Мне удалось создать эту вещь. Это не красиво, но работает.
# Path the config file, full or relative.
# Read the file into an array
# Count array elements
if($s==($count-1)){ # -1 because of the offset in starting our loop at 0 instead of 1
$s=$_GET['s']+1; # Increment the counter
# Get the line from the array
# Break the line on the comma into 2 entries
# Now each line is in 2 pieces - URL and TimeDelay
# Check our url to see if it has an HTTP prepended, if it doesn't, give it one.
# Trim unwanted crap from the time
# Get a handle to the temp file
# What does our meta refresh look like?
$meta="<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"".$time.";url=index.php?s=".$s."\">\n";
# The iframe to display
$content="<iframe src =\"".$url."\" height=\"100%\" width=\"100%\"></iframe>";
# roll up the meta and content to be written
# Write it
# Close the handle
# Load the page
Файлы конфигурации выглядят так (URL, время оставаться на этой странице):
google.com, 5