Несколько замечательных предложений.Мне нравится решать эти ситуации следующим образом.Я переработал ваш код, чтобы полностью удалить условные выражения.Вместо этого я инкапсулировал код для каждого условия в метод и создал хеш-таблицу с ключом типа int
и значением типа Action
.Я получил уникальное значение для каждой комбинации шлем / гараж, которое затем используется в качестве ключа для соответствующего метода.
Я включил фиктивные реализации для фрагментов кода, которых нет в вашем посте, чтобыскомпилируйте и запустите мой рефакторированный пример.Надеюсь, это поможет.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
namespace StackOverflow
public enum HelmetState { Null = 1, Empty = 2, HasValue = 3 }
public enum GarageState { Null = 4, Empty = 5, HasValue = 6 }
public class ReducingConditionals
private TrackEventCost trackEventCost = new TrackEventCost();
private GetHelmets getHelmets = new GetHelmets();
private GetGarages getGarages = new GetGarages();
private IDictionary<int, Action> ExecuteCondition;
//the formvalues collection
private Hashtable _formvalues;
public Hashtable formvalues{ get { return _formvalues ?? (_formvalues = new Hashtable()); } }
//set up dictionary of Actions
public ReducingConditionals()
ExecuteCondition = new Dictionary<int, Action>();
ExecuteCondition[Key(HelmetState.Null, GarageState.Null)] = HelmetsNullGaragesNull;
ExecuteCondition[Key(HelmetState.Null, GarageState.Empty)] = HelmetsNullGaragesEmpty;
ExecuteCondition[Key(HelmetState.Null, GarageState.HasValue)] = HelmetsNullGaragesHasValue;
ExecuteCondition[Key(HelmetState.Empty, GarageState.Null)] = HelmetsEmptyGaragesNull;
ExecuteCondition[Key(HelmetState.Empty, GarageState.Empty)] = HelmetsEmptyGaragesEmpty;
ExecuteCondition[Key(HelmetState.Empty, GarageState.Empty)] = HelmetsEmptyGaragesHasValue;
ExecuteCondition[Key(HelmetState.HasValue, GarageState.Empty)] = HelmetsHasValueGaragesNull;
ExecuteCondition[Key(HelmetState.HasValue, GarageState.Null)] = HelmetsHasValueGaragesEmpty;
ExecuteCondition[Key(HelmetState.HasValue, GarageState.HasValue)] = AnyOtherCondition;
//gets a unique value for each HelmetState/GarageState combination to be used as a key to the dictionary
private int Key(HelmetState helmetState, GarageState garageState)
return (int)helmetState + (int)garageState;
//Execute the appropriate method - n.b. no if statements in sight!
public void DealWithConditions()
HelmetState helmetState = GetHelmetState(formvalues["helmets"]);
GarageState garageState = GetGarageState(formvalues["garages"]);
ExecuteCondition[Key(helmetState, garageState)]();
//assign helmet state enum
private HelmetState GetHelmetState(object helmetValue)
if (helmetValue == null) return HelmetState.Null;
if (helmetValue.ToString() == "") return HelmetState.Empty;
if (Convert.ToInt32(helmetValue) > 0) return HelmetState.HasValue;
throw new InvalidDataException("Unexpected parameter value");
//assign garage state enum
private GarageState GetGarageState(object garageValue)
if (garageValue == null) return GarageState.Null;
if (garageValue.ToString() == "") return GarageState.Empty;
if (Convert.ToInt32(garageValue) > 0) return GarageState.HasValue;
throw new InvalidDataException("Unexpected parameter value");
#region encapsulate conditions in methods
private void AnyOtherCondition()
ViewBag.hideHelmet = 0;//for jquery , This value is passed to jquery script which then decides which field to hide/show
ViewBag.hideGarages = 0;//for jquery , This value is passed to jquery script which then decides which field to hide/show
ViewBag.SelectedHelmets = Convert.ToInt32(formvalues["helmets"]);
ViewBag.SelectedGarages = Convert.ToInt32(formvalues["garages"]);
ViewBag.TotalHelmets = Convert.ToInt32(formvalues["helmets"]) * getHelmets.UnitCost;
ViewBag.TotalGarages = Convert.ToInt32(formvalues["garages"]) * getGarages.UnitCost;
ViewBag.TotalAmount = ViewBag.TotalHelmets + ViewBag.TotalGarages + trackEventCost.UnitCost;
private void HelmetsHasValueGaragesNull()
ViewBag.hideHelmet = 1; //for jquery , This value is passed to jquery script which then decides which field to hide/show
