Ужасная ночь с этим, я новичок в C ++, и я не совсем понимаю, что я делаю.Я только что задал один вопрос, но я подумал, что это решит все, любой толчок в правильном направлении будет с благодарностью оценен, просто намек даже.очистить значения ... верно?[ошибка находится в цикле for под комментируемой частью, хрустящей части кода "// часть, хрустящей части"]
Я получил это почти сработало, пока, к сожалению, я должен выложить весь кодэто я начну с ошибок, которые я получаю ->
`g++ complex.cpp -o complex
complex.cpp: In function ‘int main(int, char**)’:
complex.cpp:157:60: error: ‘getReal’ was not declared in this scope
complex.cpp:158:65: error: ‘getImaginary’ was not declared in this scope
complex.cpp:159:65: error: ‘getMagnitude’ was not declared in this scope
complex.cpp:160:61: error: ‘getPhase’ was not declared in this scope
complex.cpp:162:51: error: ‘getPower’ was not declared in this scope
complex.cpp:163:49: error: ‘getRoot’ was not declared in this scope
complex.cpp:164:41: error: ‘getConjugate’ was not declared in this scope
complex.cpp:171:52: error: ‘add’ was not declared in this scope
complex.cpp:172:57: error: ‘subtract’ was not declared in this scope
complex.cpp:173:57: error: ‘multiply’ was not declared in this scope
complex.cpp:174:55: error: ‘divide’ was not declared in this scope
make: *** [complex] Error 1
Вот main.cpp
#include "complex.h"
#include "complex-functions.cpp"
main(int argc, char *argv[])
int here;
int amountComplex, mRoot, nPower, form, i, j;
double tempRealorMag, tempImagorPhase, userInput1, userInput2;
COMPLEX::complex secondnumber, atemp, stemp, mtemp, dtemp, ptemp, rtemp, ctemp;
FILE *inputf; //Pointer to the input filepath
FILE *outputf; //Pointer to the output filepath
switch (argc)
case 2:
fprintf( stderr,"Error: Please also provide an output filename\n");
case 3:
break; // have input file and output file; all is OK
fprintf( stderr,"Error: Please provide input and output filenames respectively as command line arguments\n");
fprintf(stderr,"Error opening input file file. Check permissions.\n");
fprintf(stderr,"Error opening output file. Check permissions.\n");
// read the first four numbers from the text file
fscanf(inputf, "%d", &amountComplex);
fscanf(inputf, "%d", &form);
fscanf(inputf, "%d", &nPower);
fscanf(inputf, "%d", &mRoot);
if (form != 1, 0)
cout <<"Number must be in Cartesian or Polar format ONLY\n";
if (amountComplex <= 0)
cout <<"Number of complex computations must be above zero.\n";
return (1);
COMPLEX:: complex myCarray[amountComplex];
// reads the numbers and puts them into an array; closes inputfile
for (i = 0; i < amountComplex; i++)
fscanf(inputf, "%lf", &tempRealorMag);
fscanf(inputf, "%lf", &tempImagorPhase);
myCarray[i].real = tempRealorMag;
myCarray[i].imaginary = tempImagorPhase;
// enters the second the number to be added, can be in
// cartesian (0) or polar (1) formats
// cartesian format
if (form == 0)
cout << "\nEnter real part of your number: ";
cin >> userInput1;
cout << "\nEnter imaginary part of your number" ;
cin >> userInput2;
secondnumber.real = userInput1;
secondnumber.imaginary = userInput2;
// polar format
if (form == 1)
cout <<"\nEnter Magnitude of your number: ";
cin >> userInput1;
cout <<"\nEnter Phase of your number: ";
cin >> userInput2;
secondnumber.real = userInput1;
secondnumber.imaginary = userInput2;
// writes results
// cartesian format
if(form == 0)
fprintf(outputf, "This will be in Cartesian format, the order of results are:\n"
