Все остальные ответы используют ResXResourceWriter, но для определенных особых случаев может быть целесообразно и лучше просто работать с файлом Resources.resx в качестве XML-документа.
У меня есть особая ситуация, когда я хочу манипулировать записями Resources.resx для набора файлов значков. Может быть до нескольких сотен записей, и я могу рассчитывать на то, что все они будут выглядеть примерно так:
<data name="Incors_workplace2_16x16" type="System.Resources.ResXFileRef, System.Windows.Forms">
<value>..\..\..\..\..\..\Icons\Incors-workplace2-16x16.png;System.Drawing.Bitmap, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a</value>
Я попытался использовать ResXResourceWriter и ResXResourceReader для этой программы, но в итоге я вместо этого открыл различные файлы Resources.resx в виде документов XML и манипулировал ими таким образом. Вся программа слишком велика (и слишком специфична для конкретного приложения), чтобы публиковать ее здесь, но я опубликую несколько фрагментов кода, чтобы показать некоторые методы, которые можно использовать.
/// <summary>
/// Method to load a Resources.resx file (if it exists) as an XML Document object.
/// </summary>
private static XmlDocument LoadResourcesResx(string projectPath)
string fileName = projectPath + @"Properties\Resources.resx";
if (!File.Exists(fileName))
return null;
XmlDocument xdResx = new XmlDocument();
return xdResx;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// Method to fix the names of any resources that contain '-' instead of '_'.
/// </summary>
private static void FixResourceNames(XmlDocument xdResx, ref bool resxModified)
// Loop for all of the <data> elements that have name= attributes (node = "name" attr.)
XmlNodeList xnlDataElements = xdResx.SelectNodes("/root/data/@name");
if (xnlDataElements != null)
foreach (XmlNode xmlNode in xnlDataElements)
// Modify the name= attribute if necessary
string oldDataName = xmlNode.Value;
string newDataName = oldDataName.Replace('-', '_');
if (oldDataName != newDataName)
xmlNode.Value = newDataName;
resxModified = true;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Prepare to add resource nodes to client-basic's Resources.resx file
XmlNode rootNodeBasic = xdResx.SelectSingleNode("/root");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// Sub-method of above method (not included here) to copy a new icon usage from one of the client-maxi projects
/// to the client-basic project.
/// </summary>
private static bool CopyIconToClientBasic(string projectPath, XmlDocument xdResxBasic,
XmlNode rootNodeBasic, XmlNode xmlNodeMaxi)
// Check if this is an icon-based resource, and get the resource name if so
string oldDataName = GetAndCheckResourceName(xmlNodeMaxi);
if (oldDataName == null)
return false;
// Determine if there is a 16x16, 20x20, 24x24, 32x32 or 48x48 version of this icon
// available, picking the lowest size to reduce client-basic assembly increase for a
// resource which will probably never be used
string oldFileName = xmlNodeMaxi.FirstChild.InnerText.Split(';')[0];
string minSize = FindMinimumIconSize(projectPath, oldFileName); // Not included here
if (minSize == null)
return false; // Something wrong, can't find icon file
// Test if client-basic's resources includes a version of this icon for smallest size
string newDataName = oldDataName.Remove(oldDataName.Length - 5) + minSize;
if (xdResxBasic.SelectSingleNode("/root/data[@name='" + newDataName + "']") != null)
return false; // Already in client-basic
// Add the smallest available size version of this icon to the client-basic project
string oldSize = oldDataName.Substring(oldDataName.Length - 5); // "16x16", "20x20"
XmlNode newNodeBasic = xdResxBasic.ImportNode(xmlNodeMaxi, true);
if (newNodeBasic.Attributes != null)
newNodeBasic.Attributes["name"].Value = newDataName; // Maybe force smaller size
newNodeBasic.FirstChild.InnerText =
newNodeBasic.FirstChild.InnerText.Replace(oldSize, minSize);
return true;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// Method to filter out non-icon resources and return the resource name for the icon-based
/// resource in the Resources.resx object.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>name of resource, i.e., name= value, or null if not icon resource</returns>
private static string GetAndCheckResourceName(XmlNode xmlNode)
// Ignore resources that aren't PNG-based icon files with a standard size. This
// includes ignoring ICO-based resources.
if (!xmlNode.FirstChild.InnerText.Contains(";System.Drawing.Bitmap,"))
return null;
if (xmlNode.Attributes == null)
return null;
string dataName = xmlNode.Attributes["name"].Value;
if (dataName.EndsWith("_16x16", StringComparison.Ordinal) ||
dataName.EndsWith("_20x20", StringComparison.Ordinal) ||
dataName.EndsWith("_24x24", StringComparison.Ordinal) ||
dataName.EndsWith("_32x32", StringComparison.Ordinal) ||
dataName.EndsWith("_48x48", StringComparison.Ordinal))
return dataName;
return null;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// It's too messy to create a new node from scratch when not using the ResXResourceWriter
// facility, so we cheat and clone an existing icon entry, the one for Cancel buttons
// Get the Cancel icon name and filename
BuiltInIcon cancelIcon = BuiltInIconNames.FindIconByName(BuiltInIconNames.CCancel);
string cancelIconResourceName = cancelIcon.ResourceName + "_16x16";
// Find it in the Resources.resx file - it should be there
XmlNode cancelIconNode =
xdResxBasic.SelectSingleNode("/root/data[@name='" + cancelIconResourceName + "']");
if (cancelIconNode == null)
PreprocessorMain.DisplayError(0x27b699fu, "Icon " + cancelIconResourceName +
" not found in Resources.resx file.");
return false;
// Make a clone of this node in the Resources.resx file
XmlNode newNode = cancelIconNode.Clone();
if (newNode.Attributes == null) // Not possible?
PreprocessorMain.DisplayError(0x27b8038u, "Node for icon " + cancelIconResourceName +
" not as expected in Resources.resx file.");
return false;
// Modify the cloned XML node to represent the desired icon file/resource and add it to the
// Resources.resx file
newNode.Attributes["name"].Value = iconResourceName;
newNode.InnerText =
newNode.InnerText.Replace(cancelIcon.FileNameNoSize + "-16x16.png", iconFileName);
resxModified = true;