Я не могу получить ответ, который отображается под калькулятором с использованием innerHTML.Раньше у меня это работало с окнами оповещений, но в идеале я хотел бы написать прямо в документ, чтобы я мог включить ссылки и форматирование.
Я успешно использовал приведенный ниже метод с немного менее сложным сценарием, которыйвключить меню выбора (см. рабочий код внизу).Помимо другого идентификатора для области отображения, это, кажется, единственное отличие.
Я запустил это через firebug, и кажется, что все вычисления выполняются, и сценарий падает только тогда, когда приходит времячтобы отобразить результаты.
Я все еще довольно зелен на javascript и учусь на ходу, поэтому любая деталь, которую вы можете предоставить, будет наиболее полезной.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
<!-- Begin CE MP Savings Calc script
function doMath3() {
var one = parseInt(document.theForm3.elements[0].value);
var two = parseInt(document.theForm3.elements[1].value);
var three = one * two;
var z4yearlyCash = three * 4.25 * 12;
var z3yearlyCash = three * 3.75 * 12;
var z2yearlyCash = three * 3 * 12;
var z1yearlyCash = three * 2.5 * 12;
var baseyearlyCash = three * 1.5 * 12;
var selection = document.getElementsByName("zone")[0].value;
var answerCEMP = document.getElementById("answerCEMP");
if (document.theForm3.elements[0].value == ""){
alert("Please enter the number of days a month you commute on Commuter Express.")
if (document.theForm3.elements[1].value == ""){
alert("Please enter the number of times you board a Commuter Express daily.")
if(one > 31){
alert("Come now, no month has " + one + " days! Please try again.");
else if(selection == "z4"){
var prodZ4 = z4yearlyCash - 1680;
if(prodZ4 > 0){
answerCemp.innerHTML="<div class='answerbox'><p>If you pay cash, your yearly expense is $" + z4yearlyCash + ".<br>Commuter Express Zone 4 Monthly Passes cost $1680 per year, <strong>a yearly savings of $" + prodZ4 + "<\/strong><br><strong><a href='http://store.ladottransit.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=LTSO&Category_Code=MP4'>Buy a Commuter Express Monthly Pass now.<\/a><\/strong><\/p><\/div>";
else if(prodZ4 <= 0){
answerCemp.innerHTML="<div class='answerbox'><p>Looks like you don't ride Commuter Express often enough to benefit from purchasing a Monthly Pass. Trip Tickets may be a better option for you. <strong><a href='#triptickets'>Try the Trip Tickets Calculator below.<\/a><\/strong><\/p><\/div>";
else if(selection == "z3"){
var prodZ3 = z3yearlyCash - 1488;
if(prodZ3 > 0){
alert("If you pay cash, your yearly expense is $" + z3yearlyCash + ". Commuter Express Zone 3 Monthly Passes cost $1488 per year, a yearly savings of $" + prodZ3 + ".");
else if(prodZ3 <= 0){
alert("Looks like you don't ride Commuter Express often enough to benefit from purchasing a Monthly Pass. Trip Tickets may be a better option for you. Try the Trip Tickets Calculator below.");
else if(selection == "z2"){
var prodZ2 = z2yearlyCash - 1200;
if(prodZ2 > 0){
alert("If you pay cash, your yearly expense is $" + z2yearlyCash + ". Commuter Express Zone 2 Monthly Passes cost $1200 per year, a yearly savings of $" + prodZ2 + ".");
else if(prodZ2 <= 0){
alert("Looks like you don't ride Commuter Express often enough to benefit from purchasing a Monthly Pass. Trip Tickets may be a better option for you. Try the Trip Tickets Calculator below.");
else if(selection == "z1"){
var prodZ1 = z1yearlyCash - 960;
if(prodZ1 > 0){
alert("If you pay cash, your yearly expense is $" + z1yearlyCash + ". Commuter Express Zone 1 Monthly Passes cost $960 per year, a yearly savings of $" + prodZ1 + ".");
else if(prodZ1 <= 0){
alert("Looks like you don't ride Commuter Express often enough to benefit from purchasing a Monthly Pass. Trip Tickets may be a better option for you. Try the Trip Tickets Calculator below.");