ViewBag.hideGarages = 0; //for jquery , This value is passed to jquery script which then decides which field to hide/show
ViewBag.TotalHelmets = Convert.ToInt32(formvalues["helmets"]) * getHelmets.UnitCost;
ViewBag.TotalAmount = ViewBag.TotalHelmets + trackEventCost.UnitCost;
private void HelmetsNullGaragesHasValue()
ViewBag.hideHelmet = 0; //for jquery , This value is passed to jquery script which then decides which field to hide/show
ViewBag.hideGarages = 1; //for jquery , This value is passed to jquery script which then decides which field to hide/show
ViewBag.SelectedGarages = Convert.ToInt32(formvalues["garages"]);
ViewBag.TotalGarages = Convert.ToInt32(formvalues["garages"]) * getGarages.UnitCost;
ViewBag.TotalAmount = ViewBag.TotalGarages + trackEventCost.UnitCost;
private void HelmetsNullGaragesNull()
ViewBag.SelectedHelmets = 1;//for jquery, This value is passed to jquery script which then decides which field to hide/show
ViewBag.SelectedGarages = 1;//for jquery, This value is passed to jquery script which then decides which field to hide/show
ViewBag.TotalHelmets = 1;
ViewBag.TotalGarages = 1;
ViewBag.hideHelmet = 1;
ViewBag.hideGarages = 1;
ViewBag.TotalAmount = trackEventCost.UnitCost;
private void HelmetsEmptyGaragesNull()
ViewBag.hideHelmet = 1;//for jquery, This value is passed to jquery script which then decides which field to hide/show
ViewBag.hideGarages = 1;//for jquery, This value is passed to jquery script which then decides which field to hide/show
ViewBag.SelectedHelmets = 1;
ViewBag.TotalAmount = trackEventCost.UnitCost;
private void HelmetsNullGaragesEmpty()
ViewBag.hideHelmet = 1;//for jquery, This value is passed to jquery script which then decides which field to hide/show
ViewBag.hideGarages = 1;//for jquery, This value is passed to jquery script which then decides which field to hide/show
ViewBag.TotalAmount = trackEventCost.UnitCost;
private void HelmetsHasValueGaragesEmpty()
ViewBag.hideHelmet = 1;//for jquery, This value is passed to jquery script which then decides which field to hide/show
ViewBag.hideGarages = 0;//for jquery, This value is passed to jquery script which then decides which field to hide/show
ViewBag.SelectedGarages = 1;
ViewBag.SelectedHelmets = Convert.ToInt32(formvalues["helmets"]);
ViewBag.TotalGarages = 1;
ViewBag.TotalHelmets = Convert.ToInt32(formvalues["helmets"]) * getGarages.UnitCost;
ViewBag.TotalAmount = ViewBag.TotalHelmets + trackEventCost.UnitCost;
private void HelmetsEmptyGaragesHasValue()
ViewBag.hideHelmet = 0;//for jquery, This value is passed to jquery script which then decides which field to hide/show
ViewBag.hideGarages = 1;//for jquery, This value is passed to jquery script which then decides which field to hide/show
ViewBag.SelectedHelmets = 1;
ViewBag.SelectedGarages = Convert.ToInt32(formvalues["garages"]);
ViewBag.TotalHelmets = 1;
ViewBag.TotalGarages = Convert.ToInt32(formvalues["garages"]) * getGarages.UnitCost;
ViewBag.TotalAmount = ViewBag.TotalGarages + trackEventCost.UnitCost;
private void HelmetsEmptyGaragesEmpty()
ViewBag.hideHelmet = 1;//for jquery, This value is passed to jquery script which then decides which field to hide/show
ViewBag.hideGarages = 1;//for jquery, This value is passed to jquery script which then decides which field to hide/show
ViewBag.SelectedHelmets = 1;//
ViewBag.SelectedGarages = 1;//
ViewBag.TotalHelmets = 1;
ViewBag.TotalGarages = 1;
ViewBag.TotalAmount = 1;
ViewBag.TotalAmount = trackEventCost.UnitCost;
#region dummy class class implementations
public class ViewBag
public static int TotalAmount;
public static int hideHelmet { get; set; }
public static int hideGarages { get; set; }
public static int SelectedHelmets { get; set; }
public static int SelectedGarages { get; set; }
public static int TotalGarages { get; set; }
public static int TotalHelmets { get; set; }
internal class GetGarages { public int UnitCost; }
internal class GetHelmets { public int UnitCost; }
internal class TrackEventCost{ public int UnitCost;}