"Real part\nImaginary part\nMagnitude\nPhase\nPower\nRoot\nConjugate\n"
// polar format
if(form == 1)
fprintf(outputf, "This will be in Polar format, the order of results are:\n"
"Real part\nImaginary part\nMagnitude\nPhase\nPower\nRoot\nConjugate\n"
// number crunching part of code
for(j = 0; j < amountComplex; j++)
// Real part, Imaginary part, Magnitude, Phase, Power, Root,
// and Conjugate of complex number input array
fprintf(outputf, "%lf\n", getReal(myCarray[j], form));
fprintf(outputf, "%lf\n", getImaginary(myCarray[j], form));
fprintf(outputf, "%lf\n", getMagnitude(myCarray[j], form));
fprintf(outputf, "%lf\n", getPhase(myCarray[j], form));
ptemp = getPower(nPower, myCarray[j], form);
rtemp = getRoot(mRoot, myCarray[j], form);
ctemp = getConjugate(myCarray[j]);
fprintf(outputf, "%lf %lf \n", ptemp.real, ptemp.imaginary);
fprintf(outputf, "%lf %lf \n", rtemp.real, rtemp.imaginary);
fprintf(outputf, "%lf %lf \n", ctemp.real, ctemp.imaginary);
// Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division with Second Number entered by user
atemp = add(myCarray[j], secondnumber, form);
stemp = subtract(myCarray[j], secondnumber, form);
mtemp = multiply(myCarray[j], secondnumber, form);
dtemp = divide(myCarray[j], secondnumber, form);
fprintf(outputf, "%lf %lf \n", atemp.real, atemp.imaginary);
fprintf(outputf, "%lf %lf \n", stemp.real, stemp.imaginary);
fprintf(outputf, "%lf %lf \n", mtemp.real, mtemp.imaginary);
fprintf(outputf, "%lf %lf \n", dtemp.real, dtemp.imaginary);
fprintf(outputf, "\n\tNext Complex Number");
} //end of main function
Это вызывает драйвер и файл функции DRIVER ->
#ifndef COMPLEX_H
#define COMPLEX_H
using namespace std;
typedef struct{
double real;
double imaginary;
double getReal(complex n, int form );
double getImaginary(complex n, int form);
double getMagnitude(complex n, int form);
double getPhase(complex n, int form);
complex add(complex n, complex m, int form);
complex subtract(complex n, complex m, int form);
complex multiply(complex n, complex m, int form);
complex divide(complex n, complex m, int form);
complex getConjugate(complex n);
complex getPower(int npower, complex n, int form);
complex getRoot(int mroot, complex n, int form);
complex changeToCart(complex n);
complex changeToPolar(complex n);
#include "complex.h"
//returns the real part of the complex number
double COMPLEX :: getReal(complex n, int form)
if(form == 0)
if(form == 1)
complex temp = changeToCart(n);
//returns the imaginary part of the complex number
double COMPLEX :: getImaginary(complex n, int form)
if(form == 0)
if(form == 1)
return((n.real * sin(n.imaginary)));
//returns the magnitude of the complex number
double COMPLEX :: getMagnitude(complex n, int form)
if(form == 0)
float x = n.real;
float y = n.imaginary;
return(sqrt((x * x + y * y)));
if(form == 1)
//returns the phase of the complex number
double COMPLEX :: getPhase(complex n, int form)
if(form == 0)
float x = n.real;
float y = n.imaginary;
if(form == 1)
//adds two complex numbers together
COMPLEX::complex COMPLEX::add(COMPLEX::complex n, COMPLEX::complex m, int form)
complex temp, temp2, temp3;
if(form == 0)
temp.real = n.real + m.real;
temp.imaginary = n.imaginary + m.imaginary;
if(form == 1)
temp3.real = (n.real*cos(n.imaginary) + m.real*cos(m.imaginary));
temp3.imaginary = (n.real*sin(n.imaginary) + m.real*sin(m.imaginary));
temp2.real = getMagnitude(temp3, 0);
temp2.imaginary = getPhase(temp3, 0);
