Вот скрипт, который я недавно написал, который показывает, как публиковать твиты с геотегами.При этом используется WebClient.
Вставка кода здесь для удобства.
Function ByPass-Proxy {
param ([string]$url)
Function Get-GeoCoordinates {
param ([String]$location)
$baseURL = "http://maps.google.com/maps/geo?q="
$apiKey = "Your API Key"
$url = $baseURL + $location + "&output=xml&sensor=false&key=" + $apiKey
$locCoords = (([xml]($WebClient.DownloadString($url))).kml.Response.Placemark.Point.coordinates)
return $locCoords
Function Send-Tweet {
param ([string]$Tweet,[string]$location)
$geoCoord = Get-GeoCoordinates $location
$long = $geoCoord.Split(",")[0]
$lat = $geoCoord.Split(",")[1]
$TwitURL = "http://twitter.com/statuses/update.xml"
$WebClient.Credentials = $TwitCredentials
#$str = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes( "status=" + $Tweet + "&lat=" + $lat + "&long=" + $long )
$str = "status=" + $Tweet + "&lat=" + $lat + "&long=" + $long
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::Expect100Continue = $false
$response = $WebClient.UploadString($TwitURL,$str)
function Get-Credential {
## Grabbed this from http://poshcode.org/1480
if( $UserName -is [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]) {
return $UserName
} elseif($UserName -ne $null) {
$UserName = $UserName.ToString()
if($Inline) {
if($Title) { Write-Host $Title }
if($Message) { Write-Host $Message }
if($Domain) {
if($UserName -and $UserName -notmatch "[@\\]") {
$UserName = "${Domain}\${UserName}"
if(!$UserName) {
$UserName = Read-Host "User"
if(($Domain -OR !$GenericCredentials) -and $UserName -notmatch "[@\\]") {
$UserName = "${Domain}\${UserName}"
return New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential $UserName,$(Read-Host "Password for user $UserName" -AsSecureString)
if($GenericCredentials) { $Credential = "Generic" } else { $Credential = "Domain" }
## Now call the Host.UI method ... if they don't have one, we'll die, yay.
## BugBug? PowerShell.exe disregards the last parameter
$Host.UI.PromptForCredential($Title, $Message, $UserName, $Domain, $Credential,"Default")
$global:webClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$global:TwitCredentials = Get-Credential -title "Twitter Credentials" -message "Please enter your Twitter username/password"
If (!(ByPass-Proxy "http://www.twitter.com")) {
$global:Webclient.proxy.Credentials = Get-Credential -title "Proxy Credentials" -message "Please enter username/password for Proxy authentication"