Я строю карту Google, где у меня есть 20-40 точек.В настоящее время, когда вы наводите курсор мыши на точку, она вызывает всплывающее окно qTip.Я написал скрипт для смены «panto» каждые 6 секунд, и я пытаюсь вызвать соответствующий qTip, когда точка перемещается в точку.
<script type="text/javascript">
var map, marker, latLngToPixel;
var locations = [
["Reforestation Cumberland State Forest", 37.4963918, -78.2448664, "", "www.dof.virginia.gov"],
["Guaranta Settlement, Brazil ", -13.44234, -47.944336, "Brazil", "guaranta-settlement-brazil"],
["Trees For Cameroon", 7.369722, 12.354722, "Cameroon", "trees-for-cameroon"],
["Trees for Colombia", 6.3166667, -76.1333333, "Colombia", "urrao-colombia-trees-for-the-future"],
["Trees Water and People Trees for Food Project", 14.0200366, -89.6451688, "El Salvador", ""],
["Trees For Ethiopia", 8.4, 38.4, "Ethiopia", "trees-for-ethiopia"],
["Trees For Ghana", 7.946527, -1.023194, "Ghana", "trees-for-ghana"],
["Trees for Haiti", 18.7703377, -72.513088, "Haiti", "trees-for-haiti"],
["Trees For India", 11.1271225, 78.6568942, "India", "trees-for-india"],
["Madagascar Mangrove Rehabilitation", -23.6682, 46.13353, "Madagascar", "madagascar-mangrove-rehabilitation"],
["Trees For Mali", 12.39495, -7.937085, "Mali", "trees-for-mali"],
["Las Mercedes Reforestation", 13.4726005, -86.4592091, "Nicaragua", ""],
["Trees For Senegal", 14.10686, -15.55198, "Senegal", "trees-for-senegal"],
["Trees for Tanzania ", -8.588228, 35.29755, "Tanzania", "trees-for-tanzania-"],
["Trees for Uganda", 1.2124107, 33.7804036, "Uganda", "trees-for-uganda"],
["Reforest Kentucky", 38.2009055, -84.8732835, "United States", "reforest-kentucky"],
["Celebrate Arbor Day", 40.0583238, -74.4056612, "United States", ""],
["Longleaf Pine Reforestation Project", 32.1574351, -82.907123, "United States", "longleaf-pine-reforestation-on-georgia-state"],
["Trees for Tributaries", 43.0484029, -75.3785034, "United States", "trees-for-tributaries"],
["Wisconsin State Lands Tree Planting", 43.7844397, -88.7878678, "United States", "wisconsin-state-lands-tree-planting"],
["Flight 93 Memorial Reforestation Project", 40.0178571, -78.9072458, "United States", "Flight-93-Memorial-Reforestation"],
["Michigan State Forest Reforestation", 44.5105121, -85.5145764, "United States", "michigan-state-forest-reforestation"],
["Bladen Lakes State Forest", 35.80728455266026, -79.4805908203125, "United States", "bladen-lakes-state-forest"],
["Green Forests Work Maryland", 39.45316112807393, -77.97875979915261, "United States", "www.greenforestswork.org"],
["Green Forests Work Ohio", 39.010648, -83.469727, "United States", "www.greenforestswork.org"],
["Green Forests Work West Virginia", 39.01918382053526, -80.56054690852761, "United States", "www.greenforestswork.org"],
["Green Forests Work Alabama", 34.08906131584996, -86.83154303580523, "United States", "www.greenforestswork.org"],
["Green Forests Work Tennessee", 35.022799223730146, -86.50195319205523, "United States", "www.greenforestswork.org"],
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/* Loop Through To Generate Points, Left 1 For Example... */
generateMarker(id, 37.4963918, -78.2448664, "Reforestation Cumberland ...", "Cumberland, Virginia ", "www.dof.virginia.gov", "61", "0", "61_4f0312528dbf4VA 4.jpg" );
function generateMarker(id, Lat, Lng, ProjectName, Location, PURL, idProject, TreesPlanted, Thumb) {
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: new google.maps.LatLng(Lat, Lng),
icon: 'http://staging.&********.com/css/images/pin.png',
map: map,
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