//subtracts one complex number from another
COMPLEX::complex COMPLEX::subtract(COMPLEX::complex n, COMPLEX::complex m, int form)
complex temp, temp2;
if(form == 0)
temp.real = n.real - m.real;
temp.imaginary = n.imaginary - m.imaginary;
if(form == 1)
temp.real = (n.real*cos(n.imaginary) - m.real*cos(m.imaginary));
temp.imaginary = (n.real*sin(n.imaginary) - m.real*sin(m.imaginary));
temp2.real = getMagnitude(temp, 0);
temp2.imaginary = getPhase(temp, 0);
//multiplies two complex together
COMPLEX::complex COMPLEX::multiply(COMPLEX::complex n, COMPLEX::complex m, int form)
complex temp;
if(form == 0)
float r1 = getMagnitude(n, 0);
float r2 = getMagnitude(m, 0);
float ang1 = getPhase(n, 0);
float ang2 = getPhase(m, 0);
float r3 = r1 * r2;
if(r3 == 0)
temp.real = 0.0;
temp.imaginary = 0.0;
float ang3 = ang1 + ang2;
temp.real = r3*cos(ang3);
temp.imaginary = r3*sin(ang3);
if(form == 1)
if(n.real == 0 || m.real == 0)
temp.real = 0.0;
temp.real = 0.0;
temp.real = n.real * m.real;
temp.imaginary = n.imaginary + m.imaginary;
//divides one complex number by another
COMPLEX::complex COMPLEX::divide(COMPLEX::complex n, COMPLEX::complex m, int form)
complex temp;
if(form == 0)
if(getMagnitude(m, form) != 0)
float r1 = getMagnitude(n, 0);
float r2 = getMagnitude(m, 0);
float ang1 = getPhase(n, 0);
float ang2 = getPhase(m, 0);
float r3 = r1 / r2;
float ang3 = ang1 - ang2;
temp.real = r3*cos(ang3);
temp.imaginary = r3*sin(ang3);
cout <<"Sorry, you can't divide by zero, instead, both parts will be shown as -1.337.\n";
temp.real = -1.337;
temp.imaginary = -1.337;
if(form == 1)
if(m.real =! 0)
temp.real = n.real/m.real;
temp.imaginary = n.imaginary - m.imaginary;
cout << "Sorry, but you can't divide by zero, instead, both parts will be shown as -1.337.\n";
temp.real = -1.337;
temp.imaginary = -1.337;
//takes the nth power of a complex number
COMPLEX::complex COMPLEX::getPower(int npower, COMPLEX::complex n, int form)
complex temp;
if(form == 0)
float r1 = getMagnitude(n, 0);
float ang1 = getPhase(n, 0);
float r2 = pow(r1, npower);
float ang2 = npower * ang1;
temp.real = r2*cos(ang2);
temp.imaginary = r2*sin(ang2);
if(form == 1)
temp.real = pow(n.real, npower);
temp.imaginary = npower * n.imaginary;
//takes the mth root of a complex number
COMPLEX :: complex COMPLEX::getRoot(int mroot, COMPLEX::complex n, int form)
complex temp;
if(form == 0)
float r1 = getMagnitude(n,0);
float ang1 = getPhase(n,0);
float r2 = pow(r1, 1.0/mroot);
float ang2 = ang1/mroot;
temp.real = r2*cos(ang2);
temp.imaginary = r2*sin(ang2);
if(form == 1)
temp.real = pow(n.real, 1.0/mroot);
temp.imaginary = n.imaginary/mroot;
//returns the conjugate of a complex number
COMPLEX :: complex COMPLEX::getConjugate(COMPLEX::complex n)
float iman = n.imaginary * -1;
complex temp = {n.real, iman };
//changes a complex number to cartesian form
COMPLEX :: complex COMPLEX::changeToCart(COMPLEX::complex n)
float rtemp = n.real;
float ptemp = n.imaginary;
float realtemp = rtemp * cos(ptemp);
float imantemp = rtemp * sin(ptemp);
complex temp = {realtemp, imantemp};
//changes a complex number to polar form
COMPLEX :: complex COMPLEX::changeToPolar(COMPLEX::complex n)
complex temp;
temp.real = getMagnitude(n, 0);
temp.imaginary = getPhase(n, 0);
** Обратите внимание, когда я ставлю COMPLEX::
перед функциями ошибок области действия, я получаю эту ошибку при компиляции ->
error: cannot call member function ‘COMPLEX::complex COMPLEX::add(COMPLEX::complex, COMPLEX::complex, int)’ without object