См. учебник Люк Флетчер В общем, это говорит:
%Load the image into im_rgb with
im_rgb = imread('tetx.tiff');
%convert to type double
im_rgb = double(im_rgb);
%convert to grey-scale
im_grey = (im_rgb(:,:,1)+im_rgb(:,:,2)+im_rgb(:,:,3))/3;
%or you can use rgb2gray which gives a slightly different result since it converts
%to a luminance rather than an intensity image, you'll learn about this
%in the lecture on colour imaging.
%convert from [0,255] to [0,1]
im_grey = im_grey/255;
%to view an image use either imshow(im) or imagesc(im), note the difference.
%You can use imagesc and then set the axis for an image with
axis image;
%Axis labelling can be turned on and off by
axis on;
axis off;
и т.д ...