Наткнулся на это, может быть полезно для вас:
var myPopupWindow = '';
function openPopupWindow(url, name, width, height)
//Remove special characters from name
name = name.replace(/\/|\-|\./gi, "");
//Remove whitespaces from name
var whitespace = new RegExp("\\s","g");
name = name.replace(whitespace,"");
//If it is already open
if (!myPopupWindow.closed && myPopupWindow.location)
myPopupWindow.location.href = encodeUrl(url);
myPopupWindow= window.open(encodeUrl(url),name, "location=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes, toolbar=no, menubar=no, width=" + width + ", height=" + height );
if (!myPopupWindow.opener) myPopupWindow.opener = self;
//If my main window has focus - set it to the popup
if (window.focus) {myPopupWindow.focus()}