно не понимаю. Код приведен ниже, и я выделил строку
public class PChecklist extends ListActivity {
TextView selection;
String[] tasks={"Do Laundry",
"Wash Dishes",
"Make the bed",
"Buy Groceries",
"Mow the lawn",
"Iron Clothes",
"Breathe periodically"};
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
this.selection = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.selection2);
ArrayList<DailyTask> dailyTaskListModel = new ArrayList<DailyTask>();
for(String t:tasks)
dailyTaskListModel.add(new DailyTask(t));
this.setListAdapter(new CheckListAdapter(this,dailyTaskListModel));
private DailyTask getTaskAt(int position)
return ((CheckListAdapter)getListAdapter()).getItem(position);
protected void onListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position, long id) {
this.selection.setText(String.format("Selection: %s", getTaskAt(position).toString()));
class DailyTask
String task;
boolean isCompleted = false;
DailyTask(String task)
this.task = task;
public String toString()
return (task.toUpperCase());
else return (task);
class CheckListAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<DailyTask>
Activity activity;
CheckListAdapter(Activity context,ArrayList<DailyTask> taskList)
super(context, R.layout.lchecklist,taskList);
this.activity = context;
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
View recycledView = convertView;
CheckListViewAccessor checkListViewAccessor=null;
CheckBox checkbox;
//if there is no view, we have to make one by inflating a layout.
LayoutInflater inflater = activity.getLayoutInflater();
recycledView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.lchecklist, null,false);
checkListViewAccessor = new CheckListViewAccessor(recycledView);
checkbox = checkListViewAccessor.getCheckBox();
CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener checkStateChangedListener = new CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener(){
public void onCheckedChanged(CompoundButton cb, boolean isChecked) {
//When the check button is pressed, we want two things to happen.
//1. Update the model.
//for some reason we have to do this.
int positionOfCheckedItem = (Integer) cb.getTag();
DailyTask task = getTaskAt(positionOfCheckedItem);
task.isCompleted = isChecked;
//2. Change the String in the row to upper case.
}else//if recycledView is not null, then we don't need to add a listener, we just need to get access to the UI components
checkListViewAccessor = (CheckListViewAccessor) recycledView.getTag();
checkbox = checkListViewAccessor.getCheckBox();
DailyTask task = getTaskAt(position);
checkbox.setTag(new Integer(position));
//^This line I don't get.**
return (recycledView);
class CheckListViewAccessor
View checkListView;
CheckBox checkbox=null;
CheckListViewAccessor(View checkListView)
this.checkListView = checkListView;
CheckBox getCheckBox()
this.checkbox = (CheckBox) findViewById(R.id.checkbox);
return (checkbox);
В указанной строке как флажок узнает, какой текст TextView изменить?Когда были установлены эти отношения?