Сначала я придумал быстрый ответ, но потом заметил, что это будет очень плохо.
потому что это просто бред, если кто-то вручную ставит галочки.
<form name="myform" action="checkboxes.asp" method="post">
<input type="checkbox" name="check_list" value="1">apple<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="check_list" value="2">banana<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="check_list" value="3">pear<br>
<div id="checker">Check All</div>
<script type ="text/javascript">
//The toggle code for the div itself
$("#checker").bind("click", function() {
var toggleState = !! jQuery.data(this, "togglestate");
$(document.myform.check_list).each(function() {
this.checked = !toggleState;
$(this).text(toggleState ? "Check All" : "UnCheck All");
jQuery.data(this, "togglestate", !toggleState);
//Keep track of manual ticking of the checkboxes
//- if all checkboxes are ticked manually, change to uncheck all
//- if all checkboxes are unticked manualy, change to check all
$(document.myform).delegate("input[name=check_list]", "change", function() {
var curState, prevState, fullStateChange = true;
//Iterate through the checkboxes to see if all are unticked or if all are ticked
$(document.myform.check_list).each(function() {
curState = this.checked;
if (prevState != null && prevState !== curState) {
fullStateChange = false;
prevState = curState;
//Return as some were ticked and some were not
if (!fullStateChange) {
$("#checker").data("togglestate", curState).text(!curState ? "Check All" : "UnCheck All");
//React to initial state of the checkbuttons
$(document.myform.check_list).trigger( "change" );