Вот пример того, как можно реализовать монаду ввода-вывода в Java:
package so.io;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import static so.io.IOMonad.*;
import static so.io.ConsoleIO.*;
* This is a type containing no data -- corresponds to () in Haskell.
class Unit {
public final static Unit VALUE = new Unit();
* This type represents a function from A to R
interface Function<A,R> {
public R apply(A argument);
* This type represents an action, yielding type R
interface IO<R> {
* Warning! May have arbitrary side-effects!
R unsafePerformIO();
* This class, internally impure, provides pure interface for action sequencing (aka Monad)
class IOMonad {
static <T> IO<T> pure(final T value) {
return new IO<T>() {
public T unsafePerformIO() {
return value;
static <T> IO<T> join(final IO<IO<T>> action) {
return new IO<T>(){
public T unsafePerformIO() {
return action.unsafePerformIO().unsafePerformIO();
static <A,B> IO<B> fmap(final Function<A,B> func, final IO<A> action) {
return new IO<B>(){
public B unsafePerformIO() {
return func.apply(action.unsafePerformIO());
static <A,B> IO<B> bind(IO<A> action, Function<A, IO<B>> func) {
return join(fmap(func, action));
* This class, internally impure, provides pure interface for interaction with stdin and stdout
class ConsoleIO {
static IO<Unit> putStrLn(final String line) {
return new IO<Unit>() {
public Unit unsafePerformIO() {
return Unit.VALUE;
// Java does not have first-class functions, thus this:
final static Function<String, IO<Unit>> putStrLn = new Function<String, IO<Unit>>() {
public IO<Unit> apply(String argument) {
return putStrLn(argument);
final static BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
static IO<String> getLine = new IO<String>() {
public String unsafePerformIO() {
try {
return in.readLine();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* The program composed out of IO actions in a purely functional manner.
class Main {
* A variant of bind, which discards the bound value.
static IO<Unit> bind_(final IO<Unit> a, final IO<Unit> b) {
return bind(a, new Function<Unit, IO<Unit>>(){
public IO<Unit> apply(Unit argument) {
return b;
* The greeting action -- asks the user for his name and then prints a greeting
final static IO<Unit> greet =
bind_(putStrLn("Enter your name:"),
bind(getLine, new Function<String, IO<Unit>>(){
public IO<Unit> apply(String argument) {
return putStrLn("Hello, " + argument + "!");
* A simple echo action -- reads a line, prints it back
final static IO<Unit> echo = bind(getLine, putStrLn);
* A function taking some action and producing the same action run repeatedly forever (modulo stack overflow :D)
static IO<Unit> loop(final IO<Unit> action) {
return bind(action, new Function<Unit, IO<Unit>>(){
public IO<Unit> apply(Unit argument) {
return loop(action);
* The action corresponding to the whole program
final static IO<Unit> main = bind_(greet, bind_(putStrLn("Entering the echo loop."),loop(echo)));
* The runtime system, doing impure stuff to actually run our program.
public class RTS {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Это система времени выполнения, реализующая интерфейс к консольному вводу-выводу вместе с небольшой чисто функциональной программой, которая приветствует пользователя и затем запускает цикл эха.
Нельзя реализовать небезопасную часть в Haskell, потому что Haskell - это чисто функциональный язык. Это всегда реализуется с помощью средств более низкого уровня.