Используйте следующий код в своем приложении:
public class FacebookLogin {
private AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner;
private Facebook facebook;
private Context mContext;
private String mFName;
public static final String[] PERMISSIONS = new String[] {"email", "publish_checkins", "publish_stream","offline_access"};
public FacebookLogin(Context mContext) {
facebook=new Facebook(YOUR_APP_ID);
mAsyncRunner = new AsyncFacebookRunner(facebook);
public void Login() {
facebook.authorize((Activity) mContext,PERMISSIONS,Facebook.FORCE_DIALOG_AUTH,new LoginDialogListener());
public void Logout() throws MalformedURLException, IOException {
public boolean isValidUser() {
return facebook.isSessionValid();
class LoginDialogListener implements DialogListener {
public void onComplete(Bundle values) {
//Save the access token and access expire for future use in shared preferece
String profile=facebook.request("me")
String uid = profile.getString("id");
mFName= profile.optString("first_name");
new Session(facebook, uid, mFName).save(mContext);
public void onFacebookError(FacebookError error) {
displayMessage("Opps..! Check for Internet Connection, Authentication with Facebook failed.");
public void onError(DialogError error) {
displayMessage("Opps..! Check for Internet Connection, Authentication with Facebook failed.");
public void onCancel() {
displayMessage("Authentication with Facebook failed due to Login cancel.");
При входе в систему сохраните маркер доступа к Facebook и истекайте срок действия в ваших общих настройках, а при повторном использовании объекта Facebook установите позже этот токен доступа и истекайте срок действия до Facebookобъект, он не выдаст ошибку, которая возникает в вашем коде.
вы можете использовать следующий класс:
public class Session {
private static Session singleton;
private static Facebook fbLoggingIn;
// The Facebook object
private Facebook fb;
// The user id of the logged in user
private String uid;
// The user name of the logged in user
private String name;
* Constructor
* @param fb
* @param uid
* @param name
public Session(Facebook fb, String uid, String name) {
this.fb = fb;
this.uid = uid;
this.name = name;
* Returns the Facebook object
public Facebook getFb() {
return fb;
* Returns the session user's id
public String getUid() {
return uid;
* Returns the session user's name
public String getName() {
return name;
* Stores the session data on disk.
* @param context
* @return
public boolean save(Context context) {
Editor editor =
context.getSharedPreferences(ConstantsFacebook.KEY, Context.MODE_PRIVATE).edit();
editor.putString(ConstantsFacebook.TOKEN, fb.getAccessToken());
editor.putLong(ConstantsFacebook.EXPIRES, fb.getAccessExpires());
editor.putString(ConstantsFacebook.UID, uid);
editor.putString(ConstantsFacebook.NAME, name);
editor.putString(ConstantsFacebook.APP_ID, fb.getAppId());
if (editor.commit()) {
singleton = this;
return true;
return false;
* Loads the session data from disk.
* @param context
* @return
public static Session restore(Context context) {
if (singleton != null) {
if (singleton.getFb().isSessionValid()) {
return singleton;
} else {
return null;
SharedPreferences prefs =
context.getSharedPreferences(ConstantsFacebook.KEY, Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
String appId = prefs.getString(ConstantsFacebook.APP_ID, null);
if (appId == null) {
return null;
Facebook fb = new Facebook(appId);
fb.setAccessToken(prefs.getString(ConstantsFacebook.TOKEN, null));
fb.setAccessExpires(prefs.getLong(ConstantsFacebook.EXPIRES, 0));
String uid = prefs.getString(ConstantsFacebook.UID, null);
String name = prefs.getString(ConstantsFacebook.NAME, null);
if (!fb.isSessionValid() || uid == null || name == null) {
return null;
Session session = new Session(fb, uid, name);
singleton = session;
return session;
* Clears the saved session data.
* @param context
public static void clearSavedSession(Context context) {
Editor editor =
context.getSharedPreferences(ConstantsFacebook.KEY, Context.MODE_PRIVATE).edit();
singleton = null;
* Freezes a Facebook object while it's waiting for an auth callback.
public static void waitForAuthCallback(Facebook fb) {
fbLoggingIn = fb;
* Returns a Facebook object that's been waiting for an auth callback.
public static Facebook wakeupForAuthCallback() {
Facebook fb = fbLoggingIn;
fbLoggingIn = null;
return fb;
public static String getUserFristName(Context context) {
SharedPreferences prefs =
context.getSharedPreferences(ConstantsFacebook.KEY, Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
String frist_name = prefs.getString(ConstantsFacebook.NAME, null);
return frist_name;
public static boolean checkValidSession(Context context) {
SharedPreferences prefs =
context.getSharedPreferences(ConstantsFacebook.KEY, Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
Boolean login=prefs.getBoolean(ConstantsFacebook.LOGIN_FLAG,false);
return login;