else if(selection == "Base"){
var prodBase = baseyearlyCash - 684;
if(prodBase > 0){
alert("If you pay cash, your yearly expense is $" + baseyearlyCash + ". Commuter Express Base Monthly Passes cost $684 per year, a yearly savings of $" + prodBase + ".");
else if(prodBase <= 0){
alert("Looks like you don't ride Commuter Express often enough to benefit from purchasing a Monthly Pass. Trip Tickets may be a better option for you. Try the Trip Tickets Calculator below.");
// End CE MP Savings Calc script -->
<div class="calcform">
<form name="theForm3">
<h2><a name="cemp" id="cemp"></a>You Do the Math: Commuter Express Monthly Pass Vs. Cash</h2>
<div class="formrow-calc">
<div class="calcform-col1">
<label for="trips-cemp">Daily boardings on Commuter Express Bus*:</label>
<input type="text" id="trips-cemp">
<div class="formrow-calc">
<div class="calcform-col1">
<label for="days-cemp">Days you ride Commuter Express <strong>per month</strong>:</label>
<input type="text" id="days-cemp"></div>
<div class="formrow-calc">
<div class="calcform-col1">
<label for="choosezone">Choose Zone:</label>
<select name="zone" id="choosezone">
<option value="Base">Base</option>
<option value="z1">Zone 1</option>
<option value="z2">Zone 2</option>
<option value="z3">Zone 3</option>
<option value="z4">Zone 4</option>
<div class="clear"></div>
<div align="center">
<button type="submit" onclick="doMath3(); return false;" class="btn-submit"><img src="img/btn_savings.png" alt="Show My Yearly Savings"></button>
<div id="answerCemp"></div>
Здеськод, который работает:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
<!-- Begin DASH MP Savings Calc script
function doMath2() {
var one = eval(document.theForm.elements[0].value);
var two = eval(document.theForm.elements[1].value);
var three = one * two;
var yearlyCash = three * .5 * 12;
var prod = yearlyCash - 216;
var answer=document.getElementById("answer")
if (document.theForm.elements[0].value == ""){
alert("Please enter the number of days a month you ride DASH.");
if (document.theForm.elements[1].value == ""){
alert("Please enter the number of times you board a DASH bus daily.");
if (one > 31){
alert("Come now, no month has " + one + " days! Please try again.");
else {
if(prod > 0){
answer.innerHTML="<div class=answerbox><p>If you pay cash, your yearly expense is $" + yearlyCash + ".<br>DASH Monthly Passes cost $216 per year, <strong>a yearly savings of $" + prod + "<\/strong>.<br><strong><a href=http://store.ladottransit.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=LTSO&Product_Code=LADOTDMP1&Category_Code=MP4>Buy a DASH Monthly Pass now.<\/strong><\/a><\/p><\/div>";
else if(prod <= 0){
answer.innerHTML="<div class=answerbox><p>Looks like you don't ride DASH often enough to benefit from purchasing a Monthly Pass. However, you may benefit from the convenience of <strong><a href=http://store.ladottransit.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=LTSO&Product_Code=DTB1&Category_Code=DTB>DASH Ticket Books.<\/a><\/strong><\/p><\/div>";
// End DASH MP Savings Calc script -->
<div class="calcform">
<form name="theForm" action="#">
<h2>You Do the Math: DASH Monthly Pass Vs. Cash</h2>
<div class="formrow-calc">
<div class="calcform-col1">
<label for="trips-dash">Daily boardings on DASH bus*:</label>
<input type="text" name="trips" id="trips-dash">
</div><div class="calcform-col1">
<label for="days-dash">Number of days <strong>per month</strong> you ride DASH:</label>
<input type="text" name="days" id="days-dash">
<div class="clear"></div>
<div align="center">
<button type="submit" onclick="doMath2(); return false;" class="btn-submit">
<img src="img/btn_savings.png" alt="Show My Yearly Savings">
<div id="answer"></div>