Я предварительно вычисляю желаемую ширину таблицы и передаю ее в следующую Fit
Sub Fit(pTable As Word.Table, pWidth As Integer)
Dim oCell As Word.Cell
Dim oRefCell As Word.Cell
Dim oDict As New Scripting.Dictionary
Dim nThisColumnWidth As Double
Dim nTableWidth As Double
Dim oToFit As New Collection
Call pTable.AutoFitBehavior(wdAutoFitContent)
For Each oCell In pTable.Range.Cells
If Len(oCell.Range.Text) > 8 Then
Call oDict.Add(oCell, Len(oCell.Range.Text))
End If
Set oDict = SortDict(oDict)
For Each oCell In oDict
Let nTableWidth = 0
For Each oRefCell In pTable.Rows(1).Cells
Let nTableWidth = nTableWidth + oRefCell.Width
If nTableWidth < pWidth Then
Exit For
End If
oCell.Range.Font.Hidden = True
Call oToFit.Add(oCell)
For Each oCell In oToFit
oCell.FitText = True
oCell.Range.Font.Hidden = False
Call pTable.AutoFitBehavior(wdAutoFitWindow)
End Sub
Function SortDict(ByRef oDict)
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim oKeys
oKeys = oDict.Keys
Call QuickSort(oDict, oKeys)
Set SortDict = New Scripting.Dictionary
For i = UBound(oKeys) To LBound(oKeys) Step -1
Call SortDict.Add(oKeys(i), oDict.Item(oKeys(i)))
End Function
Public Sub QuickSort(ByRef oDict, ByRef pvarArray As Variant, Optional ByVal plngLeft As Long, Optional ByVal plngRight As Long)
Dim lngFirst As Long
Dim lngLast As Long
Dim varMid As Long
Dim varSwap As Variant
If plngRight = 0 Then
plngLeft = LBound(pvarArray)
plngRight = UBound(pvarArray)
End If
lngFirst = plngLeft
lngLast = plngRight
varMid = oDict.Item(pvarArray((plngLeft + plngRight) \ 2))
Do While oDict.Item(pvarArray(lngFirst)) < varMid And lngFirst < plngRight
lngFirst = lngFirst + 1
Do While varMid < oDict.Item(pvarArray(lngLast)) And lngLast > plngLeft
lngLast = lngLast - 1
If lngFirst <= lngLast Then
Set varSwap = pvarArray(lngFirst)
Set pvarArray(lngFirst) = pvarArray(lngLast)
Set pvarArray(lngLast) = varSwap
lngFirst = lngFirst + 1
lngLast = lngLast - 1
End If
Loop Until lngFirst > lngLast
If plngLeft < lngLast Then QuickSort oDict, pvarArray, plngLeft, lngLast
If lngFirst < plngRight Then QuickSort oDict, pvarArray, lngFirst, plngRight
End Sub
кредит vbforums за алгоритм сортировки