Поскольку у меня были проблемы с встраиванием контейнера OSGi, и это было действительно немного излишне, я выбрал свое собственное решение. Но я научусь использовать OSGi однажды, в ситуации, когда мне не нужно встраивать фреймворк.
Если вам почему-то захочется использовать этот код, он находится под лицензией «делай с ней что хочешь».
public class SmartfoxExtensionContainer extends AbstractExtension {
private AbstractExtension extension;
private void initRealExtension() {
final String zone = this.getOwnerZone();
System.out.println("[SmartfoxExtensionContainer] ========= Init extension for zone " + zone + " =========");
try {
// load properties
File propFile = new File("wext/" + zone + ".properties");
System.out.println("[SmartfoxExtensionContainer] Load config from " + propFile.getCanonicalPath());
Properties props = new Properties();
final FileInputStream ins = new FileInputStream(propFile);
try {
props.load(new InputStreamReader(ins, "UTF-8"));
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {}
// construct classloader
File jarDir = new File(props.getProperty("classpath", "wext/" + zone));
System.out.println("[SmartfoxExtensionContainer] Load classes from " + jarDir.getCanonicalPath());
if (!jarDir.isDirectory()) throw new RuntimeException("That is not an existing directory");
final File[] fs = jarDir.listFiles();
URL[] urls = new URL[fs.length];
for (int f = 0; f < fs.length; f++) {
System.out.println("[SmartfoxExtensionContainer] " + fs[f].getName());
urls[f] = fs[f].toURI().toURL();
SelfishClassLoader cl = new SelfishClassLoader(urls, SmartfoxExtensionContainer.class.getClassLoader());
// get real extension class
String mainClass = props.getProperty("mainClass", "Extension");
System.out.println("[SmartfoxExtensionContainer] Main class: " + mainClass);
Class<? extends AbstractExtension> extClass = (Class<? extends AbstractExtension>) cl.loadClass(mainClass);
// create extension and copy settings
extension = extClass.newInstance();
extension.setOwner(this.getOwnerZone(), this.getOwnerRoom());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
/* ======================= DELEGATES ======================= */
public void init() {
public void destroy() {
public void handleRequest(String arg0, ActionscriptObject arg1, User arg2, int arg3) {
extension.handleRequest(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3);
public void handleRequest(String arg0, String[] arg1, User arg2, int arg3) {
extension.handleRequest(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3);
public void handleInternalEvent(InternalEventObject arg0) {
public Object handleInternalRequest(Object params) {
return extension.handleInternalRequest(params);
public void handleRequest(String cmd, JSONObject jso, User u, int fromRoom) {
extension.handleRequest(cmd, jso, u, fromRoom);
/* ======================= CUSTOM CLASSLOADER ======================= */
private static class SelfishClassLoader extends URLClassLoader {
SelfishClassLoader(URL[] urls, ClassLoader parent) {
super(urls, parent);
// override default behaviour: find classes in local path first, then parent
@Override protected synchronized Class<?> loadClass(String name, boolean resolve) throws ClassNotFoundException {
// First, check if the class has already been loaded
Class<?> clz = findLoadedClass(name);
if (clz == null) {
try {
clz = findClass(name);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
// ClassNotFoundException thrown if class not found
// from current class loader
if (clz == null) {
// If still not found, then invoke parent.findClass in order
// to find the class.
clz = getParent().loadClass(name);
if (resolve) {
return clz;