не уверен, если вы все еще заинтересованы в этом, но у меня была такая же проблема некоторое время назад, и я нашел этот общий фрагмент JS, который сохраняет флажок состояния:
// This function reads the cookie and checks/unchecks all elements
// that have been stored inside. It will NOT mess with checkboxes
// whose state has not yet been recorded at all.
function restorePersistedCheckBoxes() {
var aStatus = getPersistedCheckStatus();
for(var i = 0; i < aStatus.length; i++) {
var aPair = aStatus[i].split(':');
var el = document.getElementById(aPair[0]);
if(el) {
el.checked = aPair[1] == '1';
// This function takes as input an input type="checkbox" element and
// stores its check state in the persistence cookie. It is smart
// enough to add or replace the state as appropriate, and not affect
// the stored state of other checkboxes.
function persistCheckBox(el) {
var found = false;
var currentStateFragment = el.id + ':' + (el.checked ? '1' : '0');
var aStatus = getPersistedCheckStatus();
for(var i = 0; i < aStatus.length; i++) {
var aPair = aStatus[i].split(':');
if(aPair[0] == el.id) {
// State for this checkbox was already present; replace it
aStatus[i] = currentStateFragment;
found = true;
if(!found) {
// State for this checkbox wasn't present; add it
// Now that the array has our info stored, persist it
// This function simply returns the checkbox persistence status as
// an array of strings. "Hides" the fact that the data is stored
// in a cookie.
function getPersistedCheckStatus() {
var stored = getPersistenceCookie();
return stored.split(',');
// This function stores an array of strings that represents the
// checkbox persistence status. "Hides" the fact that the data is stored
// in a cookie.
function setPersistedCheckStatus(aStatus) {
// Retrieve the value of the persistence cookie.
function getPersistenceCookie()
// cookies are separated by semicolons
var aCookie = document.cookie.split('; ');
for (var i=0; i < aCookie.length; i++)
// a name/value pair (a crumb) is separated by an equal sign
var aCrumb = aCookie[i].split('=');
if ('JS_PERSISTENCE_COOKIE' == aCrumb[0])
return unescape(aCrumb[1]);
return ''; // cookie does not exist
// Sets the value of the persistence cookie.
// Does not affect other cookies that may be present.
function setPersistenceCookie(sValue) {
document.cookie = 'JS_PERSISTENCE_COOKIE=' + escape(sValue);
// Removes the persistence cookie.
function clearPersistenceCookie() {
document.cookie = 'JS_PERSISTENCE_COOKIE=' +
';expires=Fri, 31 Dec 1999 23:59:59 GMT;';
Просто убедитесь, что вашК флажкам прикреплено onChange= persistCheckBox(this);
, например.
<label for= "LocType">User Preference</label>
<input name= "LocType" type= "checkbox" onChange= persistCheckBox(this);"/>
А также onLoad в вашем открывающем теге body:
<body onload="restorePersistedCheckBoxes();">