Вы можете сделать это в определении поля формы, не повышая уровень формы ValidationError, например:
class RegistrationForm(ModelForm):
### Django established methods
# form wide cleaning/validation
def clean_email(self):
""" prevent users from having same emails """
email = self.cleaned_data["email"]
raise forms.ValidationError(
mark_safe(('A user with that email already exists, click this <a href="{0}">Password Reset</a> link'
' to recover your account.').format(urlresolvers.reverse('PasswordResetView')))
except User.DoesNotExist:
return email
### Additional fields
location = forms.RegexField(max_length=255,
regex=r"^[\w' -]+, [\w'-]+, [\w'-]+, [\w'-]+$", #ex 1 Mclure St, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
help_text="location, ex: Suite 212 - 1 Main St, Toronto, Ontario, Canada",
'invalid': mark_safe("Input format: <strong>suite - street</strong>, <strong>city</strong>, "
"<strong>province/state</strong>, <strong><u>country</u></strong>. Only letters, "
"numbers, and '-' allowed.")})